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Randy Cobb

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

ABOUT ME? What tha' HECK should I say? I think Beethoven had the right concept ------ " ME ME ME ---- MEEEEEEEEEE', ME ME ME --- MEEEEEEEE !" With my " ROCKET-SCIENTIST" mind kickin' in, I shall now unleash "RANDY COBB WORLD HEADQUARTERS !" My "GUITAR-GOD FAME, KEEN ANIMAL MAGNETISM (and $20.00)" will obsessively begin the "I'VE GOTTA' HAVE THIS GUY ON MY FRIENDS LIST" RAVE !!!!! :) ( AAAHH'- I SAY- THATZ AH' JOKE SON, THATZ AH' JOKE!) (I also enjoy a certain "Self-deprecating" sense of HUMOR.)OK - DEN - - - I was born at a very early age. I'm an"Air-Breathin' Mammal" from what I can tell. Started to grow-up in Fort Worth (TEXAS) and I'm still grow'in up. (Don't wanna' Rush Into anything!) Sang in the All Saints Episcopal Boy's Choir. Jack Noble White was my stunt-dad, as well as our Choir Director. Did I mention he's a Genius?I had my first "Spiritual Experience" in New York City in 'St. John The Divine' Cathedral where all my "CELLS in my SOUL started to JIGGLE !! ." In a Beautiful World of Grey Stone - I was listening to the Organ that Mr. White was playing. As I looked up and into a Stained Glass Window of Color, GOD thumped me on my head and said "THIS MUSIC STUFF IS WHAT YOU OTTA' DO ...." (Not a direct quote) Started packin' a guitar around everywhere I went. I jes' couldn't put it down. When I was old enough I began attending a place named "CAMP CRUCIS." It is an Episcopal Camp. That is where I went "nutz" playin' guitar with a bunch of folks that were as nutz as I was about Music. (To this day they are my closest SOUL MATES.) MY plan was to be a Priest, Organist and Choir master in the Episcopal Church. Then "THA' DEVIL GOT ME" as I started my " ME FIRST-- Sex Drugz & Rock'n Roll" IDIOT chapter of my life. I done screwed tha' pooch! MAN- I made so many mistakes and messed-up relationships with my sic-ass substance abuse and fear of people, places and thangz'! Got "struck sober" in 85'.(" YOU CAN LOOSE YOUR LOVER, BUT YOU NEED YOUR LIVER !) Then I began to realize I had a bad case of "ADD!" (Advanced Dick-head Disorder!)( Actually - I know think I have "HDADD" - HI-DEF ADD!) (Got THAT goin' for me, heh?) I have been blessed with friends that "spoon-fed" me a LIFE worth saving thru living examples of patience and love that I will never be able to repay. ( Still workin' on repaying' that money I owe ya'!!) ( :} ) As I began "pullin' my head out" I fell madly in love with the gift of Music again, "LIVIN' tha' DREAM!" Now - If I "TRY" to "Play Guitar" - I'm probably full of CRAP - tryin' to "hold my stomach in and look as cool as possible." (I'm finding that harder and harder to do - tha' stomach thang- as I'm kind'a GOOFY LOOK'in anyway!) I end up playin' more than "LISTENING !!!! However - I live for those times that I "PLAY MUSIC;" That language of PURITY and GRACE! ( Kinda' outta' of body stuff that passes all understanding.) If I am fortunate to be requested to Produce an Artist or music for something, I do my best to "HONOR THEIR TALENT and LOVE FOR MUSIC!" ( Arranging CHEMISTRY!)If it works "BINGO"- WE GOT THAT HOT CHILI / GOD GROOVE that "THA'MAN HIM SELF brings to tha' party! All this Guitar stuff started while I was in a Prep-school in Tenn. (Saint Andrews) I stumbled across an album by "CTA." I heard this guy named Terry Kath (CHICAGO) play about 2 seconds. After my BM,(BOWL movement) (TMI?) I started playin' guitar and tryin' to figure-out what PLANET this Terry guy was from. Didn't sit well with the School's coach, as I was Tri-state Wrestling, Track and Football, and I quit sports to practice GUITAR. Back to Ft.Worth and Stage Band. My soul-brother Nick Costa took me to my first NIGHT-CLUB !!!" ( I was 16.) It was "THE SPACE PALACE" in Ft. Worth. That was my first time to meet "Jerry Williams." Stevie Davis was in tha' band as well. (Had a long relationship with Jerry. Just gotta' have known him. I don't know WHAT to say cept' I loved him, and he was the most talented insane person I have ever met.) Nick Costa is insane - on DRUMS. Check his site out. I left Ft. Worth the 2od day I got outta' High-school to tour with Delbert McClinton. We opened for Willie Nelson for the next 4 years or so. Delbert hired me-fired me-and hired me the first day I met him. We had one rehearsal in the 4 or 5 years. ( Don't want to OVER-REHEARSE it!) (My High-school graduation was held in the south end of the Ft.W. Civic Center, and I was playin' in the north end of it with Delbert and Willie. I heard my name called as they said "absent.") Long story short (made even LONGER due to my expert typing skills)- kinda' ended up playin' with about everyone I had admired so much for so long. I am pleased to make friends on this site. I am not sure what this is all about, but will always respect your comments and privacy. More bla-bla later - thanx
The Beatles - All You Need Is Love

