Die Aghori Maschine profile picture

Die Aghori Maschine


About Me

You Are Surrealism
Dreamy and idealistic, you've created a world that is all your own.
It's very likely that you've either dabbled in drugs or are naturally trippy.
You are always trying to push beyond the boundaries of your culture and society.
You believe that art, love, and freedom can change the world. What Art Movement Are You?
Which Trainspotting Character Are You?
Your Personality Is Like Acid
A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict.
One moment you're in your own little happy universe...
And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell! What Drug Is Your Personality Like?
Your Personality is Very Rare (INTJ)
Your personality type is logical, uncompromising, independent, and nonconformist.
Only about 3% of all people have your personality, including 2% of all women and 4% of all men.
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging. How Rare Is Your Personality?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Goldfrapp Utopia Live

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A Silver Mt. Zion, A.R. & Machines, Acid Mothers Temple, Aera, Aero Sound, Agitation Free, Aigues Vibes, Air, Alcatraz, Älgarnas Trädgård, Amon Düul I & II, Ananda Shankar, Annexus Quam, Aphex Twin, Arab Strap, Arachnoid, Ardo Dombec, Arktis, Ash Ra Tempel, Ashra, Azam Ali, Bardo Pond, Bauhaus, Bayon, Beth Gibbons, Between, Bill Laswell, Blonde Redhead, Blues Ltd., Bokaj Retsiem, Brahms, Brainstorm, Brainticket, Brave New World, Brian Eno, Bröselmaschine, Caleidoscope Inc., CAN, Captain Beefheart & the Magic Band, Carol of Harvest, Cat Power, Checkpoint Charlie, Chopin, Clinic, Club 13, Cluster, Code III, Colder, Coram Publico, Cornelius, Cornucopia, Cosmos Factory, Cozmic Corridors, Coupla Prog, Crabs, Cybotron, Da Capo, Damenbart, Dead Can Dance, Dead Meadow, Deaf, Death In Vegas, Deuter, Dies Irae, Dom, Drum Circus, Dzyan, Eiliff, Einstürzende Neubauten, Ejwuusl Wessahqqan, Electric Sandwich, Elegy, Elektriktus, Emam & Friends, Embryo, Emtidi, Epidaurus, Erkin Koray, Etoile Filante, Exmagma, Experimental Audio Research, Explosions in the Sky, Fantasyy Factoryy, Faust, Floh de Cologne, Flower Travellin' Band, Frame, Franco Battiato, Freak Outs, Frob, Fürs & Fröhling, GÄÄ, Galactic Explorers, Galaxy, GAM, Gash, German Oak, Giants, Gila, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Goldfrapp, Golem, Golgatha, Gottfried Von Hüngsberg, Gravestone, Grobschnitt, Günter Schickert, Günter Kaufmann, Gurnemanz, Guru Guru, Hannah Marcus, Harmonia, Hawkwind, Heart Of Blues, Heldon, Helmut Teubner, Herbert F. Bairy, Hide & Seek, Highdelberg, Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson, Hölderlin, Ihre Kinder, Imperative Reaction, Indra Elegy, Inner Space, Iron Butterfly, Jo Hamann, John Bassman Group, John Cage, John Cale, Join, In, Jonny Greenwood, Joy Division, Jud's Gallery, Juno Reactor, Just We, Kalacakra, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Kevin Ayers, Khan, Kin Ping Meh, Klaus Schulze, Kluster, Kollektiv, Kraan, Kraftwerk, La Düsseldorf, la! NEU?, Labradford, Lang'syne, Laurie Anderson, Lava, Lepra, Lied des Teufels, Lightshine, Liliental, Lily, Limbus 3 & 4, Liszt, Love is Colder than Death, M. Ward, Macha, Madison Dyke, Magma, Mammut, Manuel Göttsching, Massive Attack, Matmos, McChurch Soundroom, MG Improvisation, Michael Bundt, Michael Rother, Missus Beastly, Mittelwinternacht '71, Mogwai, Moloko, Mono, Moolah, Morpheus, Motherhood, Mouse on Mars, Mozart, Múm, My Bloody Valentine, My Solid Ground, Mythos, Nazgul, Necronomicon, Neu!, Niyaz, Nobukazu Takemura, Nosferatu, Nouvelle Vague, Old Lumber, Opossum, Orbital, Oregon, Organisation, Os Mundi, Out of Focus, P.L.J. Band, Pancake, Paternoster, Pax Vobis, Pentagon, Pete Namlook, Peter Frohmader, Philip Glass, Phillipe Besombes, Pierre Henry, Pink Floyd, Pixies, Popol Vuh, Portishead, Prom, Prosper, Pyramid, Quintessence, Rachmaninov, Radiohead, Rash Behari Datta, Ravi Shankar, Release Music Orchestra, Roland Kovac New Set, Rolling Stones, Roxy Music, Royal Servants, Röyksopp, Rufus Zuphall, Saffran, Sameti, Sand, Scramp, Seesselberg, Sergius Golowin, Set Fire to Flames, Shanandoa, Shiver, Shub Niggurath, Siddharta, Sigur Rós, Siloah, Silver Apples, Smashing Pumpkins, Sonic Youth, Soulo, Sound Machine, Space Art, Space Explosion, Spacecraft, Spacemen 3, Sparklehorse, Spiritualized, Staff Carpenborg & The Electric Corona, Steeple Chase Bluesband, Stereolab, Stomu Yamash'ta, Strawberry Alarm Clock, Swearing at Motorists, Syd Barrett, Tangerine Dream, Temple, Terry Riley, Thanes, The B52'S, The Beatniks, The Cosmic Jokers, The Cure, The Devils, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, The John Spencer Blues Explosion, The Magic Group, The Microphones, The Nectarine No.9, The Ooze, The Smiths, The Soft Machine, The Spacious Mind, The Stone Roses, The Third Eye Foundation, The Uncertain MIdnight, The Velvet Underground, The Venus in Furs, The Wilde Flowers Story, Think, Third Ear Band, Thom Yorke, Those, Tomorrow's Gift, Tone Language, Tortoise, Träd, Gräs Och Stenar, Trash, Tricky, Trikolon, Try, Tuning Fork, Twogether, Tyburn Tall, Uli Trepte, Vidna Obmana, Vinegar, Virus, Vita Nova, Wallenstein, Walter Wegmüller, Waniyetula, Windy and Carl, Xhol, Xhol Caravan, Yatha Sidhra, Yellow 6, Yo La Tengo, Yume Bitsu, Zakir Hussain, Zomby Woof, Zweistein, Zyma, et al...


