Ok girls and boys this is a quick message to all.
Thanks to everyone for your help and support over the last three months.
I finished the London Marathon in more or less one piece.
Today and for the next few days I shall be wincing
in pain. My left leg is particularly painful (for you nurses and doctors out there I have agravated my IT band, the iliotibial band)
and it looks like the toe nail on my right little toe is about to fall off.
The moment of truth.
Al vs The Marathon
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Hello, my name's Al.
Last December I was mysteriously invited to the Mall in London and was presented with an envelope. Disappointingly, it was not a Mission Impossible assignment request that would self-destruct in 5 minutes, it was far more daunting and frightening. In the envelope contained my acceptance form for the London Marathon for which I never applied by the way. My two so-called mates Steve and Mark had set me up and challenged me to run the London Marathon. I don't really think for a minute they believed I would accept, but I called their bluff and accepted their dare.
What was I thinking? I have never run a marathon, never run a half-marathon, and even running for the bus I find a bit taxing subsequently necessitating a lie-down in a darkened room. As you can see my fitness levels are not exactly first-rate so there’s a lot of work to be done. So over the coming weeks I will put together a series of video diaries of my training trials and tribulations - the highs and lows, the aches and pains and the triumph and the tears. Come with me on my journey to becoming Marathon Man (as in a man who runs a marathon as opposed to the victim of a WW2 war criminal in Dustin Hoffman’s film Marathon Man). You will see how my training progresses until the big day on April the 22nd.
As well as attempting to train for the 26 miles, I work as a designer for Exit Magazine, the worlds leading art fashion and photography magazine. I also try to fit in my serious and escalating passion for music. I have 1000's of records, 1000's of cd's and about 6 mp3's. Some of this is aired to the Disco Funking London masses.
I love movies, food (both cooking and eating it), walking in the rain and hugs from a pretty girl when I can.
Al vs The Marathon - Week 1
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Al vs The Marathon - Week 2
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On lengthening runs whilst training for the London Marathon, I have been noticing bits of art, on the walls of my current route.
Some of them are great, like this Simian based piece.