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Welcome! ¡Bienvenido!

About Me

Thank you for visiting my page.
My name is Scott Milton.
I’m a devoted student, writer, and researcher currently residing in Anaheim, California, United States of America.
As someone who cares deeply about humanity, I am committed to making a positive difference in the world. I try to identify problems that need to be solved and questions that need to be answered. I work to find or create solutions and answers to the problems I identify.
What is important in the world today?
What can we do today to make the world a better place than it was yesterday?
What do you think? Do you have any ideas or suggestions?
I champion issues such as human rights, education, environmental stewardship, ethics, healthy living, community service, and bringing an end to racism and poverty. My goal is to make the world a better place.
As part of that effort, I am working to raise awareness about environmental issues and to encourage sustainable practices.
Call me an optimist, but I believe there is still hope with regard to environmental issues.
What do you think?
I favor renewable energy, sustainable development, family planning, conservation of forests and ecosystems, protection of biodiversity, pollution reduction, energy-efficient technologies including electric hybrid cars, and programs that encourage reducing, reusing, and recycling. I support strong and responsible environmental policies on the local, state, national, and international levels.
How do you feel about activism?
I’m a conservationist.
And I suppose that might seem a bit radical to some people.
But I ask you friend:
Is it really so radical to appreciate the beauty of nature?
Is it somehow unreasonable to want to preserve that beauty for future generations to come?
Is it irrational to want to protect the planet we depend on for survival?
Is it really so radical to value these things?
Is it somehow wrong to put the preservation of the planet ahead of
profit motives?
—to put the Earth first?
—even if it means making some sacrifices?
Greed will always exist. It’s part of human nature.
Do you think that most people would prefer to have a healthy planet?
How can we get people to care less about money and their own selfish interests?
How can we influence people to care more about the environment?
How can we persuade more people to do something?
Questions like these touch on profound psychological, sociological, economic, and political issues.
What do you think?
Perhaps we can help them see the value in a healthy environment, raise awareness about environmental issues, and show them some things they can do to make a positive impact.
Do you have any ideas or suggestions?
I commend efforts to raise awareness of environmental issues through music and popular media.
Do you have any ideas about how to get the message out there?
I look forward to learning from your thoughts.
Together, we CAN make a difference.
Have you done enough for the environment today?
Ladies and gentlemen, the Earth is under assault!
Right now, as you read these words—
species of animals are going extinct,
rainforests are being burned,
and pollution is being poured by the ton into our air, land, and seas.
It's as if war had been declared against our planet.
This is an emergency, people!
But who is screaming for change???
Actually, more and more people are speaking out about it and are getting involved.
What can you do?
It isn't enough just to know that the problems that exist.
Be active!
Do something about them.
Find or create solutions.
Get involved.
Take a stand.
Do something positive.
Make a difference!
Hola amigos míos y amigos aún desconocidos. ¡Hola a todos! Bienvenidos a mi sitio web. Gracias por tu visita. No hay nada aquí muy interesante. Sin embargo, espero que todos disfruten lo que he puesto aquí.
Mi nombre es Scott, pero varios amigos me llaman Antonio. Soy universitario y activista. Estudio la biología y además me interesan mucho el medio ambiente, las ciencias físicas, la filosofía, la literatura, y la historia del mundo (y ciertamente el futuro del mundo también). En este momento, estoy viviendo en el estado de California, en los Estados Unidos.
