munchme profile picture


Style or Content? Thats not Rhetorical!

About Me

Hi there! and welcome to the crazy artsy world of Munch Me! Munch Me first met up in the toilets at infants school. A YEAR AGO! they had a common intrest. They wanted to prance around on stage in front of their peers but could'nt decide which medium to express their desire. Then one day Jezza noticed that if your in a band, it would seem, it is compulsory to dress up like a twat. So with this in mind they formed a band. Then they left the toilets. Outside in the playground they met up with keyboardist roland yamaha and drummer Robert Sibbons. They have played many a venue including "the borderline shite" in blah blah, " The Art college dropout " in sowot and "The Bomb This Club to Save Our Culture!" in some poncy district in London. Now with the help of their Dad "shmahat" they are sure to hit the big time soon!

My Interests


Member Since: 7/31/2006
Band Members: Jezza - spoons,kazooo and the reflex.Jazza - hairspray, guitar and makeup.Roland - keyboards, eyeliner and cinnimon grahams.Robert Sibbons - atrai st, drums and his brother Kevin?
Influences: Bavid"the parrisite"Dowie, blonker, the Bruce Lee's, Total Recall, The Sucks, cube arse, Bleary Bollocks, Kunt and the gang, Sparse!, The Letdowns, Harry and the Shit rakers, Snake Slime, Mr Archer, Depressed Teen, cant, you, bands, just, go, away?, the barries, the marries, the carries, Dane bowers etc etc
Sounds Like: Brit Pop Fairground Music
Type of Label: None