Fausto de Jan Svankmajer, Underground, Germania anno zero , Nosferatu Phantom der Nacht, Aguirre Wrath of God, Fitzcarraldo, Cour de Verre, Un Perro Andaluz, Lord of the Rings, Calzonzin Inspector, The Idiots, Dogville, Drugstore Cowboy, Natural Born Killers, Mamma Roma, Good bye Lenin!, Cidade de Deus, etc...


The teachings of Don Juan (Carlos Castaneda), Les Chants de Maldoror (Conde de Lautréamont, Isidore Lucien Ducasse), All Religions are One, Songs of Innocence, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell ( William Blake), Les Fleurs du mal (Charles Baudelaire), 1984 (George Orwell), Antígona (Sofocles), Siddhartha, El Lobo Estepario, Sobre El Lobo Estepario (Herman Hesse), Así habló Zaratustra, Humano, demasiado humano (Friedrich Nietzsche) , Julieta, Justina, 12O Días de Sodoma, Filosofía del Tocador (Donatien Alphonse François de Sade) , La Gallina Degollada (Horacio Quiroga), Bola de Sebo (Guy de Maupassant), Metamorfosis (Franz Kafka), El Apando (José Revueltas), Necronomicon, Polaris (H.P. Lovecraft), Junkie, Naked Lunch (William Seward Burroughs), On the Road (Jack Kerouac), The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (Tom Wolfe), La Náusea, El existencialismo es un humanismo (Jean-Paul Sartre) Lord of the Rings (J.R.T), Paraíso Perdido (John Milton), Cuentos Crueles (Villiers De L'Isle-Adam), Dracula (Bram Stoker) Tito Andrónico, Romeo y Julieta, Julio César, Hamlet, Otelo, El rey Lear, Macbeth, Antonio y Cleopatra, Coriolano, Troilo y Crésida (William Shakespeare), Gog, Hombre Acabado (Giovanni Papini), Fausto (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) y muchos más...


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