Hey Everybody,
I have a Gemini mid-heaven…do you know what that means? It means that I am blessed with 2 careers in this lifetime, both related to communication. So… I started off as a singer/songwriter like you hear on this site, AND now… I’m a world respected Intuitive Counselor and author on the same subject with a best selling book: Remembering the Future, the Path to Recovering Intuition, published by HayHouse Inc.
I will be touring the ...BOOK... in 2007 with America’s most beloved New York Times best selling author and psychic, SYLVIA BROWNE. Larry King of CNN fame calls her the Great Dame of Psychics. Together we’ll astound you with an experience into the realms of spiritual phenomena as we do live audience readings. An experience you won’t soon forget. And besides the inspirational messages we deliver, Sylvia is a riot, the Grand mother you want to be adopted by. And I’ve been known to deliver a laugh as well. But what we do is no joke. It’s inspirational, heartwarming, introspective, and great guidance for all; no matter what your denomination. If you’ve never seen anything like us, then come check it out… at least once. It’ll truly be a special evening. But be careful, we’re addictive. Check out the dates below to see when we will be near you.
Now, have fun, enjoy MySpace, take a trip over to my official site and learn more about me, my book, my music, my radio program on HayHouse radio every Thursday at 7 pm est.; free archived podcasts available anytime. Sign up for my news letter and get a chance to win a free half hour intuitive reading. You can also get an e-mail reading, join our members lounge and get free daily oracle offerings, downloadable meditations… and so much more. What are you waiting for? ….go….come on, get going…………………….you still here? :)
Peace and Love
Feb 26