Soy casi bilingüe. Es decir, hablo español más o menos bien—pero, aunque he estudiado el idioma por dos años, todavía no lo hablo con propiedad. Quiero dominarlo y sueño con hablarlo con fluidez. Sigo estudiando y perfeccionando mis conocimientos y, poco a poco, cada día aprendo y entiendo más de la lengua. La verdad es que necesito mucha práctica con mi conversación. Si alguien quiere charlar conmigo, me gustaré chatear por Skype o cualquier mensajero instantáneo. Pues bien, por favor, envíame un mensaje aquí en Myspace si tienes ganas de conversar. Si tú estudias el inglés, podré ayudarte con eso. Podríamos intercambiar conversación en las lenguas respectivas. Espero tu correo.
¡Ya es hora de actuar!
Seguro habrás oído mucha discusión en los últimos tiempos acerca del tema del medio ambiente. El cambio climático y el calentamiento global han recibido mucha cobertura en la media masa. Pues, ¿hay realmente una necesidad de otro escrito en que se trate del asunto? Creo que sí. Por una parte, parece que, irónicamente, la abundancia de toda esta información y el hecho de que ella nos bombardea continuamente ha causado que la mayor parte de las personas se haya entumecida ante ella. También, es probable que algunas personas se sientan simplemente abrumadas de todo. Tal vez, ellas se hayan resignado completamente en la creencia que los problemas son demasiados enormes o complejos para poder resolverlos. Pueden ser otras personas querían hacer algo, si tuvieran tiempo. Hoy en día, uno puede estar tan ocupado con todas las demandas de la vida cotidiana que piensa que no puede hacer nada. Por estas razones, creo que es importante que yo escriba este mensaje para decirles a todos que en cualquier caso, sí pueden lograrlo, y no hay tiempo para gastar. Nos hallamos en una Tierra en mucho peligro y la situación es realmente crítica. Sin embargo, hay muchas cosas sencillas que cada persona puede poner en práctica inmediatamente y fácilmente para hacer una diferencia positiva. Si trabajáramos juntos, podríamos mejorar el mundo con el fin de que nuestros niños y las generaciones del futuro tengan un planeta sano y hermoso. Por favor, haz algo hoy.
Quiero centrar un momento en una cuestión de gran importancia.
Estoy hablando sobre la necesidad de poner un fin al curso de las extinciones de las especies animales y plantas.
Creo que esta desaparición representa uno de los problemas más graves ante la humanidad hoy en día.
¿Por qué?
Toda la vida en el planeta Tierra está ligada. La pérdida de la biodiversidad amenaza la red ecológica frágil de nuestro mundo. Tanta la raza humana como todos los especies de la vida dependen en la balanza preciosa de la naturaleza y sus sistemas.
El tremendo éxito de la especie humana ha alterado ese equilibrio drásticamente. El masivo desarrollo de nuestra sociedad ha sido desastroso para los otros seres vivos de la Tierra.
La creciendo población humana tiene un apetito sin fin por los recursos naturales y cada día ella requiere más espacio por las viviendas y la agricultura. De día en día hay menos bosques y áreas naturales disponibles donde los animales salvajes pueden vivir.
Esto está causando una extinción masiva en lo cual estamos viendo la eliminación de miles de especies cada año.
Aunque muchas personas todavía no hayan dado cuenta de este hecho preocupante, muchos de los animales más admirados del mundo están en peligro. Ellos incluyen los tigres, los chimpancés, los elefantes, los rinocerontes, los osos polares, y una larga lista de otros.
Sí, esto es la verdad. Es bastante triste—como una pesadilla—pero es la desafortunada realidad.
¿Cuántos animales necesitan extinguirse antes de que nosotros digamos que es bastante?
¿Cuántos se desaparecerán antes de que hagamos lo que es necesario para cambiar nuestro modelo de comportamiento?
¿Cuándo haremos lo correcto?
Yo creo que necesitamos hacer algo ahora. Por favor, únete al movimiento y actúa hoy.
Si trabajamos juntos, podremos realizar milagros. Gracias por tu consideración.
Un saludo,
I suppose that I'm an idealist.
I want to improve the world.
I think that deep down most people would like to
do more to take care of the environment,
but might feel too busy to do anything.
In today's fast-paced world,
it's easy to get caught up in the "rat race."
Think about it.
What do you do for a living?
How do you spend your time here on Earth?
Are you doing enough to make the world a better place each and every day?
Could you do more?
If you’re like most of us, you could probably do better.