My Interests

(I think I'm suppose to put pictures of ME on my pic-site. I'd rather put up some pic's of stuff I consider BEAUTIFUL and funny.) My imagination is thrilled by the "PERFORMING ARTS." A Ducati 999r - or a 1950 Rag-top Chevy. Flying Helicopters - they are beautiful and "PERFORM ARTISTICALLY" in my humble opinion. A beautiful LADY - it amazes me what GOD can do!!! ( REALLY AMAZES ME ----- REALLY !!!!!!!!! ) Skiing down a slope with the sound, smell and feel of flying. Love fishin'!" (Spiritual experience watching the boys catch their "FIRST FISH!!!!!!") I'm very interested in the Sciences. "Black-Hole" study/efforting to understand wild-ass objects that travel 100 trillion MPH. I'm continually Flying and driving well-built vehicles that know how to "pull G's" more than my body can. I basically practice "LIVIN' THA' DREAM" on a daily basis as I feel we are blessed even on shitty days. THANX for your time. I appreciate it.

I'd like to meet:

( UP-DATE ) 2/2008 Howdy - I just returned from recording a CD with " JEFF McBRIDE." GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY CAN HE SING !!!!!! I had the pleasure of meeting Jeff through Tim Jackson. Tim is" MAGIC" and as sweet as they come. He is an amazing singer, and has written 100's of songs that have been placed with tons of folks. I was treated so wonderfully by the folks there. Now, back to Jeff and the CD. Jeff spent 15+ years with some guy named "RAY CHARLES" as well as this Gal named "ARETHA!" (YEP -) He and Tim wrote the Tunes on this CD. I had a blast listening to Jeff sing, and watching Dave Cox work. Blew me away to the point where I've been writing songz non-stop since meeting those guyz!!!! I'll keep you up-dated on the future of the CD and any gigs they might do. My LOVE and THANX go out to all the "30a'ers" and that guy (AND his WIFE) that "almost" went Sailing with us! (Remember him, Dave?) More later.I would be honored and humbled as never before to meet those who lost loved ones on September 11th. I have a lil' note in my "HERO's" section to those "SPECIAL-CHOSEN" people that want to rid our World of all us "un-worthy" worms so their after-life can be swing'in.I believe that "SPECIALIZATION IS FOR INSECTS !" (Do everything, and PLAY everything.) "You are NOT what you DO for a living." If you are fortunate to "LOVE" what you do as a career - well den - good on ya'! We are so blessed to have been offered a talent. Most of us have to work on it. (Did I mention I stayed in a room for 10 years practicing guitar) I dig Folks that work to make a difference on this Planet. Early on (Late 70's) James Taylor had a blurb on his record jacket addressing our dependency on the Oil-Energy creed we still live by today. He suggested that we CAN do something about it right now - " On your way to my concert tonight turn your lights off in your house." Bless our lil' hearts- we surly need folks to step-up and stand for what they believe is just and right.You know- folks that don't subscribe to the BS LIKE'" IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN MY GOD - I'LL KILL YOU!!! I missed that day in kindee'garden class that explained the section of my "owners manuel" on what actually "GREEN-LITES" the "TAKING OF A LIFE !!!!!???) "OH YEAH - I DIDN'T GET AN OWNERS MANUEL ON HOW A MAN IS SUPPOSE TO ACT AS HE GROW-UP!!!" Guess I'll just kind'a wing it with the Bible or other periodicals.I love life - I love people. I get out and do wild-ass things, laughing and do'in stuff I figured I could NEVER learn to do. My sons were deeply touched by Steve Irwin's Passing. I found out AFTER he Passed they had loved him and wanted to meet him. They feel much the same way about Adam and Jamie.(The "MYTHBUSTERS!")So I feel we better get busy liv'in and get our DREAMS and IDEAS locked-loaded and kick'in ass - NOW!I Love COMEDY!!! Check-out "CHRIS ALPINE" Hard to find guy. http://www.chrisalpine.com/listen.phpI would be honored and Blessed to meet you, and look forward to sharing some time, Music, and really BAD JOKES !!!!! ;}THANX


