Renato Magno is the Jiu Jitsu Choreographer behind the new Sony Pictures Classics Film, "Redbelt" in theaters nationwide on May 9th.
For more information on the film, writer/director David Mamet (also Renato's student) and the gym that inspired the film, check out our Rebelt blog:
Street Sports Redbelt Blog
Renato Magno has been involved with Jiu-Jitsu for nearly 30 years and was the first black belt awarded by the Machados. Renato has earned numereous distinctions during his competitive career such as Pan-American gold medalist and is also the author of several books and instructional videos about jiu-jitsu.Renato Magno founded the Street Sports academy in 1998 and today it counts with a team of more than 100 students, many of whom are black belts and international champions.