Shouldn't the answers to these questions be
that you make the world a better place?
If you don't, then perhaps you should ask yourself why not.
Maybe it's time for a change.
Are you working to improve the world night and day?
—or are you just making your employer rich?
Maybe you’re working to get a bigger house?
—or a more expensive car?
—or the latest fancy gadget?
Why do you work?
Think about it for a moment.
Now I’m not suggesting that we should feel guilty
—for having to support ourselves
—or for desiring a comfortable existence.
But perhaps we should critically examine the values of our consumer culture.
We're conditioned to believe that more is better
—that our purpose here in life is to own more and more
—that we succeed in life by buying bigger and better things.
But is that the most important reason to live and work?
The relentless pursuit of “the American dream”
can occupy all our time if we let it.
Our busy lifestyles can leave us
with little time and energy to spare.
We may find ourselves exhausted
just trying to keep up with all the demands.
And with much of our attention occupied by our busy lifestyles
we are distracted from the growing global problems.
Our entertainment is a diversion.
Television, video games, and shopping
are forms of escapism
—escape from the reality of our situation
—and the growing crisis we face.
And who can blame people for wanting to escape?
Our natural inclination is to enjoy life. It’s human nature.
Most of us don’t enjoy worrying about serious problems.
It’s all too easy to pretend the problems don’t exist
and to just go on as usual under the illusion that everything is ok.
It’s all too easy to procrastinate and push the problems off on future generations.
But isn’t that irresponsible?
—when lives are at stake?
—and when time is running out?
It’s altogether possible that
there might not be future generations a hundred years from now
if we don’t do something about these problems now.
Our survival as a species hangs in the balance.
That’s how serious the situation is.
The future of the human species is in real jeopardy.
We can’t afford to sit idle
and pretend the problems don’t exist.
Think about it…
If your house was on fire,
you wouldn’t just sit there
and ignore the problem.
You would do something—
—wake your family
—call someone
—get help
—put it out
You wouldn’t just ignore the fire
and let it destroy your home, would you?
Yet that’s exactly what some people are doing.
This scenario isn’t far from the truth.
There’s a small but growing fire in our home.
It has done some damage already.
But it’s not too late.
We can still put it out
—before it gets completely out of control
—and engulfs our entire home
—before it destroys everything
—we’ve worked so hard to build.
Friends the time to act is now!
There is no time to delay.
Life is too short.
It zips by too fast.
Time slips away.
Don't lose this opportunity to act.
If not now, when?
Next week?
Next year?
After you graduate?
—or get that promotion?
—or get the mortgage paid off?
—or when you retire?
By then, it might be too late.
Stop procrastinating!
When is it time to stop putting it off and take a stand and start doing something?
Why not right now?
Take action.
Take a stand.
Make a commitment.
Make a difference.
Improve the world!
Make the world a better place every single day.
What is your mission in life?
What are you waiting for?
Don’t just ignore that problem next door,
—or down the street,
—or across town,
—or across the globe.
Do something about it!
Don’t procrastinate.
Don’t put it off.
Don’t delay,
—or postpone it for tomorrow,
—or for when you have more time,
—or energy,
—or money.
Make time!
Take the initiative.
Do something about it.
Say something.
Tell someone.
Write about it.
Write someone.
Take action.
Let others know the way you feel.
Do something
—at work,
—at school,
—at home,
—in your community.
And keep doing it!
Keep saying something
—and keep telling people,
—and keep writing,
—and working on it,
until it gets fixed!
until the problem is resolved!
Please do something today. :)
->Scott A. Milton
Hay muchos problemas en el mundo hoy con respeto al medio ambiente. Nadie le gusta preocupar acerca de ellos, pero es importante que los consideremos para que podamos resolverlos. Tenemos sólo una Tierra, y debemos cuidarla. Por favor, haga una diferencia. Haga algo importante. Hágalo hoy.

