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Hell Bent For Pleather

About Me

Think about this... .. width="425" height="350" ..

My Interests

psychedelic situations, positive people, non-violence, cooking vegan food, animal rights, human rights, my friends, travel/road trips/exploring, photography, Mid-Century Architecture, yoga/pilates, orange cats, zombies, working at the farm, amusement parks, cowbells, hunting accidents, people watching/eavesdropping, everything monochromatic, silence.

I'd like to meet:

EMAIL ME FIRST!!!!!!!Drimble Wedge & The Vegetations


The Soundtrack Of Our Lives, Kinks, Leo & Peanut, Bowie, Pitney, Mose Allison, 1910 Fuitgum Co., 70's Jet, Vapors, Bill Withers, Cohen, One the Juggler, 13th Floor Elevators, Jags, Eyes, Chet Baker, Pretenders, Boys, Sorrows, Perez Prado, Rezillos, Nazz, Beat Happening, Exploding Hearts, Tommy James, Milkshakes, Make-Up, Eno, Belle & Sebastian, Left Banke, Troggs, Honeybus, France Gall, Heats, Fairport Convention, Modern Lovers, Loot, Roxy Music, Flamin' Groovies, Boyce & Hart, Real Kids, Monkees, Pretty Things, Arrows, Grass Roots, New Colony Six, Sweet, Phil Seymour, Essex Green, Rockin' Horse, Spacemen 3, Tom's, Screamin' Lord Sutch, DB's, Lee Hazelwood, Magnetic Fields, Cars, Unrelated Segments, Sandy Salisbury, House of Love, Little Willie John, Zombies, Lilys, Poppy Family, Stiv, Moods for Moderns, Nikki & the Corvettes, Porter Wagner, BRMC, Skip Spence, Gary Numan, AIR, Desmond Dekker, Hollies, Slade, Georgie Fame, Dots, Merry Go Round, Scientists, John Barry, Chrisma, Los Mockers, Grapefruit, Embrooks, Iggy, Holly Golightly, Sundial, Dead Boys, ...... Bubblegum, Glitter, Pop, Garage, old Country etc.


**Most Peter Sellers, Burt Lancaster, Crawford, Bacall, Brando, James Coburn, Christopher Walken, Anna Magnani, John Turturro, Sidney Poitier, Gena Rowlands, Bill Murray, Ida Lupino, Dirk Bogarde, Richard Burton, Anne Bancroft..... ****Most Cassavetes, Todd Haynes, Wes Anderson, Hal Ashby, Hitchcock, William Castle******Harold & Maude, The Party, Pumpkin Eater, The Servant, The Swimmer, Birdy, Valley Girl, Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, Five Minutes To Live, The Point, Night of Cabiria, Meatballs, Irreversable, The Tingler, Bunny Lake is Missing, City of God, I Stand Alone, The Deer Hunter, HEAD, Born Yesterday, Cuckoo, The Vanishing, The Bad Seed, Wages of Fear, M, Dark Victory


6 Ft. Under, Arrested Development, Little Britain!, Welcome Back Kotter, The Monkees, old Twilight Zone, Hitchcock


All time fav.'s- The Bell Jar, Invitation to a Beheading, Mark Twain(mysterious stranger), Fante, Kundera, Hesse, Carver and all kinds of short stories(love the Russian ones & Roald Dahl), THE Philosophy of Andy Warhol, lots of non-fiction about how f*cked up our goverment is, animal rights, nutrition, and rock'n'roll. Reading cookbooks lately- getting through A People's History of the United States.



My Blog

So Hot

It's so hot today that when I put a freezer pop on my cat he didn't mind. It's been there 20 minutes and counting....
Posted by Suepurrr on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 02:34:00 PST

South By Southwest Fuzz Club Sunday March 2005

Posted by Suepurrr on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Fun Fact

Octopuses collect bottle caps, attractive stones, and other finds from the ocean floor and decorate their dens with them, repositioning an object if it doesn't seem to suit the design.
Posted by Suepurrr on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

There are no Diamonds In The Mine

"I would like to remind the management that the drinks are watered and the hat check girl has syphilis and the band is composed of former SS monsters. However since it is New Years Eve and I have lip...
Posted by Suepurrr on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST