Woods (R-VA) profile picture

Woods (R-VA)

War has never solved anything, but Slavery, Nazism, Fascism, Communism, and NOW Terrorism. Those God

About Me

.. Now Status Icons
!Toni!~THE Future Ann Coulter

*Future Lawyer*

*Political Mastermind (R-VA)*



--I LOVE Politics! They're my life! I'm an American Conservative Republican-IN THAT ORDER!!! -I'm totally fascinated and intrigued by history and government. -Ann Coulter is my hero! The epitamy of what I want to be someday. -I love Law and the study of it!, hints-Future Lawyer. -Latin IS my passion and I'm pretty DAMN good at it. -Ronald Reagan was the GREATEST President ever! It's unfortunate that his patriotism and keen insight is not with us today. -Editiorials are pretty much my thing. -I'm a Mastermind when it comes to Political Satire! I hope to one day achieve half the wit and brilliant intellect of the "Coultergeist." -I am a hopeful conservative pundit extraordinare!

*Plans: Go to Bowdoin College in Maine; Double Major in History and Political Science; Go to Law school; Become a kick-ass lawyer; Write for a syndacite like Ann Coulter; Run for public office (Senate); Become an elected politician; and KICK some ASS in D.C.

*I HATE Abortion, Femi-Nazis, Political Correctness, Ignorance, Hippies, the Vagina Monologues, Bill&Hill Clinton, The New York Times, Al Franken, Hypocrisy, War-Opposers who are so CLUELESS, Morons who interject in YOUR EVERYday conversations, People who give their opinions when they are neither asked nor desired, Being in a state of conundrum, Lunatics who burn the flag "in protest," Those who won't stand for something, but fall for anything, and the list most definitely goes on.......
*You'll NEVER find another like me! If you don't like me, there is a 100% chance that the feeling is mutual. I've been called every name in the book, so nothing you say will phase me :) . Hatemail is really expected nowadays, so no matter how outrageous you might think you are-I'm just as outrageous+++millions more! I don't give a damn if I offend you. Welcome to the real world-get used to it! I'll exploit or expose anyone/anything I dub liberal, imcompetent, unrealistic, moronic, or just plain ignorant. If you're a liberal, I've most likely called you a moron, moronic, or moronically challenged. Probably the best advice I can give anyone regarding myself is: You either love me or hate me! There is no in between. It's a world of black and white! You NEVER have to worry about NOT knowing where I stand on an issue because I pretty much publicize or vocalize it sometime/somewhere. I'd be happy to clarify misconceptions or repeat anything I've previously said before because I wouldn't take ANY of it back for the world!

**Ask me anything...I'm never shy to shed my insight-after all it's the most important, right! :) Hopefully someday Ann will be proud

Instead of the Dutchess, I am...*The Coultress*

SO! you think you know?....LETS DEBATE!

NOTE: I founded the FIRST Conservative Club in Amherst County High School History and we've already made headlines!!!! If you would like ANY information regarding the club, please don't hesitate to email me or ask via any form of communication.

***Young Conservatives***

My Interests

*Politics, *Conservative views, *Law, *Debate, *Ann Coulter, *Journalism, *Chemistry, *GOP, *Liberalism and its incalculable evil, * Reading, *History, *Writing, *Latin, *Oratory, *Conservative activism, *My blog,, *Tennis!

I'd like to meet:

Ann Coulter, Nancy Grace, Sean Hannity, Michael Reagan, Phyllis Schaflay, Bill O'reilly, Kate Obenshain Griffin, GW-Bush, Laura Bush, George Allen, Glen Beck, John McCain, Dick Cheney, Veterans of any war, Fellow anti-abortionists, Historians, American Patriots, Debaters, and anyone politically driven and interested in intellectual dialogue.

Create your own friendquiz here


I listen to EVERYTHNG! Fergie=


OHHHHH SOOOO MANY!!! *Memoirs of a Geisha, *Enemy at the Gates, *The Illusionist, *United 93, *I am Sam, *Farenhype 9-11, *Wedding Crashers, *Just Friends, *Kingdom of Heaven, *Lord of the Rings, *Taladega Nights


Unfortunately, ALL Reality TV shows and basically EVERYTHING has become pure filth and disgusts me, so I rarely turn on my television ! However, I make exceptions for these select few circumstances:*The State of the Union, *A National Crisis, *Ann Coulter-whenever she's on! *Nancy Grace-on occasision. *Sean Hannity-usually when I'm afforded the time and/or a huge resolution has been passed and is getting a lot of media coverage. *Glen Beck-sometimes when I'm at LC's. *CSPAN-LOOOOOOVE it! Probably my fav. channel on the telly. *Foxnews-the MOST trusted name in news.



Godless: The Church of Liberalism

Musclehead Revolution

How to talk to a Liberal (If you must)

ANYTHING BY MY ANN!- Treason, Slander, High Crimes and Misdameanors

Nancy Grace-Objection!

