My Superhero (RIP) 1994-2004 It was a good run, boys.My 1959 Ford Country Sedan, hockey games, political activism, writing music, buying vintage jackets, AM talk radio, ebay, collecting old useless clutter, bass guitars, Coast to Coast AM, playin the blues with the boys, skateboarding (the bones brigade days), fishing, three card poker, being near water and a mountain, and finally- Vast right-wing politics. George Bush, it's time to go.
People of the vast right wing conspiracy! Original cast of the A-Team. ummmmm... a talking goat.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
Alex Jones presents: Endgame
Check out this amazing video of the Stanley Cup USA National Anthem (from the game the Ducks won the cup!)For some reason, NBC did not air it on national television.
1959 Ford Ranch Wagon
Dr. Jorome Corsi speaking about the S.P.P. & N.A.U. (north anerican union)
Bill O'reilly and Michael Savage 2003
Ben Folds Five, PINBACK, the Ziggins, descendents, Minutemen, super drag, Hank Williams, The Rentals, the fray, The EELS, CAKE, fIREHOSE, coldplay, jimmy eat world, frank sinatra, the beatles, teenage fanclub, Mike Watt, D. Boon, The Replacements, that dog, matt sharp, get up kids, Benny Goodman, Cash, The Police, My Superhero, Barney's Bicycle, trashcan sinatras, Counting Crows, supergrass, Buddy Holly, The Stone Roses, The Who, Elvis Costello, Joe Jackson, World Party, Jellyfish, Weezer (the matt sharp days) The Bens, No Knife, The Specials, The selecter, radiohead, the aquabats, and many many more.
anything with Adam Sandler and his usual support crew, the Blues Brothers, old school Bones Brigade movies
Glenn Beck, NHL, Anaheim Ducks, Fox news
anything written by Michael Savage
President Reagan, Dr. Savage, Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, Jim Gilchrist, Alex Jones, George Nory, Art Bell, Tom Tancredo, Rep. Duncan Hunter, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher. Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean.