I enjoy taking time out when I'm not on the decks and spending it on my X-box! I also enjoy getting out on the green for a game of golf which seems to have become less and less since I got that X-box
Other Producers, Musicians, Vocalists or fellow DJ's.
Any style, providing it sounds great I have a really open mind to music
Star Wars,Star Trek,B Movies,The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, There's Something About Mary, Nightmare On Elm Street, Spiderman, Wierd Science, Carry On's,Snatch, The Layer Cake, The Buisness, Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels.
What TV ? Never get chance.... so much to do in so little time.... If I'm not out playing I'm strapped up in a studio not literally!
Biographies and they have to be really good ones like Ozzy Osbourne, I wish I was me by Pete Waterman you get the idea.... people who inspire me...
Pete Waterman, Jimmy Saville, Kenny Everett, Spiderman! Anybody who has the passion and drive to make their dreams a reality as we only get one shot at life! Oh yeah and Homer Simpson you gotta love the man for his achievements!