Erkin Koray profile picture

Erkin Koray

Father of Anatolian Rock (Turkish Psychedelic Music) - Unofficial

About Me

DISCLAIMER. This is purely an unofficial fansite for the enjoyment of all the Erkin Baba fans. This website has no connection with Erkin Koray.
Aslinda bir hikayemizi anlatmaya kalksak zamanin beyni durur.
Erkin Koray has been in the Turkish rock music scene since the late 1950s and early 1960s. He is widely acclaimed as being the first person to ever play rock and roll in Turkey; in 1957, he and his band gained notoriety by playing covers of Elvis Presley and Fats Domino. He was also one of the first Turkish musicians to embrace the electric guitar and modern amplification.
By the late 1960s, he was already a major figure in Turkish psychedelic music (also known as Anatolian Rock), beginning with his first psychedelic single Anma Arkadas in 1967. Koray followed this with a number of singles, both by himself and in collaboration with others, that established him as a force to be reckoned with on the Turkish rock scene. Koray became a controversial figure in Turkey during the 1960s and 1970s; he was actually assaulted in Istanbul, and on one occasion stabbed, for having long hair.
In the early 1970s, he formed the group Ter with the former members of Grup Bunalim (Turkish for "Group Depression"), a power trio styled group. Although they only recorded one single before breaking up, Hor Görme Garibi (a cover of the major Arabesque music hit by Orhan Gencebay) was a smash hit, furthering Koray's career. However, Istanbul Records, unhappy with Koray and Ter's musical direction, withdrew all support and refused to let the group record, thus ending the group's career. The music of Ter was influenced by glam rock and psychedelia, and featured extended guitar solos and progressive arrangements - something that the record company was not prepared to accept.
The Turkish public remained interested in Koray's solo work nonetheless, and in 1973 his first album, Erkin Koray, was released. It is interesting to note that up to this point, all of Koray's work had been issued only on 45 rpm records, although he had been recording for the past 10 years and was a very popular artist in Turkey. The album consists of a collection of singles from 1967 to 1973. Koray left Istanbul Records after the release of the album.
In 1974, Erkin Koray signed to Doglan Records and released what is probably his best-known and best-selling single, Saskin(Dabke). Set to a traditional Egyptian tune, the single proved Koray to be an ingenious musician and arranger.
1974 also saw the release of his groundbreaking album, Elektronik Türküler ("Electronic Ballads"). Finally given the freedom to record an album instead of being limited to 45 rpm singles, Koray and his band created an album that reflected both his Turkish roots and his love of psychedelic and progressive rock. The album's popularity continues to the present day, with several legitimate and non-legitimate releases on both album and CD. Elektronik Türküler is widely considered to be Koray's masterpiece by many critics, and many of his subsequent releases followed in this vein, with progressive and psychedelic influences balanced by Turkish folk forms.
Koray continues to record and perform in Turkey to this day, and in Turkish music circles is often referred to as Erkin Baba ("Erkin the Father") for his pioneering influence on Turkish popular music.
Other major hits by Koray are Fesuphanallah, Istemem, Sevince, Öyle Bir Geçer Zaman ki , Estarabim, Arap Saçi, Yalnizlar Rihtimi, Akrebin Gözleri and Çöpçüler.
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, a flowering of interest in psychedelic music made outside of the UK and the US brought Koray to the attention of listeners in the West. Subsequently, both legitimate, semi-legitimate, and bootleg versions of Koray's albums can be found in the West.
It is interesting to note that Koray is also the inventor of the electric baglama, a traditional Turkish musical instrument related to the lute, and its unique sound can be heard on many of his albums.
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My Interests

Gibson Les Paul Custom 1961

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Friend requests are accepted on weekly basis.


Amateur ERKIN KORAY covers:


Erkin Koray - Mechul 2
Erkin Koray - Sarhos Gibiyim
Erkin Koray - ilahi morluk
Erkin Koray - Gun dogmuyor
Erkin Koray - Nazilli live / 1974
Erkin Koray - Ask oyunu
Erkin Koray - Fesuphanallah
Erkin Koray - Aska inanmiyorum
Erkin Koray - Çöpçüler
Erkin Koray - Çöpçüler
Erkin Koray - Çöpçüler
Erkin Koray - Çöpçüler
Erkin Koray - Yalnizlar Rihtimi 2
Erkin Koray - Öyle bir geçer zamanki
Erkin Koray - Hayat Katari
Erkin Koray - Anladin mi?
Erkin Koray - Hay yam yam
Erkin Koray - Çal Gitarci
Erkin Koray - Ankara Sokaklari
Erkin Koray - Gaddar
Erkin Koray - Sana Birseyler Olmus
Erkin Koray - Arapsaçi
Erkin Koray - Kizlari da alin askere
Erkin Koray - Kizlari da alin askere
Erkin Koray - Kizlari da alin askere
Erkin Koray - Saskin
Erkin Koray - Fiftieth Year Concert


