BAST magazine profile picture

BAST magazine

Order your copy of Issue 5 today!!!

About Me

ISSUE #5 is out NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Buy your copy today!!!!
BAST magazine is a printed publication dedicated to extreme metal
BAST is now and has always been 100% Bimbo free! If you're a bimbo, or just a wanna-be bimbo, FUCK OFF! I REALLY mean this!!! If you have lots of pictures on your page of myspace whores, I will not add you!!! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR??? FUCK OFF AND DIE MY SPACE WHORES!!!
We are the Metal Elite! Call us snobs if you will, but we do not write about all bands. If you think that a metal magazine should do more than cover the top selling bands, we are your publication! Not everyone who thinks they're metal can be metal. And yeah, we get to decide who is true metal.
Issue 5 is out NOW!!! featuring: Watain, Candlamass, Immolation, Belphegor, Vargathrone, Trelldom, Obituary, Goatwhore, Usurper, Atrocity plus more!!!!
To purchase your copy, you can do so through here or directly through our website at:
BAST is back online!!! You can purchase BAST at a variety of smaller bookstores and newstands throughout the US. If the store near you do NOT carry BAST, request it!!!
We welcome TRUE METAL BANDS ONLY!!! No mallcore, baggy pants "rap" metal, screamo, bro metal, rap crap (how can anyone think rap is even music????), emo, goth, punk, hardcore, hippie or otherwise, please! If you think Trivium, Killswitch Engage and Slipknot are great bands, then GET THE FUCK OFF MY PAGE! AND NO XTIAN METAL!!!!!! ARGH!!!! Holy rollers piss me off!!!! You can shove your god up your ass!!!!!
Contact me for the BAST address for promo submission.
Remember, just because you think your band is good, doesn't mean we will agree! We give our honest opinions, nothing is held back!
I also DJ Rampage Radio 90.3fm KUSF, where I play the MOST EXTREME metal on real radio!!!..... .......
If you want to get in touch with Black Metal Martha about something personal, please contact her at

My Interests

METAL!!!!!!!!!!!! Exposing posers, whores and liars for what they truly are.

I'd like to meet:

Metalheads!!! Anyone who LIVES and KILLS for REAL METAL!!!!
A WARNING: If you think bands like Cradle of Filth and Killswitch Engage are great, THIS IS NOT THE PLACE FOR YOU!!!
Also, if you're a MySpace SLUT, whore or stripper who thinks you can instantly be metal just because you have pictures of yourself dressed like a prostitute, FUCK OFF AND DIE!!! There is no place for you in REAL metal!!! You think looking like a whore earns you respect? Put your clothes on and use your brains instead of your fake tits for once! BAST is, and always has been, 100% BIMBO FREE!!!!! FUCK YOU MYSPACE WHORES!!!




Which mythical creature resides in your soul? (11 Results + Pictures)

You are the dragon. A dragon, in western lore, is a giant lizard with wings. It usually has the capability to breathe fire. The dragon symbolizes immense power, physical strength, and courage. The dragon has also been a symbol of wisdom and of protection. Dragons may also appear to be greedy as many a tale depict them as keepers of vast hordes of treasure.
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We will give a copy of BAST away free to any current member of the military. Get in touch, we love you!!!

My Blog

Rampage Radio/Black Metal Martha playlist 5-18-08

RAMPAGE RADIO/BLACK METAL MARTHA Playlist May 18, 2008 KUSF 90.3fm   It was a good show, lots of great new music, and lots of Norwegian music in honor of Constitution Day!   If you haven'...
Posted by BAST magazine on Thu, 29 May 2008 10:13:00 PST

Black Metal Martha/Rampage Radio 4-20-08 playlist

RAMPAGE RADIO/BLACK METAL MARTHA KUSF 90.3fm April 20, 2008   It was another great show, hope you heard it.   2-3amAbruptum - De Profundos Mor Va ConsumetPlace of Skulls - ...
Posted by BAST magazine on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 09:22:00 PST

Black Metal Martha/Rampage Radio Marsh 23rd playlist

RAMPAGE RADIO/BLACK METAL MARTHA March 23, 2008 KUSF 90.3fm   This was my Annual Infernal Easter show. Yes&everything was theme-based. I hope you got the chance to hear it. And che...
Posted by BAST magazine on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 07:00:00 PST

Rampage Radio/Black Metal Martha 2-24-08 playlist

RAMPAGE RADIO/BLACK METAL MARTHA 2/24/08 Playlist KUSF 90.3fm   This was my very special birthday show!!! I played some of my favorite tunes, including some non-metal stuff. I hope ...
Posted by BAST magazine on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 12:31:00 PST

What were YOU doing in 6th Grade???

Death Angel were opening for Metallica at Kabuki here in San Francisco when they were in 6th grade. Amazing but true. And they haven't lost an ounce of what made them great. In fact, they're even bett...
Posted by BAST magazine on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 03:10:00 PST

Thrash - Bay Area style

Exodus, Goatwhore, Warbringer - Slim's, San Francisco, February 24, 2008 There are plenty of great thrash bands all over the world, but nobody does it as good as us in the SF Bay Area. It's ...
Posted by BAST magazine on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 05:22:00 PST

Rotting Christ, Immolation, Belphegor, Averse Serfina, Arise - Sweets, Oakland 2-21-08

First, I want say at the very start I had soooo much fun at this show. Even though the crowd was not as large as it could have been, it was a QUALITY crowd. There were few posers and just a couple em...
Posted by BAST magazine on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 12:39:00 PST

Black Metal Martha/Rampage Radio 1-27-08

BLACK METAL MARTHA/RAMPAGE RADIO January 27, 2008 KUSF 90.3   2-3am Abruptum  De Profundis Mor Va Consumet Gorgoroth  Vergtrollets Hevn Ephel Duath  Hole III Furze  Mandragora O...
Posted by BAST magazine on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 06:15:00 PST

Rampage Radio/Black Metal Martha 12-30-07 playlist

RAMPAGE RADIO/BLACK METAL MARTHA December 30th, 2007 Playlist KUSF  90.3fm   Here it is! My last show of 2007! And may I say Good Riddance! to a massively disappointing year. May 20...
Posted by BAST magazine on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 02:17:00 PST

2007 BAST magazine honors

I will not use the term *Award* in metal. Awards are for surface-level, commercialized, top-40 crap, not our music. So, here are my Top Ten CDs of the year, and the very, very Worst CD on 2007. I...
Posted by BAST magazine on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 03:23:00 PST