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Joy Santiago

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"CHECK OUT THESE DIFFERENT DWELLINGS FOR SALE" (Put your cursor over a photo for location, price & more info...)More info at

REAL ESTATE: Do you have a home to sell or want to buy a home that is "different and unique"? I have a decade's worth of knowledge & experience. Send me an email! Let's work together!Over the last decade I have assisted 100's of individuals, familes and investors purchase wonderful homes. It's been great! I specialize in different and unique housing, including lofts, condos and historic homes!As a buyer agent and home marketing expert, specializing in selling homes ot homebuyers & investors in Detroit, Oakland, and Wayne Counties, I have has listed, sold and closed over $100M in real estate in the Metro Detroit Area!Over 16 years of sales and management experience, 10 years of direct experience and knowledge the real estate business including, first time home buyers, working and establishing investor real estate portfolios, foreclosures, & a full knowledge of unique and urban housing and development, has given me the expertise in the Real Estate world that makes me different from other real estate agents."My unique approach in the most update marketing tools, and my "persistence without exception" in finding the right home for a home buyer, along with my unique experience sets me apart from the rest."JOY SANTIAGO: BACKGROUND AND HISTORY:Wow, where do i start? in 1990 I started booking entertainment travel through my family's company, A&J TRAVEL. Being a club kid, I was involved in booking travel for all the DJ's and artists of the dance music world...(i knew everyone's real name). In 1991 I started a booking and management agency, later to be called the MOSHI COMPANY. I booked and managed many of the Detroit Techno and House music artists like, Derrick May, Kevin Saunderson, Juan Atkins, Eddie Fowlkes, Richie Hawtin , John Acquiviva, Underground Resistance, Aux 88, Mike Banks, Jeff Mills, James Pennington, Blake Baxter, Chez Damier, Dwynn, the late Ken Collier, Greg Collier, Alan Ester, Mike Grant, Stacey Pullen, and much more. I was fortunate enough to travel all over the world!In 1998, i started my professional career in REAL ESTATE and it's been great ever since: I have assisted and sold homes to 100's of families and indivudals including many of Detroit's best, including Derrick May, Mike Grant and Stacey Pullen. Also included in my client list is Detroit City Council President Ken Cockrel Jr, Half Past 3's JD Simpson, and Founding members of Create Detroit: Karen Batchelor and Ann Slawnik. Being part of the "creative class" as given me the knowledge and the experience that makes my outlook on the real estate world "different and unique". ... Joy Santiagofound this plain layout at HOT :: MyHotComments

My Interests

Joy Santiago: John Clark & Joy Santiago Engagement Photos/ More Photos:WHAT I LOVE: Fine Dining, (any dining for that matter), Shopping, Travel, Working out w/my trainer and at lifetime, Photography and Cooking!

I'd like to meet:

Oprah Winfrey: She is awesome, and always does wonderful things to help so many Donald Trump: A master in investing in real estateMadonna: She is the most adpatable person I have ever seenTiger Woods: I was a golf orphanBill and Melinda Gates: another couple who gives so much (and makes it too)Denzel Washington & Halle Berry: fabulous actor and actressWarren Buffet: Anyone who can just donate $37 billion (that's BILLION) dollars is worth meeting


I love all music as long as its GOOD music. However i have an affinity for contemporary jazz R&B and dance music.


Wow! My favorite movie of all time: The Joy Luck Club. I am a huge epic movie (i.e. Lord of the Rings, Star Wars). I love period and action movies too. I just love movies! Best movies i've watched recently, 300 (wow), Blood Diamond with Leonardo Dicaprio,Eragon, the dragon rider movie, and oh yeah I really liked Will Smith's Pursuit of Happyness, I met him at the movie premier here in Detroit in November!


Gray's Anatomy, 24, Nip Tuck, Desperate Housewives, CSI Miami, Brothers & Sisters, and my all time favorite channel: THE FOOD NETWORK!


What I'm reading now: The Laws of Thinking, The Other Bolyn Girl, Crains Detroit Business


Alex Santiago, Dr. Milagros Santiago Simmons and John C Clark II

My Blog

Its not "ok" to lose your home to foreclosure-What to do to help KEEP your home

IT'S NOT OK TO LOSE YOUR HOME TO FORECLOSURE What to do to help KEEP your home... By Joy Santiago, Ralph Roberts Realty   In a time where foreclosures run ramped, many people think that it's OK t...
Posted by Joy Santiago on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 05:35:00 PST

What's in store for 2007?

Hey everyone! Can u keep up?  After taking off the last 2 weeks of 2006, I am feeling refreshed and refired! The 1st 5 days of 2007 has been great.  Are you looking to buy a home or invest i...
Posted by Joy Santiago on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 09:20:00 PST