And there will come a time where the pure in heart will be called forth with the purpose of delivering a truth that is right and exact. Queendom Come is the femine faction of the progressive guerilla movement strategically manuevering through the audio waves of mass media to save the minds of Afrikan Youth.
It is the desire of Sister Minister Naima J. and Sister Minister Afrykah to aid in the construction of a solidified movement for Afrikan Liberation. Combining the energy of air and fire, the duo's reflective creative energy gives birth to sounds that are raw, unique, and dynamic.
Definitively speaking, the Queens refer to revolution as the systemic destruction of psychologically oppressive socio-political structures that maintain Afrikan bondage and inequality. Accordingly, sexy is defined as the carnal manifestation of divine wombmanhood through the five centers of human sensibility. When asked to "label" their music, the Queens replied "Edutaining Propaganda."