Reading, Writing, Travelling, Cooking, Cinema, Gym, Theatre, Concerts, Music (listening). Oh yeah and writing again. test
Interesting people, creative types, web designers, nerds, freaks, geeks, chocoholics, stalkers, sugar freaks, globalisationists, anti-globalisationists, straights, gays, bisexuals, artists, art-buyers, book-buyers, book-recyclers, book-worms, book-promoters, magazine-buyers, magazine-writers, talent-searchers, talent, talented, gym-freaks, gym-geeks, gym-jams, gym-instructors, gym-haters, thin people, large people, in-between people, a crowd, a group, a person,a human, and a talking fish.
You can now now order my novel
online from any of the Amazon sites in Europe, as well as WHSmith's and in the UK. For more information on purchasing visit my natural website
At the moment "Sad Thought's" by Codename Josephine is my favourite song. Visit:
Anything by Tim Burton
Visit my personal website:
Ordered "My Celebrity Boyfriend" by Liza Frank. It was fantastic and she even did Richard and Judy!!! Check out her myspace by clicking the picture link below:
If you have time try and read the first two pages from my novel.
Meera Syal The man who discovered chocolate