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Kirkland Ciccone is a spoken word performing walking talking one man show. He is currently preparing for 2008 and completed his one man show IN BED WITH KIRKLAND CICCONE (named after the Madonna documentary) and is recording a spoken word album and an EP called Kirkland Ciccone's Moany Pony which will be available on good digital shops and limited edition physicals. New shows are being prepared for these and other subjects. Kirkland also works as a regional A&R for ONE LITTLE INDIAN RECORDS and reports back to them weekly on any bands in the local scene that he likes. A man has gotta do what a man's gotta do.
Kirkland also writes/contributes/contributed for the following music sites:,
This Is Fake DIY,
Subba Cultcha,
Rock Louder (his Kittie feature is the most read article on it),
Bubblegum Slut,
and loads of others
He is a regular on Planet Sound's The Void. Nice.
He also contributes witty stories to the Cumbernauld News.
On the morning of 9/2/07 Terry Wogan himself mentioned Kirkland on his Radio 2 morning show. How surreal! Kirkland Ciccone was born on Friday 13th (true) and pioneered the use of pinstripe suit jackets and jeans in the Glasgow area (totally true) and his middle name might not be Michael.
Kirkland Ciccone's recent gigs were at the Cumbernauld Theatre where he organised an event called A Secret History Of Cumbernauld. It was the sleeper hit of the season and a sequel is being done in June for the town's 50th Birthday and Kirkland will be announcing some other cool projects which may likely include a book published by a nice publisher! He is included on the legendary Poems & Pints database and in April 2008 will do some gigs in Glasgow and he stars in the one man pop history In Bed With Kirkland Ciccone.
A trained yet bored journalist, Kirkland took his love for reading books, performance art and storytelling and attempted to combine the two into performance storytelling. So what does this involve? Verse, rhyme, tall tales and screaming at the audience. But he does it so well! His influnces range from Roald Dahl to Terry Hall to Ivor Cutler to Penny Broadhurst to Betty Boo to Liz Lochhead and Doctor Who. He has supported Liz Lochhead at The Panopticon and had a bigger audience at Word 2006 than Bernard MacLaverty. Hurrah!
Alan McGee (he discovered Oasis and helped bring some amazing music to the masses) commented about Kirkland on his own blog: "An important reason why net independence is important". Never let it be said that Kirkland is not punk. Even if Kirkland doesn't know what the fuck net independence is actually about.