naps, shopping, Al Green, polaroids, bikes, boots, bluegrass, picnics, cupcakes, yay-grr, boba, npr, houseplants, learning new amazing animal facts, avoiding small talk at all costs
people who tell npr stories, people who love mango and sticky rice, people who toot in their sleep, those with awesome record collections, fuzzy faces and those that announce "zinger!" or "face!" at the end of a joke, other people who have skinny-tire f*g bikes that would like to ride the Parque, someone willing to paint with me and picnic with me and maybe feed/run screaming from the ducks, nice people, people that wanna go to the Rainbow Room to search for Lemmy, someone who'll move to Berlin with me
best albums of 2004: Deerhoof-Milkman, The Devil Makes Three-self titled i think, Old Time Relijun-Lost Light, Golden Apples of the Sun comp. and Joanna Newsom- Milkeyed Mender 2005: Modern Lovers re-release, Langhorne Slim, and the Slits "Cut" re-issue. 2006: Delta 5 re-issue, Ariel Pink's Haunted somethingorother, SilverJews- Tanglewood somethingorother Can't stop listening to: AC/DC- Back in Black, Motorhead- Ace of Spades, John Denver, Oh Sister Comp.1&2
Jupiter's Wife, The Good Girl, Twin Falls Idaho, Baby Geniuses, BioDome, anything Muppets
Golden Girls
school books and my most recent favorite books: The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Kundera and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles by Murakami