Interests in life... hmm.. Old things, New things, Good conversation, Listening to people, People Watching, Dancing to groovy music, Listening to music, Singing to my music in my car (where no-one can hear me), Lambetta's, Socialising, Loving my man (soppy I know, but I can't help it), Having fun with my kids, Inspiring pupils within my Art group, Looking at Art, Making Art, Collecting Images, Creating glass windows, Photography, Photo-Realism, Making pictures, Taking pictures, Using my Picture/Video phone, Making Videos, Writing (even though I am the worlds worst speller)... Gardening (blimey, did I say that, I must be getting old).
Gasp... up for air and... brrreeaath....
I like Messing around on my computer, Smoking the odd cone and guzzling a bit of Vino.
Check out the slide show of some of my favourite snap shots of family and friends...
This is a portrait of my son, Julian, that I painted. It's a large painting, painted in acrylics. The painting is part of a tryptic called 'The Cotterie Tryptic'. I will be adding more images of my artwork soon.
Creative interesting (nice) people. Old faces... New faces... and smiley faces.
Love 60's/70's, 60's garage, psychedelic groovy stuff, Northern Soul and Funk, Some Jazz (not the snoopy music type though), A bit of Folk... Lots of Indie, Some loud stuff, and a bit of Rock.
I love to go to clubs and dance.. dance to soul and funk... alternative/indie, rock and 60's/70's soulful tunes. And if I haven't got the time or oportunity to go and dance at a club, then the front room will do!
Here's a slideshow of me and my son Jools when we were in Manchester last Christmas (Dec 06). We went to see Morrissey play at the GMex centre. It was Jools's 2nd gig of the year... he loved it. He's a right little music freak and my new gigging buddy by the looks of it. We had a great time in Manchester... it's a great city. Enjoy the pics. They're only taken with my picture phone, but haven't turned out too bad.
Shane Meadow's films... Old films... Films with great imagery... Films that touch me. Not that keen on gor or slashers... don't see the point... but I love gohsty scary films.
Other stuff... Betty Blue, Roman Holiday, The Graduate, Withnail and I (Yes I know it's everybody's favourite, but I can't stop liking it because it has become mega popular), Midnight Cowboy, Taxi Driver, To Sir with Love, Clockwork Orange, Girl On A Motorcycle, A Taste of Honey, The Knack, Alfie (the original one), The Italian job (also orig), Up the Junction, Blow Up, Brighton Rock, Quadrophenia, Made in Britain, The Hairdresser's Husband, Amelie, Nuts in May, Trainspotting, The wicker Man, Planet Of The Apes, 24 Hour Party People, Billy Elliot, Donnie Darko... so many many more.
Lots of kids stuff like Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away and The Iron Giant. The Wizard of Oz was the first film I can remember seeing as a kid and being totally freaked out by the witch... She has got to be the most scary witch ever!!
I love Natural History and stuff about the Earth, Planets, Space and Time.
I've gotta have me 'Stenders!! Sad I know.
I have to be honest a say I am a sucker for reality TV although I am slightly embarrassed to admit it.
I like Lost... ermm, what else... don't watch much telly at the moment. I tend to get sucked into watching episodes of US TV that my man, Chris, downloads onto his PC. While I am tapping away at my Mac, my eyes stray and I find myself watching stuff I wouldn't normally choose to watch... it's entertaining enough though, so I am not complaining.
Art books and magazines. Photography & Photo journalism books, Books about old things... Books with loads of groovy pictures in, Music magazines and the Sundays papers.
Music wise it has to be: George Harrison, John Lennon, Neil Young, Arthur Lee, David Bowie, Stevie Wonder, Ronnie Laine, Steve Marriott, Morrissey, Dave Grohl, Ian Brown, Harriett Wheeler and John Lydon. Its a bit of a mixed bag, but it works for me. I could go on forever.
Art and Design influences: Peter Blake, Peter Max, Lichtenstein, Freda Khalo, Rene Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Anthony Gormley, Escher, Gustav Klimt, Bridget Reilly and many more.
General: Michael Caine, Robery Lindsay, Audrey Hepburn, Twiggy, Ewan Mcgregor..erm.. gonna have to stop there for now.
People I know: My Nan Rene..., Lovely Lainey, Tekka the king of Bees', Christof Lammy, Emma K, Tracey J... School Buddy Sarah Mac... The lovely Jenny McKeating, who has been a fantastic friend recently and not forgetting my old mukka Christabelle AKA pob... and her tribe of little people.
I feel like I am writing a Thank You speech... I have so many heros/influences... I will have to come back to this bit later when I've had a think otherwise I'll be woffling on forever... (probably already have).
This is Me and Caroline (Cozmic Caz) on the cover of the VFM programme for the I.O.W 2001.
Have a peek at this website, it's funny... You upload a full face picture of yourself, it then scans your face and matches you with look-a-likes celebrities. Most of mine are Japaneese... mad!! Funny thing is, when I was a teenager... I took some acid (as you do...) and I turned into a Jananeese lady in the mirror... freaky!