My Interests

Nature, Art, Music, Literature, Science, Science Fiction, History, Computers, Philosophy, Teaching, Learning, Seeking Wisdom, Wondering...

Aspiro a resolver todos los problemas del mundo.

Hello friend.

After a good deal of consideration, I have come to believe that climate change (aka global warming) is one of the most serious and urgent challenges confronting humanity today. However, I am aware that many people may still be skeptical of such a claim and may be hesitant to accept the seriousness of the current situation.

I agree that it is important to maintain a healthy degree of skepticism and to think critically regarding important issues such as this. And while I certainly wouldn’t expect you to embrace the cause simply because I have, I hope you will consider it further.

As you will likely agree, it is important to consider the relative strengths and merits of the evidence for and against a case when coming to an informed decision. What will it take to convince you?

Please consider that with regard to climate change, there is a significant body of evidence that demonstrates that (1) it is in fact occurring and that (2) the actions of humanity are having a direct impact that is causing it to increase and worsen.

(1)Recent measurements demonstrate that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are on the rise, and comparative atmospheric measurements from ice cores demonstrate that current atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are higher than they have been in history of the humanity. Globally, the ten hottest years on record have all occurred within the last fifteen years. Measurements show that ocean temperatures are rising and that a considerable amount of melting is taking place in the world’s glaciers as well as in the arctic and Antarctic regions. These are measurable phenomena. Climate change is happening.

(2) It is true that a certain amount of climate change does occur naturally as a cyclical phenomenon, and some skeptics have pointed to this in arguing that the current global warming trend is perfectly natural. However, there are some important facts to consider which refute the credibility of such arguments. For one, it is a proven fact that (A) cars and factories burning fossil fuels like gasoline and coal are producing emissions of carbon dioxide. It is a demonstrable scientific fact that (B) carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases trap heat. Furthermore, with the growth of the human population since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, there has been an increasing demand for energy and transportation which means (C) there are now more cars and factories producing such gases than in the past. These facts aren’t in dispute. There are no reputable sources that are arguing that (A),(B), and (C) are not true. Logically, more cars and factories are producing more greenhouse gases that are trapping more heat, which means that humanity is contributing to global warming and climate change.

Don’t take my word for it, friend. Please look into it yourself. There is a tremendous body of evidence that supports the correlation between human activities and global warming. I invite you to research the topic further for yourself and share what you find.

And please keep in mind that one needn't give up everything to make a difference. Even small changes to personal habits can make a big difference (i.e.- conserving, reducing, reusing, recycling, buying energy efficient light bulbs, appliances, and transportation, etc.). And if you put your mind to work on the issue, you might generate some ideas for new technologies and solutions as a way of contributing to the attempt to solve this problem. Not only could you help solve one of humanity’s most serious problems but, conceivably, you could become famous and wealthy in doing so. Imagine the possibilities.

Please get involved. :-)

->Scott A. Milton

Click here to read a joint statement on climate change from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and ten other science academies from around the world.

Click here to read the results of a NASA study on climate change.

Ready to do something about climate change?

Here are some links to get you started:

Top 10 Things You Can Do to Reduce Global Warming

National Wildlife Federation's Global Warming Page

Stop Global Warming Global Campaign

Environmental Protection Agency Climate Change Page

MySpace Global Warming Group

I'd like to meet:

I’d like to network with interesting people, including Artists, Authors, Clothing Designers, Coffee Drinkers, Comedians, Computer Artists, Computer Buffs (Engineers, Programmers, Web Designers, etc), Composers, Doctors, Economists, Engineers, Environmentalists, Film Makers, Hippies, Historians, Intellectuals, Inventors, Investors, Linguists, Logicians, Mathematicians, Musicians, Music Lovers, Nature Lovers, Painters, Performing Artists (Acrobats, Dancers, etc.), Philanthropists, Philosophers, Photographers, Political Scientists, Product Designers, Professors, Promoters, Pundits, Researchers, Scientists (Chemists, Geologists, Astronomers, Physicists, Biologists, Geneticists, Botanists, etc.), Social Scientists (Psychologists, Sociologists, etc.), Spanish Speakers, Students, Theologians, Thinkers, Trivia Buffs, Venture Capitalists, Writers, and anyone interested in any of these endeavors or subjects.

