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There's no tick-tock on the electric clock, but still your life runs down The time to act is NOW!!

About Me

Hello Friend,

My name is Elise Ann McCollumn. My friends call me either Elise or E. I am a single mom with 4 children, my oldest son never wanted to go to college, my oldest daughter graduated college and is currently working towards her PhD in psychology. My younger son is currently a freshman in college, and my youngest daughter is a sophomore in high school.

For those of you who are parents or more importantly single parents you can appreciate the challenges of successfully raising 4 children.

Growing up in lower middle class small town America, my mom was a stay at home mom, while my dad worked two jobs and then mowed lawns and did gardening for the more fortunate on the weekends.

After 30 years of hard work and dedication my father was a victim of corporate down sizing and lost his job due to the factory closing. As I consistently watched my father give his heart and soul day after day to provide for his family, it instilled into me a gift for life. The gift of hard work and dedication.

The greatest difference between my father and me is my hard work and dedication would be to build my families dream home, buy our dream car, take our dream vacation versus some corporate big wig that could in reality care if my family ever partakes in any of the above mentioned good fortune.

I married when I was 19. I never attended college. I went to work for others for a few years, and then quickly started my entrepreneurial quest for success. I was an insurance/investment broker for a number of years. I started or bought several companies, developed them, then sold them for a profit over the years. I currently own a small business which I started six years ago and have been able to grow that company from its New York beginnings to an east coast operation helping many people along the way.

With all of that said I still do not feel I have reached my personal best and pinnacle of my potential in business or life in general. I have a burning desire to be the best at whatever I do and instill that into all of those I mentor in both business and my personal life. I am a true competitor. I have earned respect among my business peers and friends. Some call me the female terminator because I never give up, and failure is not an option. I keep my eye on the prize.

A few of my favorite quotes are:

"The most expensive thing you will ever own is a closed mind"

"Opportunity is never missed; it is taken by someone else"

"We learn more through our losses than our victories"

"I haven't failed; I've just found a thousand ways that don't work"

And lastly from my Dad:
"There is no tick tock on the electric clock, but still your life runs down"

Each of these quotes holds a special meaning to me, and helps me direct the affairs of my life and all of those it touches.
I am extremely passionate about my most recent business endeavor. I have seen explosive results thus far and have been able to help so many people pave the way for the first time in their lives to true financial freedom. My life and business experiences, successes, and failures have all laid the foundation for what is rapidly becoming my personal best thus far. I am the author of my personal website:

which was designed to allow me to help others seeking financial freedom become their personal best, and take their heart felt personal goals and dreams and make them into realities. If this is you then please feel free to click the link and check it out. Countless people have thanked me for the powerful insights and possibilities it offers.
Also a few more things about me:

I love gardening, shopping, decorating, fine food, travel, great shoes, skiing, fishing, and play over 100 games of competitive softball each year.CLICK THIS LINK TO CHECK IT OUT!!

My Interests

Cashing checks (rather than writing them) Softball, shopping, gardening, skiing, travel, the beach, fine food, music. Hanging with my friends.

I'd like to meet:

Let me start by stating who I don't want to meet.

Self centered people, know it alls, dream stealer's, those who dwell on the problems rather than being part of the solution, people who never finish what they start, tire kickers, those who are willing to settle for average when excellence is an option, and people who blame others for their failures rather than themselves.

If this is you, please do us both a favor. Don't request me as a friend, and don't accept me as a friend. Get yourself some help!!

Now for who I'd really like to meet.

Anyone who still dares to dream, and is willing to do whatever it takes to make their dreams into realities. All those who strive to do their personal best and be the best. Those who believe that corporate America does not hold the keys to financial freedom. Anyone who's tired of working to build someone else's dream home, buy their dream car, or take their family on a dream vacation rather than your own. Anyone who has a coachable spirit, a never quit mindset, and finishes what they start. Those who understand true love, the importance of laughter, and that friendship and loyalty go hand in hand. If you posses some or all these qualities then we need to talk.


I love many different genres of music. Everything from rock classics, jazz, pop, dance, club, 70's, 80's, and country. Judging by my ipod currently, country is leading the pack. I got into it a few years ago while managing a country act. Have loved it ever since. YEEE HAAAW


Too many to name. Love comedy, drama, love stories, action. Favorites recently: The devil wears Prada, Casino Royal, 300, The Shooter.


I don't watch much television though I own several plasma and lcd sets. I love to watch everything possible in HD or Blueray. Thanks to the developers of HD DVR's. If it weren't for that technology I wouldn't see much television. A conclusion I have come to over the years is, that television keeps the poor passive. Sorry ;)


Any that further my knowledge in business. Also the #1 best seller of all time. The Bible.


My best friend Jade. My Dad. Jesus Christ

My Blog

Are You In Hot Water? I am, and Hot Water never felt so good!!

The Secret Code of X2O, The "World's Most Perfect Water", has finally been cracked! Did you know that there is a little-known secret about water that has existed for thousands of years? Very few know...
Posted by Elise on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 10:06:00 PST

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FIRST 5,000 Members Will Get a Free VIP Membership Upgrade!Apsense is a free Social Network driven by its usersPlease note that during this period, we are only accepting registration from our "Invite ...
Posted by Elise on Thu, 17 May 2007 10:38:00 PST

Is Your home based business stalled? Learn how to take you business from

From: The desk of Elise McCollumn Now, Speaking to you as an entrepreneur and very successful business owner...I have found that there are 4 elemets that lead to HUGE SUCCESS in busin...
Posted by Elise on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 04:24:00 PST

WARNING!! Serious inquiries only!! This information changes everything.

If the answer to any of the questions below is YES then click the link:I want to start a home based business, and I would like your help.My existing home based business is at a stand still.I am lookin...
Posted by Elise on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 03:23:00 PST