The Empire Martial Arts Difference...
Dear Guest,
How is Empire Martial Arts different? This is a great question that I
am asked quite frequently. If you've had the chance to meet one of our
instructors you soon learn how passionate we are about practicing and
teaching the martial arts. I stress "practicing" because we truly enjoy
learning which then is passed onto our students as we teach.
The real difference we feel is in our philosophy and the standards that
we set for our students. Each and every student that comes to us has
a different natural ability as well as a different learning style. By
upholding this standard our adult students maximize their potential and
our younger students learn the importance of working towards a goal.
In addition, positive reinforcement is another aspect of training in our
schools. Classes are taught in a focused, yet fun and rewarding environment-
-one that is highly conducive to learning and attaining goals.
Finally, only the most qualified teachers staff our schools. Not only
do you learn in a fun and challenging environment, but you gain the advantage
of studying the martial arts under professional instructors that are experts
at helping you and your children attain their goals. Nearly 200 families
in the Capital District area currently are enrolled at our school and
I hope you give us the chance to show you the true benefit of martial
arts education--self-esteem, self-discipline, and increased confidence!
Call (518) 456-2582 NOW! OR visit
Alan Condon
4 Walker Way
Colonie, New York 12205
Main: (518) 456-2582
Alt : (518) 456-2585
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