Hi! Now it's almost ready. My album. It went really fast writing it and recording it.Almost done in a month or so. Then, nothing. Just a lingering song,"Ten Bucks , born in the old defunct
Gramercy Park Hotel inNYC .Recorded the night it was written, in the hotel room, while I was in town working on theCaesars'album. It had something, something that made people tell me to put it on the album among the other songs though it was slightly out of context. OK, so I did. OK, it will be the first single. Of course it had to transform a bit first.Klas Ã…hlundofTeddybears STHLMadded some instruments on top of the vocal and guitar recorded that January night.Soon it will be mixed and the released.I'm a songwriter/producer/mixer living in Stockholm,Swedenwhere I moved after a bunch of years working inLos Angeles ,I kinda missLA though. I mean, the production company I'm running,
Mix Inc,is pretty successful and, sure, the air is great, but I miss something...maybe it's in the songs. 11 songs concieved in different hotel rooms in different cities in different countries. They do share a common place though. Sad, but hopeful. Grieving - Forgiving. Old, yet curious. And...together they share a name: Hotel Rooms - Birth Of A Salesman .MidOctoberseems to be a good time for release I think, as I try to seasonally place the feelings that make up the words and sounds of the album.
Yes, mid October it is. Meanwhile, listen to a few songs right here just so you know what it will be like.See you soon! O.