Jamie Galgano: Indie Music Distribution profile picture

Jamie Galgano: Indie Music Distribution

Indie Music Distribution!! National Distribution

About Me

Need Music Distribution?
Wanna do FYE music in-store performances??

JG –M&P-: A distributor and marketing company for indie bands and artists who wish to get their music CD in mainstream traditional music stores. Stores like FYE, Wherehouse, and Strawberries to name a few. Keep in mind these stores are all major chain stores that report to Soundscan.
Indie-Advantage**: artist-band program is specifically designed to micro-market your music to the area the specific city, state or town you are promoting. Tracking sales as well as in store performances is our key to keeping up to date sales as well as restocking stores and assisting you with your promotion and marketing of your title. Our system is truly UNBEATABLE!
We Offer: Distribution, Registration, Development, Marketing & Promotion and more!
For more information, please visit JG -M&P-
or email: [email protected]
**Please note:
*JG -M&P- does charge for services rendered.
*Not all artists will be accepted into the program.
*Discounts available for labels with 2 + artists/bands.
*Packages can and will be built to fit any artists/band budget.
With an impressive 20 years in the music & entertainment industry, James “Jamie” Galgano remains dedicated to gaining recognition for Independent Artists throughout the world.

Jamie’s grandfather, Tony Galgano - founder of Galgano Music Distributors - started in the music business working for Columbia Records. In the 1940’s he decided to create a business where all of the records stores could purchase music from all of the labels. Hence the “one stop” was born. In forward years, his son John (Jamie’s father) became pivotal in the growth of the business.

Jamie began his career at Galgano Music Distributors as the Singles Coordinator and slowly introduced Indie product into the mix. Jamie followed in the footsteps before him and achieved not only recognition within the music industry itself but also for the Indie Artists he represented.

In addition to artist development and branding, on behalf of his clients Jamie acquires and maintains relationships within the industry and its affiliates, markets and networks their talent and products, provides creative direction and still specializes in distribution both digital and physical.

Indie music being the cornerstone of the industry, Jamie Galgano has stayed true to his original commitment…to be the best at what he does.

Consultation ~ Development ~ Marketing ~ Promotions ~ Distribution
For more information on the services Jamie provides email him at:
[email protected]

Instant Messengers: My-Space
jgalgano913; AOL
galganojg; Yahoo
jgmpinc; Google Talk

My Interests

Avid ice hockey fan. NFL. Love to go out and have a few drinks just chatting the evening away. Of course my family.

I'd like to meet:

Throughout my career I have met a ton of people from music, film & television.

World Visitor Map


I have a variety of musical interests.


Comedy - Action
Fletch, Gone Fishin', Tommy Boy, MASH series, Animal House, Caddyshack, Blues Brothers, Easy Money (TOTAL Classic!) to name a few.


Mostly news, Discovery Channel, History Channel, Tru TV, NFL (Chicago Bears!) Ice Hockey. Baseball if I am bored.


Did the Harry Potter thing. Newspaper.


Grandfather and Father
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Your only choice for your independent music distribution.
We listen to your individual needs... Our indie artist-band program is specifically designed to micro-market your music to the area that needs the attention. Tracking sales and airplay is our key to keeping up to date sales as well as restocking stores and assisting you with your promotion and marketing of your title. Our system is truly UNBEATABLE! Come inside browse around and see why Galgano is your only choice for your distribution needs!
We're here to help you reach the next level!
For over 50 years Galgano Music started in the 1940's as a one-stop. As the business began to change, we felt we had to change with it. So over the past 20 years we have geared ourselves just for that, becoming one of the country's top indie distribution companies.
We are a major label as well as an independent distributor for NATIONAL major retail chain stores. Stores such as Transworld Entertainment, (Camelot, FYE, Coconuts, Strawberries, Wherehouse, Sam Goody, Musicland etc.), Amazon and Top Hits Entertainment.

My Blog

Music Distribution Program

Need Music Distribution? Wanna do FYE music in-store performances??       &nbs p;          JG M&P- is a distributor...
Posted by Jamie Galgano: Indie Music Distribution on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 07:18:00 PST