Helluva Caucasian profile picture

Helluva Caucasian

the dude abides and so should you

About Me

I don't know but I've been told, Knox Harrington has a cleft asshole.

MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Oh, The Usual; Bowl, Drive Around, The Occasional Acid Flashback, White Russians, Oat Sodas, Doin' J's, Bubble Baths.

I'd like to meet:

Using The Parlance Of Our Times; The Dude, Pacifists, Nihilists, Conscientious Objectors, People Entering A World Of Pain, Publishers, Reactionaries, Fuckin' Fascists, Peterasts, Crazy Fucks, Phony Goldbrickin' Millionares, Goons Who Aren't Housebroken, Strangers, Strumpets, Chinamen (Asian-Americans), Unchecked Aggressors, Carpet Pissers, Little Lebowski Urban Achievers, Video Artists, Strong Men Who Cry, Dance Quintets, 9-Toed Women, Feminists Who Like Sex (Coitus), Camel Fuckers, Cable Repairmen, Compulsive Fornicators, Young Trophy Wives, Washed-Up Techno-Pop Musicians, Fuckin' Amateurs, 15 Year Old Brats Flunkin' Social Studies, Semi-Devout Polish Catholic Jews, Special Ladies, Brother Shamus', Pomeranians With Fuckin' Papers, Fuckin' Veterans, Human Paraquats, Spinals, Fig Eaters, FLEA's With Big Scissors, Coffee Can Morticians, The Fucks Down At The League Office...


Creedence, Autobahn, Venice Beach League Playoffs 1987, Song Of The Whale (Ultimate Relaxation). I HATE THE FUCKIN' EAGLES, MAN!


The Big Lebowski, Log Jammin', Gutterballs.



Nobody fucks with the Jesus!

They peed on his fucking rug!



The Port Huron Statement.


The Dude, Karl Hungus, Larry Sellers, The Jesus.