If this is you, please invite me to your group and / or add me as a friend so we can chat.

Vibrant. Full of Potential.
As the Sun rises on a new day—
So full of Promise.

I fervently and passionately believe…
In the aesthetic grandeur of life,
Of higher consciousness,
Of learning,
The triumphs of the human intellect and spirit.
Not ignoring the bad we’ve done,
But rather believing in
And recognizing
The power and potential
Of the good we can do
To overcome and improve.”

--Scott A. Milton

"Yo sueño con paz
en todo el mundo
y toda la gente
trabajando junta
toda a la vez
para resolver los
problemas del mundo

¡Se puede!
La podemos realizar
Para nuestro futuro
Para nuestros niños
Para nuestro solo mundo"

--Scott A. Milton


You can...
make the world a better place
help overcome humanity's challenges
solve the world's last mysteries
invent novel technologies
create new knowledge
be fulfilled
be happy


This moment
is a new chance
a new opportunity
The future is yours for the taking
Take a moment to commit
from this moment forward
to improve your life
to improve yourself for the better
to improve the lives of those around you in some way
to make the world a better place to live in
both for yourself and for future generations


--Scott A. Milton

Please support these organizations:

Is Halliburton ripping off U.S. taxpayers and putting U.S. troops in harm's way? Check out the following documentary clip and decide for yourself.

This video is provided purely for educational purposes as a tool to stimulate critical thinking and debate. I am not expressly endorsing or opposing the views within. Please feel free to share your thoughts on the arguments and other content presented. Do you find the video credible? compelling? entertaining? upsetting? Why or why not? What points do you agree or disagree with and why?


Classical, Jazz, Fusion, Rock, Alternative, Metal, Punk, Jam Bands and Reggae, Electronica and Dance, Hip Hop

Let's see...

Classical: Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Vivaldi, Rachmaninoff, Schubert, Lizst, Mendelssohn, Gershwin, Brahms, Debussy, Schumann, Wagner, Copland, Strauss, Bizet, Grieg, Albeniz, Tarrega, Torroba

Jazz / Fusion: Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Weather Report, Karizma, Jack DeJohnette, Cal Tjader, Chick Corea, Return to Forever, Tribal Tech, Buddy Rich, Max Roach, Dave Weckl, Dizzy Gillespie, Gene Krupa, John Scofield, Bill Evans, Dave Brubeck, Joe Henderson, John McLaughlin, Louie Bellson, Art Tatum, Frank Zappa, Brecker Brothers, Alex Acuna, Liquid Tension Experiment, Steps Ahead, Tony Williams, Yellowjackets, Pat Metheny, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Bruford, Louis Armstrong, Bela Fleck & the Flecktones, Herbie Hancock

Rock, Blues, and Funk: Beatles, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Crosby Stills Nash (Young), Eagles, James Gang, Who, Stevie Ray Vaughan, U2, ZZ Top, Joe Walsh, George Thorogood, The Police, Pink Floyd, Ted Nugent, Styx, Steppenwolf, Steely Dan, Bob Seger, Santana, Ten Years After, Eric Johnson, Billy Joel, Jethro Tull, Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Money, Steve Miller Band, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Mana, Mahogany Rush, King Crimson, INXS, Cream, County Joe & The Fish, Derek and the Dominos, Doobie Brothers, Doors, Dire Straits, Dr. John, Bob Dylan, Heart, The Guess Who, Grand Funk Railroad, Genesis, Free, Peter Frampton, Foreigner, Foghat, Jeff Beck, Allman Brothers, Bad Company, Butterfield Blues Band, The Cars, Eric Clapton, The Byrds, Boston, The Black Crowes, David Bowie, B-52’s, Bootsy Collins, Average White Band, The Meters, Fishbone, George Clinton, Parliament, James Brown, Sly & The Family Stone

