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(In no particular order) Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Scheer, anything SHOEGAZER -ish - Ride, Lush, Slowdive, Swervedriver, Adorable, My Bloddy Valentine, etc. As well as, Green Day, My Chemical Romance, The Used, The Verve, Kasabian, Hard-Fi, Oasis, Scud Mountain Boys, The Pernice Brothers, The White Stripes, Stereophonics, Trail of Dead, The Arctic Monkeys...a bunch of 90s bands that no one probably remembers....yes, I could go on forever.
Almost Famous, Cyrano de Bergerac, Garden State, Old School, Lost in Translation, Sixteen Candles, the Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Some Kind of Wonderful, Wierd Science, and a bunch of other teen comedies.
Arrested Development, The Family Guy, anything with Rachael Ray, The Amazing Race, MXC, Iron Chef, Wild On! (yes...even the episodes with the train wreck that is Tara Reid hosting), The Simpsons, and dumb gameshows like:
Deal or No Deal
Anything by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., "The Virgin Suicides" (Lux is one of the best female characters EVER! ps. the movie doesn't do the book justice), "Wouldn't it be Nice" by Brian Wilson and other biographies/autobiographies of bands and musicians.
Friends, Family, Kurt Cobain, Billy Corgan, and a few people who will remain nameless but have helped me or continue to help me and my career along the way.