WWW.FIRETHEGRID.COM--------------------------------------Spi rituality, nature, metaphysics, photography, music, reading, writing, philosophy, biology, psychology, astrology, sociology, botany, and dozens other things in between...The sound of waves hitting the beach bathed in moonlight at 4am.... I love gardening, riding motorcycles, walking and hiking,creating bath products and jewelry, and scrapbooking... I love attending lectures, classes, and concerts!!.. More than anything...I love learning and having fun!
Today its Will Ackerman, Jim Brickman, Einstein, Eknath Easwaran, and David Cavagnaro.... Leo Buscalia, Jesus, and Buddha today... Garland Landrith again... Gary Girouard for this day..and the next.. and the next. just to listen.. and listen.. and listen... The eyes in my dreams... The Guides who guide me the most.. and the guides who guide me the least.. Deepak Chopra is my choice this day.. Colette Baron Reid as well.. These two just may happen this year! Whohooo! WHOOHOO is right! I got to meet Colette! Deepak is next! crossing my fingers!
Love all types of music in the right mood, but especially folk, strings, country, easy listening,smooth jazz, soft rock, blues, & alternitive.
Braveheart & Overboard are my 2 most favorite of all times. I could watch The Sound of Music a thousand times more and Twister too..
Dont do TV too often, but when I do it tends to be the Food Channel, History, TLC, Travel, or HGTV.
My 2 alltime favorites are "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran and "Living Loving & Learning" by Leo Buscalia.. Besides nature, books were my very first true love...Its a lifelong affair that'll never end..
Anyone, great or small who have overcome and triumphed against adversity... Those who look to the Universe and their surroundings to find the Love that supports us all.