Ron White - Keynote Speaker/Author profile picture

Ron White - Keynote Speaker/Author

I am here for Networking

About Me

DOWNLOAD FREE EBOOK - 22 Success Lessons From Baseball
Check out Ron's CD albums at
My name is Ron. This site is operated by me. Here is my bio that I copied/pasted and placed here:
Ron White has been a professional speaker since 1993.
Ron speaks internationally and has spoken in Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, Belgium, Puerto Rico and even the United States!
He has delivered tailored workshops for General Motors, Microsoft, Boy Scouts of America, Lexus, Coldwell Banker, US Army, Century 21 and thousands more across the country.
He has broken a world memory record by memorizing a 28 digit number in 1 minute 15 seconds on the FOX Good Day Dallas Show.(March 1, 2001)
In August of 2003, Ron was the guest on the British television program, 'Simply the Best' in which he demonstrated how anyone could train their mind to think more effectively.
In July of 2005, he appeared on CBS television's Great Day San Antonio and The Trinity Broadcasting Network. In January 2006, he will be a guest on the Discovery Channel's 'Dr. Know' series discussing memory myths.
He memorized the first seven chapters of the book of Proverbs for the Christian Business Expo in 1996. However, he will be the first to tell you, "What is amazing is not that I can do these is amazing that I can teach ANYONE to do these things!"
In 2004, Ron wrote a political book that earned the response of congressmen, senators, newspapers and the ten O'Clock news in New Mexico. He is also the author of a success book entitled,22 Success Lessons From Baseball and 8 audio programs. (p

My Interests



22 Success Lessons From Baseball, Paper Boy - Sales Lessons Through The Eyes of a 14 Year Old Boy, The Fate Of The World (current events/politcal book) - All three of these books authored by Ron White