I love traing fighters. Hanging with my kids.. Video games. you know .......all kid stuff
Parents that spend time with thier kids. People that stand up for what they believe in, even when they stand alone. People interested in helping change the world in a positive way. People that don't set limits on what they can achieve in life. Be original is life. get off the beaten path
All kinds, as long as it has something to say
Casino, Pirates of the Carribean, Scarface, The Godfather,
Dave Chapelle makes the world go around.
I look at the pictuers, does that countstyle
My POPS. Born August 5th 1935 Lost his fight with cancer on Sept. 20th 2006. The strongest, toughest guy I ever knew. I MISS HIM SO MUCH, There where so many things I should have asked him, I took for granted the oppurtunity, thinking he would always be here for me.