Bill O'reilly and the LATEST-The Culture Warrior

Randoms: Melanie Morgan, John Barletta, Sean Hannity, Michelle Malkin, Wuthering Heights, Dinesh Dinosh, Ayn Rand, Cicero, Plato, Socrates, Suetonius, Vergil, Anything Roman or Greek related.


Ann Coulter...Epitamy of what I want to be someday! I'm the *Coultress* I love you Ann! You've been such an inspiration to me as a young conservative; and I only hope for half of your wit and brilliance someday.

Nancy Grace...another fav! I LOVE YOU NANCY GRACE!!! You're the most inspirational advocate for Victim's Rights and I adore you endlessely! You're the prosecutor that I hope to be someday!

Ronald Reagan...the BEST President America has had the privilege of inagurating. I'm a Reaganite!
Pat X.-YAF Changed my Life FOREVER!!!

Now for the Locals:
My NaNa-"Deba"-She's the reason I've come as far as I have; My "LC"-I love you endless amounts AND I couldn't have made it without you and your rescue missions. We have our own world together and I love it!; Mrs. Ferrell-My Future Law Colleague...you're my inspiration and I look forward to COUNTLESS Political Fiascoes with you :)!; Mrs. Rucker-You're so damn smart, sweet, mysterious, and hysterically funny! Never met anyone like you!; PJ-BEST English Teacher a person could wish for! I love words because of you...I look forward to new vocab. every week :); Mrs. Cabell-Most intelligent MATHMATICIAN I've ever met! I know you'd get a perfect score on the math SAT (Even if you can't spell :); Mrs. Ratliff-Sweetest and one of the MOST caring people I've had the privilige of calling my teacher...Thanks for helping with my Club!!! I promise to be *positive*; Doc. Longanecker-You have the best stories and you make Geography SO FUN!; Mrs. Greene-I love Chemistry because of you! What a Zealot!; Sandy Jones-You're one of ambiguity,(and ridiculously funny!; Anyone who is living their dreams despite the fact that EVERYONE doubted them. GO GET 'EM! And most recently, the God that many of you DON'T serve that has kept me through the good, but mostly bad...and will hopefully continue to allow me growth and prosperity. It's been a rough and bumpy ride, but without your undying love and security I could have never come as far as I have. "There are no orphans of God!"

My Blog

The Right-Wing Conspiracy...

By professing to be a Republican in the two general elections of my political "career," I am an unwavering Republican reprobate and I subscribe to ANY AND ALL conservative political stances. This "sub...
Posted by *!Toni!* THE-FutureAnnCoulter on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 04:50:00 PST

ACTUALLY, Senator Kerry...your figures are WRONG!!!

"you know education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't you get stuck in Iraq." ANOTHER lamebrain,...
Posted by *!Toni!* THE-FutureAnnCoulter on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 02:19:00 PST

Young Conservative Americans For Freedom...VERY FIRST MEETING!

I recently founded the First Conservative/Republican club at our high school-ACHS. I'm very excited to announce our first club meeting which will be on Tuesday, October 17th. It will be from 3-4p.m in...
Posted by *!Toni!* THE-FutureAnnCoulter on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 07:51:00 PST


I found out today I'm editor of the school newspaper's editorial&opinions column.  I'M SOOOOOOO HAPPY!  Amy and I are working together on this and its going to be the best school newspa...
Posted by *!Toni!* THE-FutureAnnCoulter on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 03:28:00 PST

The Vagina Monologues...What a CROCK!

Most normal people don't associate Valentine's Day with prostitution, exhibitionism and statutory rape - but that's not how feminist activists would have it.Those are just a few of the activities cele...
Posted by *!Toni!* THE-FutureAnnCoulter on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 05:58:00 PST

MY Personal Closure to 5 Dead Childrens' Injustice ~sad~

Yes, I know most of you are thinking something along the lines of, when will this girl shut-up about something she can't change...I will AS SOON AS YOU ALL HEAR ME OUT! ***Dayroom with tele...
Posted by *!Toni!* THE-FutureAnnCoulter on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 11:20:00 PST

Andrea Yates retrial!

As you are reading this...the jury of 6 men and 6 women in Houston, Texas are most likely deliberating wheather or not a brutally, completely sane according to the law, mother named&nbs...
Posted by *!Toni!* THE-FutureAnnCoulter on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 09:35:00 PST

Win some...Lose some?

Just a few days ago, the Senate debated on wheather or not to pass HR810, a bill which would require the government to fully fund stem-cell research.  I was frantically eager to see what wou...
Posted by *!Toni!* THE-FutureAnnCoulter on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 06:46:00 PST

The Update I promised

So...I'm now home from D.C. Thank God!  I had the time of my life.  I met some of the greatest ppl in the world and I have so much to show for it!!!  Well I had to take the greyhound th...
Posted by *!Toni!* THE-FutureAnnCoulter on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 09:47:00 PST

Constitutional Admendment regarding Desecration of American Flag!

Wtf are these dumbass democrats thinking??? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060628/ap_on_g o_co/flag_amendmentSo, we're one fucking vote away from having the senate pass the constitutional ...
Posted by *!Toni!* THE-FutureAnnCoulter on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 11:06:00 PST