The Stranger profile picture

The Stranger


About Me

I like the slow things in life. I like to "take 'er easy" you might say. People say they like my voice, so I tend to talk alot' sometimes I just plain ol' ramble.

My Interests

I've taken quite a liking to that Sioux City Sarsaparilla.

BaSiC InFo
Name: The Stranger
Birthdate: unknown
Birthplace: Out West
Current Location: Los Angeles
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Salt & Pepper
Height: 6 4"
Weight: 180 ish
What's Your....
Zodiac Sign: unknown
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Body Type: Slim
Favorite Food: unknown
Favorite Drink: Souix City Sarsparilla
Baseball Team: unknown
(when) Bedtime: unknown
Favorite Color(s): unknown
Favorite Letter: unknown
Favorite Number: unknown
Candy: unknown
Favorite Animal: unknown
Favorite Messenger: unknown
Screename: unknown
Favorite Store: unknown
Most Missed Memory: unknown
Best Physical Feature: Moustache
Overused Phrase: Take 'er easy
First Thought Waking Up: unknown
Goal for this year: unknown
Weakness: rootbeer
Fears: unknown
Heritage: unknown
Longest Relationship: unknown
School's Name: unknown
Favorite TV Show: unknown
Have You Ever....
Drank: Yep
Smoked: Yep
Dyed Your Hair: Nope
Shoplifted: Nope
Tried To Do The Splits: Now why would I want to do that?
Tried To Do A Backbend: Again, what for?
Tried To Do A Cartwheel: Ok, these questions are beginning to get silly.
Tried To Do A Handstand: I think I'll skip down to the next section.
Tried To Act Perfect: unknown
Get A Detention Of Any Kind From Not Doin Anything: unknown
Skinny Dipped: unknown
Had Sex: unknown
Kissed/Huged An Opposite Sex: unknown
Kissed/Huged The Same Sex As You: unknown
Been Dumped: unknown
Done Drugs: unknown
Had A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: unknown
Ate Sushi: unknown
Loved Someone: unknown
In A Guy/Gurl....
Fav Eye Color: unknown
Fav Hair Color: unknown
Short or Long Hair: unknown
Height: unknown
Weight: unknown
Looks Or Personality: unknown
Love or Money: unknown
Hot Or Cute: unknown
Drugs and/or Alcohol: unknown
Muscular or Really Skinny: unknown
Sexy or Shmexy---- lmao!: unknown
Random...: unknown
How Do You Want To Die?: unknown
What country do you want to Visit: unknown
Been to the Mall Lately: unknown
Do you like Thunderstorms: unknown
Shower Daily: unknown
Do you Sing: unknown
Want to go to College: unknown
Clothes: Blue shirt, brown vest
Shoes: Cowboy boots
Make-Up: Are you kidding me?
Hair Do: Doesn't matter, it's under my hat
Phone: unknown
Phone Number: unknown
Location: unknown
Weather: unknown
Website(s): unknown
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According to the "Which Big Lebowski character are you?" quiz:

Why don't you check it out? Or we cut off your Johnson!



The Big Lebowski, Logjammin'

My Blog

Audio Books for long days on the trails...

Although I've always considered myself an old-fashioned kind of guy, I do have to admit, listening to Audio Books while I'm on the trail sure does help pass the time.I get my books from www.skaudioboo...
Posted by The Stranger on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 06:59:00 PST's what's for dinner: "Twilight"'s what's for dinner "twilight"
Posted by The Stranger on Sun, 28 May 2006 06:51:00 PST