Erkin Koray Covers
Celik - Oyle Bir Gecer Zaman ki
Bülent Ortaçgil - Zuhal Olcay - Yanlizlar Rihtimi
Unlu - Estarabim
Duman & Erkin Koray - Fesupanallah
KARAKAN - Yagmur
(with Erkin Koray sample "Yagmurun Sesine Bak")

Orphaned Land - Estarabim

Thanks for contacting us, it's great to see that there is a page for Erkin Koray in My Space. Teshekur Edrim, Sherefe & Mujuk from Orphaned Land!
Our love to Erkin Koray!

DeTone - Silinmeyen Hatiralar
DeTone - Anma Arkadas!

Erkin Koray bizim için çok degerli, sahnede de E.K. coverlarini büyük zevkle çaliyoruz....

seralp / DeToNe
Karsanti - Aska Inanmiyorum

Yillardir eserleri ile bizlere ilham olan Türk Rock'inin devi Erkin Koray abimize saygilarimizla... KARSANTI

Levent ve Ali - Bir gün geçti aradan

Müziginle ve kisiliginle her zaman bir numarasin her zaman gönlümüzdesin. Levent ve Ali

Grup Harab3 - Çöpçüler
412 - SASKIN


Mezarlik Gülleri: Tüm Hippi’ler, Tüm Çiçek çocuklari, Tüm Rock’cular ve tüm 68’liler! Sizden geçti! Siz basaramadiniz! ...


Akrebin Gozleri
The Eyes of Scorpion

My Blog

ingilizce sarki sozleri icin yardim..

merhabalar... sitede erkin babanin sarkilarinin ingilizce tercumelerini yayinlamak istiyorum.. bu konuda yardimlarinizi da beklerim....
Posted by Erkin Koray on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 09:46:00 PST

Konser 20 Mart 2007

Erkin Koray Balans sahnesinde...Konser Tarihi : 20 Mart 2007 SaliKonser Saati : 21:00 Konser Fiyati : 25 YTLkaynak: 518dee972e6a9319ca&t...
Posted by Erkin Koray on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 11:35:00 PST

röportajdan alintilar 1992 / Jokey dergisi

Erkin Koray ile 92 yilinda Jokey dergisinde yapilmis bir röportajdan alintilar "O yillarda Türkiye'de elektro gitar diye bir sey yoktu. Elektro gitara ilk sahip olan ve kullanan övünerek söyley...
Posted by Erkin Koray on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 11:31:00 PST

Erkin Koray ile röportaj - 2005

...her biri gençligimize damgasini vurmus sarkilarin 'baba'si Erkin Koray'dan hayata, müzige ve Türkiye'ye dair altin degerinde sözcükler.20 yil önceki albümleri hala satan bir sanatçi olmak nasil bir...
Posted by Erkin Koray on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 01:27:00 PST

-Legend- you´ll kill for this one!

ERKIN KORAY released many albums in Turkey (for originals you must pay $1.000 each) and we´re proud to have approx. 4 hours of mastertape-material, some never released before, some on...
Posted by Erkin Koray on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 04:54:00 PST


45'LIKLERI 1962 Bir Eylül Aksami / It's So Long (solo) Melodi 2194 1966 Balla Balla / You've Got To Hide Your Love Away / Watcha Gonna Do About It / Its All Over Now (solo) Sayan EP Seri FS 78 1967 Ki...
Posted by Erkin Koray on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 11:13:00 PST


Elektro baglamanin yaraticisi, Ilginç sentez adami, Türk Rock müziginin babasi Erkin Koray, 24 Haziran 1941'de Istanbul'da dünyaya gelir. Enver beyle Vehice hanimin ilk ogludur. Annesi Vecihe Koray, B...
Posted by Erkin Koray on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 12:10:00 PST

Mezarlik Gülleri, Alfa Yayinlari tarafindan basildi.

KITAPTAN ALINTI:_____________________Mezarlik GülleriAdamin biri vasiyet etmis:"Ben ölünce", demis, "mezarimin üzerine gonca güller dikin. Onlari, açip ta olgun birer gül haline gelinceye kadar basind...
Posted by Erkin Koray on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 02:52:00 PST