"VOICES FROM THE GRAVES" is a mystery/thriller/horror film
Starring: Fred Williamson (from Dusk til Dawn,Starsky and Hutch the movie),Emmy nominated William Smith (Conan The Barbarian, Red Dawn, The Outsiders) Clem Caserta (Goodfellas, Casino, Analyze This), Robert Z'Dar (Tango and Cash, Mobsters, Maniac Cop 1,2 and 3), Ron Dean(Cocktail, Thee Fugitive), Joey Travolta (John Travolta's brother) Dustin Diamond (Screech, from Saved By The Bell) Tane McClure (Legally Blonde, Cruel Intentions), Linnea Quigley(Return of the living Dead),Joe Estevez, Nick Kanari,Michelle Sheilds, Ron Keck, Jai Li Wong, Diann Thompson, Edward Fogel, James Vallo, Katie Keef, and Tony DeGuide.
Additional Cast includes Markus James, Lonie Chubb, Sandra Archer, Terry Archer,John DeGuide, Danielle Carter, Rick Stroebel, Nino DiCosola, Bob Farster, Wendy George, Bobby "Slash" Konstantellos, Billy Pellerinos, Stan Janis, Haley Nero, Tony Passerella, Brianna Blaque, Kevin Brooks and Shimon Almazag, Brian Pozgai, Michelle Wood, Mary Ellyn Wynn, Steven Jacobs, Suzy Brack, Craig Stover .
The Film includes the work of Executive Producers Tony DeGuide and Nick Kanari, Co-executive Producers Tony Imburgia, Bobby Konstantelos. CoProducers Robert Zdar and Charlie Dreher, Associate-Producers Debbie Durkin, Wanda Harvey and Chris Free. Sound Engineer Scott Grehnke, Casting associate Andrea Young, Art Director Addriana Lopez, Set Painter Mark Carrillo,Set Construction Craig Stover, grips- Steven Jacobs Web designer Markus James, Director of Photography Jonathan Cohon and Jeffrey Ackil, Directed by Tony DeGuide.
This motion picture includes a collection of musical talents incuding Petra Luna, Perry Jordan and the Heartsfield band, Reggie Benjamin-Americas first Indian pop-star, Gregg Potter, Fokus and many others to be named at a later date.
This film produced by Windy City Films in association with Chicago Motion Picture Studios. Chicago,IL. 312-850-2888. Shot at CHICAGO MOTION PICTURE STUDIOS.....distributed by American Motion Picture Distribution Corp.