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About Me


Our new record is done but isn't out yet.
Check out our first record, "Creeps and Lovers"

Buy it at:
iTunes Store
Arclight Records

Vice Magazine - 8.5 out of 10
Hours of practice, a dedication to songwriting, and a sizeable budget. These are all things that are less important to a good record than having a cool older brother - someone to break your Collective Soul tapes over your stupid head, as the older brothers of the Freshkills clearly did, and say "Hey you stupid idiot, here is Drive Like Jehu, Jesus Lizard, and Nation of Ulysses. Now quit being such a herb". Blunt Magazine (Australia)- 8 out of 10
A Drive Like Jehu for a generation that never experienced one, New York's Freshkills dot their sound with traces of pop punk, noise, post-hardcore, goth and gutter rock. From New York, they have been compared to The Liars, but to me they sound like they'd listen to more Interpol and Birthday Party. With a decent ear for melody, good grooves, and an ingrained knowledge of rock, they offer the perfect amount of variety without losing focus. Some might accuse them of all-too-conveniently popping up with just the right sound at just the right time, but if more little eyeliner kids opened their minds to bands like Freshkills instead of whatever some magazine or webzine or online banner advertisement is promoting, the world just might be a better place.Organ Magazine - UK - Album of the week
Creeps And Lovers - Like falling upstairs and not spilling a thing, a rather fine New York thing that's all very current and they sound like they may have a plot to blow up the Effel Tower along with that NY bite and that Fugazi edge to their Franz new wave. We could talk of angular new wave and circular buzz saws and, yes, if Franz were to be a dark evil band that you could love rather than the irritation that you just want to swat. The Departure for frantic wired up Fall fans, TV on The Radio for Girls Against Boys fans, hey now they sound like Talking Heads beating the crap out of Liars - you only get to that when you really let it unfold though. Oh yes, it would be an easy thing to mistakenly dismiss them as just another post Strokes Television flavoured NY band. Hell, theyre going to get sick of people saying they sound like this meets that hey, they sound like Drive Like Jehu for Wires fans blah blah blah they have an edge. Theyre good, like falling upstairs and not spilling a thing Ghetto Blaster Magazine
Creeps and Lovers…I didn't expect this, really I didn't. the Freshkills have released their debut long player and it slams the competition into the ground! Where have they been all this time? Oh, my mistake, they've been touring, recording, playing locally. My mistake. I do remember listening to their self-titled EP which didn't show the prom-ise n of the band as Creeps and Lovers does. It's filled with angst, it's brimming with tur-moil and anger while keeping hold of a hip swaggering shake. How do I know all this?I went to their website and caught a live performance. This Brooklyn Quintet is the shit. New York Night Train
"Freshkills bring us five thick slabs of post-hardcore post-punk that sit somewhere between Jehu and Damaged with new wavy pop choruses and dance grooves injected into their centers. Dark jaded yet romantic decay kind of stuff that tends to escape from NYC every now and then....Dirty and shiny." - full review at New York Night Train

My Interests


Member Since: 6/28/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: johnny: music stick
tim: other music stick
new mitchell: low music stick
jim paradise: bang boom
zachary: whine
Influences: pills, irrational fear, the smile on a newborn kitten. Oh yeah, and Drive Like Jehu, The Jesus Lizard, Quicksand(first 7"),The Birthday Party, Excuse 17, Fugazi, Babes In Toyland, Voidoids, The Clash, Filth, Nick Gilder, Southern Death Cult, N.O.U., U.O.A., Andrew Eldritch in a white suit holding a sword cane, Jawbreaker, Archers Of Loaf, God Bullies, Mission Of Burma, all that other stuff that our friends used to be into but, now, not so much. And, fuck it, Cringer.
Sounds Like: kittens with mittens, bad decisions.
Record Label: arclight
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Benefit for Scotty Hard

I've got nothing cute to say about this. He's a good guy. It's a great line up. You should go. We'd love to see you.>...
Posted by Freshkills on Fri, 23 May 2008 12:53:00 PST

that was the SXSW/tour that was.

Let’s get something out of the way. Before we really get "rolling". So, on the third day of shows with Goes Cube, David (of Goes Cube) and I (of FreshKills) were discussing blogging, writing a...
Posted by Freshkills on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 10:08:00 PST

God help us, were weak

It's true. We're weak. We like romantic comedys and alchohol. Pretty girls on a rainy day. We like unicorns and reeses pieces sundaes. We have the strength of one man spread among five bodies. J...
Posted by Freshkills on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 04:08:00 PST

New Bass player, New Songs, New Alex Newportness

Did you think we were dead? When you thought of us at all? Alone in your room, unicorn diarama making horrible shadow plays across the wall? Love letters that you never sent to us melting into your ...
Posted by Freshkills on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 01:13:00 PST

Are our songs about you?

So. The other night I was DJing at the Motorcity bar with the Lil' Vampire, and was approached by a youngish blonde woman who told me that "we had to talk". I, not really having any idea who she was...
Posted by Freshkills on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 04:45:00 PST

The rumors are false!

There appears to be some confusionApparently it's gotten around that we have replaced our ears with plumbs, and now cannot hear. That is the only possible reason I can imagine why so many truly crappy...
Posted by Freshkills on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 04:54:00 PST

Why no personal message when we try to add you

We usually don't write the people we add.  Because we are bad spellers and socially awkward.  Therefore, what we write tends to be both awkward and poorly spelled.  Oftentimes it is uni...
Posted by Freshkills on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 01:15:00 PST


Apparently nobody know what the fuck I'm saying.  For the eleven of you that are interested, here are the lyrics.  I have no idea how to spell amateur, and for some reason spell check won't ...
Posted by Freshkills on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 08:35:00 PST

Songs now available for itunes

Thanks, computer overlords! go to arclight to do this thing-Arclight Records
Posted by Freshkills on Wed, 10 May 2006 02:17:00 PST

Arclight Records owns our tiny, belching souls.

Record out in April.  Title undecided but probably something snide and substance related.  Tour in March.  also likely to be snide and substance related. Split 7'' inch w/Bellmer Dolls ...
Posted by Freshkills on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 07:07:00 PST