Besides Bach's 'Jesu Joy Of Man's Desiring" and Mozart's " Ave Verum Corpus" i have always had two favorite bands - 'WEATHER REPORT and LITTLE FEAT !" (That pretty much sums up my lil' woop-ti-doo as far as my music tastes go.) What sings to my Heart is ones "Life Thru Music" and " THEIR HANDS!!!" I listen to their "HANDS or VOICE!" I have been Blessed by sooo' many influences - James Taylor was my first concert in a big round Civic Center in Ft. Worth. He made my cells start wiggl'in and to this day is my favorite " OLE' FOLK-SINGER!" (I was to shy to go into Will Rogers Auditorium in 1968 to hear this guy named "JIMI' HENDRIX!") ( blew that one, eh?) Jaco Pastorius and Joe Zawinul had a HUGE IMPACT on my SOUL as far as Music is concerned. I'm not a Bass player, nor do I play Keyboards well. I spent time with those two guys and their band Weather Report, and it "CHANGED MY LIFE!" I met and hung with Robben Ford which meant allot to me. (HANDS) Jeff Beck (HANDS) (Larry Carlton (UBER-HANDS) Roy Buchanon- (Don't get me started on GUITARISTS) So many talented Artists that are " THEMSELVES-" To this day I get so EXCITED and EMOTIONAL when I hear "MUSIC PLAYED FROM A SOUL" - the "REAL-DEAL" - "Originals" that "DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY BULL-SHIT !!!!!!!!!! " Delbert, JT, his sister Kate and his brother Alex, Dave Wilcox, Jaco, Zawinul, Dave Crosby, Joni Mitchell,Mike McDonald, Jeff Beck - "MUSIC PLAY'IN PEOPLE !!!" Bill Ham was my first guitar teacher. (think I had a guy-crush on him cause he playz so brilliant) I sat in front of him in Ft. Worth at "The HOP" for two years crying before I could muster-up enough balls to say "How did you do that?" I paid $10 for my first lesson, then followed him around like ah' dog for the next ten years. He taught me that a "GUITARIST" should play "MUSIC - NOT GUITAR!" This sort'a sucked for me at first. I figured if I dressed a certain way and "acted" like all my 'I'm a BLUZ PLAYER" or "I'm a JAZZ GUY" friends acted - I'd be cool. HOWEVER - Bill kind'a screwed that up for me. His "F--KING INCREDIBLE" ABILITY to play EVERYTHING" (CHET ATKINS-JERRY REED-CLAPTON-WES MONTGOMERY-HENDRIX-WORLD CLASS SEGOVIA-STYLE CLASSICAL-ALBERT COLLINS) blew me away. Then he "WENT ON FROM THERE !!! He has his own "thang" - MUSIC !!!! This "thang" has little or nothing to do with a name or label Record Companies provide for us. (Years later, I asked Zawinul if he'd always played " J A Z Z ???? " As he looked at me from the passenger seat of my Volvo on the way to where Kennedy was shot in Dallas - I KNEW I'd just taken a "cosmic dump" - unveiling the true "AWE-STRUCK" Music goof-ball I was. He then said " Randy - What is J A Z Z ????" ---silence--- blank --- Joe said "Its a LABEL Record Companies use to define a product they sell!" As we walked around the spot Kennedy was shot - He stated " THIS IS WHERE MUSIC COMES FROM - DO YOU FEEL THIS - THIS IS MUSIC !!! ABSORB IT INTO YOUR SOUL, THEN SHARE IT WITH OTHERS BY PLAYING WITH YOUR HANDS AND HEART !!" If THAT wasn't enough to make it necessary to change my panties at my earliest connivence - he went on- "MORE PEOPLE ARE INTERESTED IN WHO SHOT HIM THAN WHAT THE MAN STOOD FOR !") Bill hammered me with "If someone asks you what you do for a living - and you say "I'm a GUITARIST" - you better be able to play any style - RIGHT !!! " THEN - blow it all off and play YOUR MUSIC!" Bill is on myspace somewhere, and to this day is my friend and Mentor. I saw Eric Johnson when he was 17 at the HOP. I was never quite rite after that! recently saw Anson Funderburgh recently at "The House Of Blues" in Dallas. He invited me to sit-in. I requested he start a song, play a solo, then hand me his plank. He did. The reason I mention this is he is probably my "FAV" guitarist when it comes to his style of nasty-ass BLU"Z! I LOVE HIS HANDS ! The sound he gets from his hands - I wanted to see if I could get that "spank" he gets from his rig. We had a blast !!!!! Anson plays "MUSIC!" He's the real-deal. Now that I've "Played Guitar", Produced, performed on Records, and Composed for some films and Documentaries for about 35 or so years, I have to say my favorite thing to do is back-up an 'Original" Singer/ Song Writer. A Duo with "Croz" or band member with JT or Mike Mc'Donald, Willie Nelson, Bonnie. I DIG being a "Band Player" and have what I do Fit Musically with an Artist who's "got it goin' on!" I work to thrill and inspire the 'Star" - to hopefully in some small way "Give Back" what they have given so many of us for sooo' long. I have listened to just about everything is this particular part of the Universe. I have deep groove/shuffle tunes playin' right now. I think Susan Tedeschi nails it with a song title " BE THANKFUL FOR THIS FEELING THAT MUSIC BRINGS!" (Or something like that.)I am "FOREVER THANKFUL" to the people that the BLESSING OF MUSIC has brought to my life.THANX - More Later.


