music,Terra incognita, Space, Rockets, Gothic architecture, Wardenclyffe Tower, Lapis Niger, The Fallen Peacock, Neo Gothic artists(William Burges..Walpole)Pre-Raphaelite art, Stuckism, Runes, Guns, Getting even, Knives,Mountains,The Ocean,Plasma Ball Lamps, Magick, Ancestral Memory, Archeology, Math, Beauty, Time Travel, and Walt Disney, Comperative Mythology, Sacred Geometry, Gnosticism. Futurism, Robots, The Druids, Microscopic art, Ancient Civilization, Psychoacoustics, Wine, Absynthe, UFO technology, Thule, Fortean Science, Op art, Star Maps, Art Nouveau, Symbolists (Von Stuck), Wolves, Mithras, Penguins,Skyscrapers, Ghosts, Good Manners and wide angles. Peace and Love.
People with good manners, , Philip Glass,The King,Howlin Wolf, Heraclitus, Buddha,Bo Diddley, Bing Crosby,Robert De Grimston,Abe no Seimei,Davie Allan, Dick Dale, Martin Denny,Debussy, Ricky Wagner,Oswald Sprengler,The Druids,Simon Magus, Ignatius Donnely, Bucky Fuller, Docotor Strange, Master Musicians of Jajouka,Stockhausen,Jack Parsons, Otto Rahn, Julius Evola, Leni Reifenstahl,Jean Cocteau, Machiavelli, Manly P Hall, Albert Pike, The Queen of Sheba, Hassan I Sabbah, Mozart, Goethe, Alexander the Great, George Washington,Umm Kulthuum, Sir Francis Bacon,Tesla, King Solomon,Jesus, Bela Lugosi,Krishna,Lon Cheney, Flash Gordon, Gabrielle Dannunzio,Myamoto Musashi, Story Musgrave,Cecile B Demille,and Queen Elizabeth
Folk Songs of the Southern Appalachians ,Minimalism (Young, Cale, Riley) Maximalism (Branca,Rhys Chatham,My Bloody Valentine) Medieval/Renaissance Music, German Space music from the 70s. Jajouka. ur musick,futuristexoticasurfinstrumentals, Ashra, all the cats from the Mpls space music underground,Oblivion Ensemble, Nasa space recordings, shoegazer new and old, Blips and Bloops.
I'll watch almost anything directed by Jean Cocteau, Kenneth Anger, Fellini, Herzog, Walt Disney, or George Lucas. Current favorite.. The Man Who Would Be King. The Ruling Class and Jean Epstein's Le Tempestaire.
The History Channel if I have to..
The Odyssey(Homer) The Aenid, The Eddas, Norse Sagas,The Book of Five Rings by Musashi, Howling at the Sky, The Lucifer Diaries, and the Sun at Night by Roger Williamson, Solomon's Treasure by Tracy Twyman, Anything by Edgar Allan Poe,Hermetic Tradition by Julius Evola, The Book of the Law,Freedom is a Two Edged Sword by Jack Parsons, The Bible, The Apocrypha, the Pali Canon, and many many more.
Dalai Lama