Ouija Radio profile picture

Ouija Radio


About Me

"One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things." -Henry Miller........"If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing." -Benjamin Franklin........"I disregard the proportions, the measures, the tempo of the ordinary world. I refuse to live in the ordinary world as ordinary women. To enter ordinary relationships. I want ecstasy. I am a neurotic -- in the sense that I live in my world. I will not adjust myself to the world. I am adjusted to myself." - Anais Nin......"A sailor travels to many lands/Any place he please/And he always remembers to wash his hands/So's he don't gets no diseases." -Captain Carl (phil hartman/pee wees playhouse)......"I knew Jimi (Hendrix) and I think that the best thing you could say about Jimi was: there was a person who shouldn't use drugs." -frank zappa......At a concert in Beloit, Wisconsin 1968 or 69 a guy in the audience yelled out, "Eat me Zappa"..........!!!!!!!!!!!!This profile was edited with The CricketSoda Myspace Editor...................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ .... Ouija Radio's new album Oh No...Yes! Yes! is available in North America from Carrot Top Distribution and Electric Fetus One Stop. In Europe from Sonic Rendezvous and Carrot Top Distribution. You get it on-line direct from crustaceanrecords.com for only $12 a disc postpaid anywhere in the US or Canada. Only $15 postpaid for anyplace else in the world. ********!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CLICK ON THE ALBUM GRAPHICS BELOW TO PURCHASE THE NEW OUIJA RADIO ALBUM!!!!!!! OH NO...YES! YES! or the second ablum Last Night on Earth
You can also order Ouija Radio on-line from the following web stores: Saki , Interpunk , Crustacean Records or Sonic Rendezvous for those of you wishing to pay in euros.
It can also be downloaded on and all other legal commercial download and streaming websites.

My Interests


Member Since: 9/16/2004
Band Website: ouijaradio.com
Band Members: Christy, Chaz, and Helz
Influences: Sonic Youth, Uriah Heep, led zeppelin, The Arcade Fire, Siouxie and the Banshees, Bauhaus, Brian Eno, David Bowie, Dio, King Crimson, Zappa, Dog Faced Hermans, Missing Persons, Alice Cooper, The Who, Alice Coltrane, John Coltrane, Nina Simone, PIL, John Lennon and Yoko Ono, The Kinks, Pharoah Sanders, Diamanda Galas, The Birthday Party, Marianne Faithful, Laurie Anderson, Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Eric clapton, Bob Marley, Murzik, Awesome Car Funmaker, Screamin' Cyn Cyn and the Pons, Butthole Surfers, Television, Suicide, garage rock, surf rock, punk rock, new wave, jazz, blues, classical, classical country, polka and of course...Nancy Sinatra. The Dave Chappell show, Mitch Hedberg, and Mary Mack.CHECK THIS VIDEO OUT YOU BITCHES!!!.. width="425" height="350" ..*********This one goes out to Sar Bear!!
Sounds Like: something different!.......................................... Check out these killer compilations we're on:)

Record Label: ghost in the radio and Crustacean records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Rock show at the Varsity this Friday 1/4/08

Alright kiddies....this Friday (1/4/08) we play the first killer show of a very killer year. We're uber excited to open for Dallas Orbiter at their CD release party (this record kicks!). We're pleas...
Posted by Ouija Radio on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 02:49:00 PST

Boy, are we going to party tonight!!

 So, it's been some time since I last blogged. Busy, Busy, Busy.....can you say...Busy. Tonight's a night of crazy fun and resolutions. Mine is to start tickling this little keyboard of mine m...
Posted by Ouija Radio on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 01:06:00 PST

Hey friends....I think we have our very first rock video..

Hey guys and gals...I stay up late.  I'm an owl and I may be seen flying eye level next to your car on Aldrich and 27th Avenue South at 6 or 7 a.m.  but that's when I am thee most inspired t...
Posted by Ouija Radio on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 04:29:00 PST

My dog is drunk and farting...

I think Red Eye Fly is a hit.  Just compare the play list on this fnnn myspace.  Funny.  It is a big gap.  Wish we could do something about it.  My dog knocked over a Budweise...
Posted by Ouija Radio on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 03:17:00 PST

In the End It’s all about The Music!!!

..> In the End It's all about The Music!!! I haven't really blogged up a whole lot in the past 6 months.  I miss it.  Well here I am at 3:34 a.m. with insomnia and w...
Posted by Ouija Radio on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 02:48:00 PST


I am hosting my second Minnie/Mad Festival this weekend.  I am also now the booking agent for Stasiu's Place in North East Minneapolis.  This has been a really cool position to take on. ...
Posted by Ouija Radio on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 01:39:00 PST

We so want to tour!

We played in the entry on Friday night with The Haves Have It and The Failed Heroes.  It was a fantastic show.  We all felt so comfortable and natural.  It wasn't attended well which ki...
Posted by Ouija Radio on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 01:57:00 PST

do i stay or should i go now?

I have to have surgery on my throat.  I decided that it should happen after our favorite holiday-Halloween!  Anyway, if it didn't go right I may not sing again:(  I am in debate, cuz, w...
Posted by Ouija Radio on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 01:00:00 PST

They call this rock n’ roll.

I've been mulling about this weekend that starts tomorrow. We perform at the 7th St. Entry with some amazing Minnie groups on Friday and then head down to Lawrence KS to play the North vs. South fest...
Posted by Ouija Radio on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 09:52:00 PST


Have you guys seen the "reveal your destiny" advertisement? A little too close for comfort I think:)
Posted by Ouija Radio on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 08:40:00 PST