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This is YOUR Nightlife!
get the VIP hook up
..We are an archive of photography with over 135,000 photos spanning over the last Six years of nightlife in and around Detroit. We also produce and promote some of Detroit's most successful and fun parties, don't believe us? Look at some pix lolwww.PictureThisDetroit.com (PTD) mixes photography, technology, arts media, written media, club culture, and music. We offer a multimedia .. experience that truly represents what is happening right now in electronic music and nightlife culture in and around Detroit, Michigan. Picturethisdetroits core function is to photograph club and bar events. Due to the nature of its content, the picturethisdetroit site consistently receives high levels of web traffic. With our partnerships as photo editors of Six Degrees Magazine, we have expanded our reach to print media with monthly readers who take pleasure in viewing our popular printed photo pages.
We also maintain close relationships with all promoters, DJs, and club owners in the Metro Detroit Area (also Canada) and work with them regularly covering and promoting their events and venues . Visitors come to the site to view these records of events they have attended and to view photographes from events they havent to measure up clubs and venues for future events.
By mixing photography, technology, arts media, written media, club culture, and musicall the elements that bring the picturethisdetroit team joy and creative fulfillmentthe company found its niche and its members created an opportunity to give back to a community that has given them so much.
Picturethisdetroit will always evolve. We strive to entertain, innovate and keep it fresh! We offer a multimedia experience that truly represents what is happening right now in the electronic music and nightlife culture in and around Detroit.
Culture is simply norms of behaviour and values shared by a group of people. We thus define club culture participants as individuals who experience in and through music an opportunity to reach beyond mundane lives and forget about daily struggles. Dance clubs foster liberality in a sort of hyper reality. Dance clubs are places where diversity and being eccentric are accepted and even encouraged. Music played at dance clubs can temporarily usurp ones mind and body as the DJ or artist takes one on a melodic journey of layered sound and rhythm. The deepest baselines can shake ones very heart and in the middle of a sea of moving, smiling bodies on a dirty, sweaty dance floor, the closest thing to collective consciousness can be experienced.
Every club culture participant carries around nostalgic moments. These moments, etched forever in memory, may be an instant or a song or a bonding moment with friends or an unforgettable atmosphere. Regardless, these momentsthe vibe collectively experienced at a partyhelp sustain this culture and feed individual mental scrapbooks.
We at picturethisdetroit want to capture some of these moments in pictures and words. We want to use the worldwide web as vehicle for communication and sharing of these images and memories. It is our way of giving back to the club culture community.
www.picturethisdetroit.com is a progressive vision, a labour of love, a place to chill and reflect, and an ever evolving ..ary of clubs, past, present and future.
Each photo album captures a night out on the town in pictures, sound, and words. Some are dedicated to particular DJs or a particular club; others are dedicated to those who keep the culture aliveyou!
It takes a significant investment of time and creative effort to compile and present these galleries of memories and we hope you take a closer look to see if one of those moments etched in your cerebral scrapbook is there.
Peace & Be Wild
This Is YOUR Nightlife