We would love to network with other film makers, actors/actresses, fans of our CAST, fans of our film/s, fans of our genre. Feel free to email us, comment about us and network with us. Movie Fans we especially want to thank you for taking your time to get to know us and for checking out our film. We hope you love our extraordinary cast and cutting edge style filming. You will see a very unique motion picture in "Business of Death" that will keep you sittig on the edge of your seat. Shot on location in Chicago----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- Buisiness of Death starring William Smith, Clem Caserta, Ron Dean, Robert Zdar, Nick Celozzi, Joe Estevez, Tony DeGuide and Playboys Natalia Sokolova with Miguel Nino, Joe Kasala, Nino Dicosola, Carmine DiPasquale, Katie Keef and Big Bopper.----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------American Motion Picture Studios in association with Hand Held Films & Windy City Films present an Alexander Alcarese film, Produced by Alexander Alcarese, Nick Kanari and Tony DeGuide, Directed by Alexander Alcarese.--------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Film makers you may correspond with our company for co-productions, matching funds, distribution, studio rentals, casting etc. Actors may send headshot and demo tapes, musicians may send CD's to-------------------------------American Motion Picture Studios 800 West Randolph 2nd floor. Chicago, IL, 60607 773-205-1212