Live Music, Beer, Liquor, Wine, Sodas, Cigarettes, Jukebox, Pool, Pac Man (16-in-one), Mortal Kombat 2, Centipede, Galaga, Megatouch, Tetris, TEMPEST, and Gauntlet!
Musicians and fans of good music and drinking, people who know how to have a good time. People who think the smoking ban is another evil infringement on adults' rights by whiny busybodies who not only think they know what's best for everyone but also expect the entire world to cater to their every whim to extent that they would pass a law forcing us to do so.
punk rock, garage rock, new wave, post-punk and even country, blues, and roots music as the whim strikes me.
Thank You For Smoking, Pontani Sisters GoGoRobics, Mondo Cane, Best of Burlesque, Logan's Run, and whatever you wanna watch.
Whatever's on, you pick. Usually it's Cartoon Network. Sometimes the Food Network....mmmm, food.
Books? What the hell is that? I prefer pictures.
Tacoland, Bates Motel, Raoul's, Blue Flamingo, Electric Lounge, Liberty Lunch, One Knite, Cavity Club, Cannibal Club, Club Foot, Sound Exchange, Armadillo World Headquarters, Vulcan Gas Company--Long live Tacoland!!