I'm not much into watching Movies - Composing Music and reading something is time better spent for me. HOWEVER - I DIG Monty Python's Search for the "HOLY GRAIL",Herald and Maude, Raising Arizona, ( EVERYTHING by the Cohen Bro's & David Lynch) Signs, Blade Runner, Bruce Almighty, Mad Mad Mad Mad World, Kelly's Heros, Saving Private Ryan, Green Mile, Forrest Gump,( for some reason Chron. of Riddick)Grapes of Wrath, Finding Nemo, Ice-Age 1&2, Gladiator, Toy Story, Happy Gilmore & Caddy Shack, Joe 'Dir'te, (Did I mention ALL of the Cohen Bro's stuff?) Something About Mary, Ocean's 11,12 & just saw "13 !!!" It was GREAT!)AND All the rest of the ones I forgot to mention.


Crap - Crap - More Crap.Mostly kind'a Crappy.BUT WAIT ------- YES --------- " SPEED CHANNEL" MONSTER QUEST - Band of Brothers, CSI, L & O,"SPONGE-BOB SQUARPANTS" ( I LOVE THOSE GUYZ MAN - I MEAN IT !!!!!!!!! )The History and The Discovery Channels.Malcolm in the Middle, SCRUBS,Myth-bustersMike Row's dry sense of humor on Dirty Jobs. F.R.I.E.N.D.S sometimes.Comedy Central ( Rick Overton, Ron White, Foxworthy, Larry "TCG")"Prometheus and Bob" animated Clay-Mation series. (Sick and GREAT!!!)


ALL of them.Cep't for ones about the Crap on TV.


