Allie Leigh profile picture

Allie Leigh

Every time I go to the doctor I get a jacket, a straight one. It makes me feel special because I get

About Me

Layout Provided By - Myspace LayoutsTo start off... my name is ALLISON, but my friends call me ALLIE now, so take ur pick!! Sometimes I think I just type or write ALLIE because I'm too lazy to write or type ALLISON... I'm a VERY laid back person, it takes a lot for me to not like you! :) I'm a HUGE NFL fan!!!! (GO COLTS!) So on Sundays and Monday nights I'm usually at home watching football...during football season anyway. I also LOVE NHL (Go Thrashers...and MAPLE LEAFS!!!) I have an amazing family and some really good friends. I love to just sit around and be goofy...that's what I'm best at. I'm not gonna lie, I think I have a kickass personality. I'm the type of girl who can have fun just sitting at home watching TV with yah, which is what I'd rather do most of the time... I'm easy to get along with, VERY easy to get along with. Recently I realized who my "true friends" were, which came out to be very few. Too many people around here are so damn fake and it's really sad. It works out for the best, I'm glad I got the chance to realize who should and should not be a part of my life. I don't expect anything from anyone. I'm a very simple person... Sometimes I think I am waaaay too nice, but I DO tend to have a bad temper, which doesn't come out that often... but when it does, it's not good so watch out :) I believe in second chances, unless you've really screwed me over somehow. Some people just simply don't deserve a second chance. I'm very forgiving. The most important thing to me is... If you have a problem with me for some odd reason, DO NOT BRING MY FAMILY INTO IT. Don't mess with my family, I don't like that. I can take up for myself. I'm a very strong woman! A lot of times I say the most random things, but it makes people laugh and I love making people happy. I put others before myself and sometimes that's not a good thing, especially when people don't appreciate it, or if it makes me miserable. I've been through a lot, a lot more than most pepole I've ever met, and a lot more than people even know about. Here's a few more things you might find interesting::...I lOvE mY eTnIeS!... ...i WeAr WiFeBeaTerS All ThE TimE... ...My FaVoritE coloRS ARE pINk and BlaCK... ...My fAvoRIte banDS aRe HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD AnD SLIPKNOT... ...I haTe faKe pEoPlE... ...I haVe 14 pieRCiNgs... ...6 iN eAcH eaR... ...BeLLyBuTTon... ...NoSe... ...i hAVe 3 taTToOs... ...mY ceLL pHOne Is aN LG ChOcoLatE... ...i'M ScAReD of MIdgETs aND ClowNS... ...I DrIve a GrEeN AcurA InTegRa, 5 SpEeD... ...i HAteE bLacK and BrowN ToGethER... ...I dON't FollOW TrEndS... ...If YoU doN't LiKe me, whATeVeRRrR... ...I lOVe tO gO tO HoCKeY GaMes... ...AmAnDA HaS BeeN mY Best fRieNd SincE KinDerGarDen... ...I haVe an OlDer BrOtheR aNd SiSTeR... ...I lOvE my CAT naMed ToBeE... ...i LoVEeE NFL... ...I caN beComE SomEoneS BesT FrIend... ...I caN beComE somEonEs woRsT EnEmY... ..i WiLl NOT cHanGe Who I aM fOR AnyONe...

My Interests

NASCAR,NFL and NHL!!... I'm an NFL FREAK, no joke. I know more about football than most of my guy friends! ha!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone Who Can Make Me Laugh!!! Like Shaun White for example...



Goodfellas, Napolean Dynomite, Benchwarmers, Just Friends, Jackass, Jackass 2, Day After Tomorrow, Tommy Boy, Zoolander, World Trade Center, United 93, Black Sheep, MANY, MANY, MANY MORE! But my favorite movie of all time has to be STAND BY ME!:


24, Prison Break...these shows are killing every other show out there!!!


My favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird


My Granny. She's battled breast and colon cancer and survived both! She just turned 87...but she doesn't act like it! I'm in love with the new Superman... So he's my hero!

My Blog


It honestly takes soooo much to piss me off... but if for some odd reason you feel like pissing me off, here's how to do it! haha!:: 1:: IF I'M NOT RETURNING YOUR PHONE CALLS, THERE IS A REASON FOR IT...
Posted by Myspace Gangstah on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 03:14:00 PST


I'm the kind of person who would do anything in the world for anyone, whether I've known you for 10 years or 10 minutes. I'm always here for anyone that might need me. But almost everytime I do someth...
Posted by Myspace Gangstah on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 09:14:00 PST

My NFL Picks This Week...

              I KNOW I'm going to get a LOT of comments, bad comments and what not, 'cause of this, but I don't care!! This is...
Posted by Myspace Gangstah on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 10:40:00 PST