Alternative: Nirvana, Sublime, 311, Third Eye Blind, Blink 182, Pearl Jam, Primus, Nine Inch Nails, Tool, Audioslave, Stone Temple Pilots, P.O.D., Jane’s Addiction, Papa Roach, Korn, Incubus, Green Day, Godsmack, Gin Blossoms, Foo Fighters, Coldplay, System of a Down, Staind, Soundgarden, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rage Against the Machine, Radiohead, Puddle of Mudd, Blind Melon, Candlebox, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Velvet Revolver

Metal: Aerosmith, AC/DC, Deicide, Metallica, Motley Crue, Van Halen, Dio, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Slayer, Lamb of God, Meshuggah, Fear Factory, Cannibal Corpse, Krisiun, Morbid Angel, Cryptopsy, Guns and Roses, Skid Row, Hatebreed, Rush, Ratt, Rainbow, Alice Cooper, Scorpions, Ozzy, Dream Theater, Alice in Chains, Bon Jovi, Kreator, Kataklysm, Exodus, Death, The Crown, Anthrax, Slipknot, Megadeth, Ministry, Sepultura, Sevendust, Avenged Sevenfold, Vader, Testament, Napalm Death, Nuclear Assault, Machine Head, Chimaira, Origin, Nile, At the Gates

Punk: Sex Pistols, Pennywise, Bad Religion, Bad Brains, NOFX, Subhumans, Black Flag, Fear, Circle Jerks, DRI, Suicidal Tendencies, Germs, Corrosion of Conformity, Dead Kennedies, Stormtroopers of Death, Ramones, Misfits, Minor Threat, Exploited, Cro-Mags, The Damned, Agnostic Front, Sonic Youth, Rudimentary Peni, Vandals, RKL, Crass, 7 Seconds, Plasmatics, Buzzcocks, Circle Jerks, Social Distortion, Dropkick Murphys, Rancid, The Cramps

Jam Bands and Reggae: Grateful Dead, Phish, String Cheese Incident, Moe, Galactic, Jazz is Dead, Dave Matthews Band, Widespread Panic, Blues Traveler, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Israel Vibration, Leftover Salmon, Merl Saunders, Jerry Garcia Band, Mickey Hart, Bela Fleck & the Flecktones, Medeski Martin & Wood

Electronica and Hip Hop: Chemical Brothers, The Orb, Crystal Method, Prodigy, Infected Mushroom, Mos Def, Method Man, DJ Dara, Fatboy Slim, Rabbit in the Moon, Christopher Lawrence, Jason Blakemore, Uberzone, DJ Icey, Goldie, Hive, Orbital, Hardknox, DJ Dan, Donald Glaude, Pendulum, X-ecutioners, Omar Santana, Ron D. Core, Dieselboy, Mix Master Mike, Notorious B.I.G., Ludacris, Cypress Hill, NWA, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dog, Ice Cube, Emenim, Wu-Tang Clan, Tupac, Afro-Rican, Beastie Boys

Wow! That's a lot of bands! lol. It may seem like quite an extensive list to some of you, but there's so much music out there that I've barely scratched the surface in my years of music listening. I'm sure there are countless great bands and tracks I haven't yet heard, and great new music is coming out all the time. I try to keep my horizons open and check out new tunes whenever possible, but I just don't have as much free time as I used to, and it's hard to keep up with the music scene. If any of you would like to recommend one or more of your favorite bands, CDs, or tracks, I would greatly appreciate the tips. Good music makes the world go around. hehe.


Hmm. I've seen so many. lol. Let's see
I could mention so many good films in various genres, but perhaps the most important ones to recommend are the documentaries regarding important contemporary issues.
The 11th Hour
Who Killed the Electric Car?
An Inconvenient Truth
A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash
The World According to Monsanto (now available free as a 10-part series on
Please see these movies even if you disagree with the views or political affiliations of the films' narrators. The environmental and economic issues discussed in these films are critical problems confronting the human race. These are not just political issues. They are human issues. Since we all live here on Earth, we each have an ethical responsibility to do our share to take care of the planet and preserve it for our children and grandchildren. Please get involved. You can make a positive difference!
Thank you :)


Discovery channel, TLC, The History Channel, Univision, Telemundo, CNN, Fox News, Starz...