" JESUS", then my MOM.- My DAD lost the battle with Alcoholism - he was a good MAN! My Brother Ron - He's been through it - still doing good, then my Best Bro Nick Costa. My "CAMP CRUCIS" FAMILY. My "stunt son DALLAS BAILS!" Lost alot early in his life. Did the work and is now an "MD" liv'in in Texas. HE IS " THA' GUY " WHEN IT COMES TO MAKING YOUR LIFE A BLESSED SUCCESS !!!!!! I'm soooo' pround of you "BIG D !" -I consider all the people that gave of themselves to help me in my life my HEROES ! The Faith, Love, Patience and Trust so many graced me with is something I have never forgotten. -Seymour Duncan gave me my first REAL JOB that brought me to California, where I began stumbling towards Sobriety. (Had ah' couple of alcoholic cars that periodically surprize me with stunts.I finally decided to drive with no seat bealt and the door kind'a open so I'd be thrown clear in the insuing fire ball.) California is enough to get ANYBODY SOBER! It has been good to me, and it's all Seymour's fault!!! (I love you MAN !!) Jaco Pastorius, Joe Zawinul, Lil' Feat, Bach, Hank Williams, JT, Croz, The PEEVE - (Just a few)My love ZOE had our two sons.She is my hero.That was the best time of my life.We are still hang'in-17 years now. I have no words to offer as how I have learned about LOVE through our SONS. GOD's gift of "LIFE" is way outt'a my job discription. "LIFE" - I don't think GOD wants us to "give HIM our lives - I think he wants us to "WANT" our lives!" ( I can hear him now - I say " OH GOD----- PLEASE-- I WANT YOU TO HAVE MY LIFE !!!!!!" "THEN HE SAYS ---- NO !!!!!! I GAVE YOU THE COOLEST THING THERE IS - I WANT YOU TO WANT IT AND BE HAPPY !!!!" (By the way GOD - If I'm WRONG about that, lets just kind'a forget about that part, K???? SIR ?????) -I honor those who live by the code "SO THAT OTHERS MAY LIVE."-A Mom and Dad that HONORS the VOW of Matrimony - doesn't open a new can of Wives or Husbands when they wanna'! -A single parent committed to raising a child or five - goes to work every day, gets the kids to Soccer practice, helps them on homework (AFTER THE DINNER WAS CONSUMED) and tucks em' into bed. (AFTER THEY MAKE SURE THAT ALL THOSE TEETH ARE BRUSHED) Gets up the next day and does it all over again.- People that have had a tuff time in life, but do not adhere to the "PLAYING THE VICTUM" role. (It's no longer whether I "HAD" a good Father - it's whether I "AM" a good Father.) - A person that becomes willing to address their "PROBLEM" - whether it be Booze, Meds, Money, Ego, (etc) -People that "have it all" in regards to their "Career" or how they "Look" - and can put that into perspective enough to be of help to those less fortunate- all done without another person knowing what they did.And all who lost their lives and loved ones on September 11th, as well as "HEROS" put in harms way today in IRAQ (etc) HAVING TO "DEAL" with THOSE LOST IN THE BOUNDAGE OF SELF, CALLING IT GODS WILL." N O W --- PAY ATTENTION TO THIS NEXT LIL' DITTY-"ALL YOU LIL' CHICK'IN SHIT BEN-LADEN WANNA' BE'S - IF YOU GOTTA' KILL SOMEBODY THAT'S NOT "LIKE YOU" AND THAT MAKES YOU THINK "ALLAH" DIGS YOUR CHILI MORE THAN ALL THE REST OF US IDIOT'S THAT,LIKE YOU, WERE GIVEN THE GREATEST GIFT EVER- THAT BEING "LIFE"- - COME GET ME INSTEAD OF SOME INNOCENT CHILD. I DO BELIEVE THAT GREATER LOVE HATH NO MAN THAN TO LAY DOWN HIS LIFE FOR HIS FRIEND. SO IF I CAN FILL YOUR QUOTA AND ALLOW YOU TO BYPASS SOME OTHER SWEET HUMAN THAT JUST HAPPENS TO BE "YOUR BROTHER OR SISTER" WHEATHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, AND GO'IN ABOUT THEIR LIFE NOT EXPECTING TO BE VAPORIZED BY SOMEONE SO "SPECIAL ON EARTH LIKE YOU" THEN COME LOOK ME UP.AND - JUST TO REALLY PISS YOU OFF - "I FORGIVE YOU IN ADVANCE."