Lately, I've been on a Greek kick. I've been reading some of the Greek classics including "The Iliad" (Homer) , "The Odyssey" (Homer) , and "The Theogony" (Hesiod) .
I recently finished reading "Jason and the Golden Fleece" (aka "Argonautica") by Apollonius of Rhodes--a masterpiece of early literature written in Alexandria, Egypt in the third century B.C.E. The translation is by Richard Hunter and is brilliant. It's an epic adventure set in pre-historic Greece that follows a group of heroes as they set out on an arduous quest filled with peril and adventure.
More recently, I read "Prometheus Bound" by Aeschylus (translated by James Scully & C. John Herington). It's a Greek dramatic tragedy about Prometheus, a Titan, who has been condemned by Zeus for giving fire to mortals.
I'm currently reading "The Histories" by Herodotus (translated by Robin Waterfield). It's a gripping collection of accounts that tell the story of the Persian Wars (a series of wars between Greece and Persia--the latter being the dominant regional power at the time--that took place at the beginning of the fifth century BC). Herodotus has often been pointed to by scholars as having been the first "historian" and has also been called the "father of history" for inventing (and naming) the literary genre. He was a masterful narrator, and "The Histories" is nothing less than a magnificent work of art.

I love the Greeks! TOGA TOGA!! LOL
Scientific American, National Geographic, Time, Reader's Digest, PC Magazine, Popular Science


All the people out there working hard to solve humanity's problems and make the world a better place.

Add to that all the great men and women throughout history that have made a difference including environmentalists, scientists, philosophers, artists, musicians, authors, intellectuals, and spiritual teachers.

Would you like to share some of your insights, observations, experiences, or questions? I welcome your input and look forward to learning from your thoughts.

Good health is a precious thing. Please don't damage yours by doing drugs.

Live long and prosper!
Here's wishing you and yours health, wealth, and success.

All the best,

My Blog

Human Overpopulation?

Are there too many people on the planet Earth right now? At what point can it reasonably be said that the human population is too large? Human overpopulation, population stabilizati...
Posted by Scott on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 02:32:00 PST

¿Podrías ayudarme con el español?

Bien. Estoy aprendiendo el español. Aquí voy a escribir unas pocas líneas para practicar y tratar de memorizar el vocabulario de varias acciones. Si algo te parece extraño o incorrecto, por ...
Posted by Scott on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 02:47:00 PST

Some of my favorite quotations...

Greetings friends. I'd like to share a few of my favorite quotations. I hope you find them stimulating. :-)Enjoy, ->Scott "Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kip...
Posted by Scott on Thu, 01 May 2008 05:55:00 PST

¡Por favor, díganos algo interesante! :-)

Describa lo que pasó cuando Ud. hizo algo increíble o tuvo una experiencia extraordinaria. ¿Qué ocurrió?
Posted by Scott on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 01:19:00 PST

If you could solve any of humanity’s problems, which would it be?

If you had the power to immediately solve any one (but only one) of humanity's biggest problems, which would it be?
Posted by Scott on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 11:06:00 PST

If you could have the answer to any one question...

If you could have the answer to any one question, what would it be?
Posted by Scott on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 11:01:00 PST

If you could meet any person that ever lived, who would it be?

If you could meet with any one person, living or historical, who would it be? If you could say or ask only one thing to that person, what would it be?
Posted by Scott on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 10:59:00 PST

If time travel were possible, where would you go?

If time travel was possible and you could go backward to visit any historical era, where would you go?
Posted by Scott on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 10:56:00 PST

If you could resurrect any one historical figure...

If you had the power to resurrect any one historical figure back to life and bring them to our modern age, who would it be?
Posted by Scott on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 10:54:00 PST

How will you be remembered when you’re gone...

If you could be remembered by future generations for only one thing, what would it be?
Posted by Scott on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 10:50:00 PST