Hope Waits profile picture

Hope Waits

time for a change

About Me

" ... listening to Waits’ emerge full-blown on her debut album is a stark and fairly stunning revelation. Be ready." Bill Bentley - Studio City Sun Magazine
" ... a rare combination of ability, class and grace- qualities that could well make this new artist the modern day equivalent of Billie Holiday. Simple is the operative word ... an album that easily rates as one of the best debuts of 2007." Fred Adams - HonestTune.com
"These three tracks (Fortune Teller, Ballad of Judith Ann, Ignatius) are earnest, breathy and rousing all at once. “Ignatius” is especially lovely; Waits’ voice is lilting, hinting of past pain, but her lyrics are resolute, demanding transformation; a perfect finale to a fine premier disc that puts Waits in a league all her own. Beautiful." Lois Desocio - JazzReview.com
“Hope Waits is the new ’Lady Day’. Somewhere between Janis Joplin and Billie Holiday is an incredible voice and feeling that generates electricity. A new voice of patience, meaning and an unbelievable sense of style that has a proven way of transcending all the female vocal music that means the important message of art to our generation.” Gary Miller -BluesSource.com
“ ... a coy chanteuse who will totally floor you singing the blues … coming across as the sultriest southern singer since Allison Moorer.” Kevin Wierzbicki– Campus Circle Magazine
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests


Member Since: 7/29/2006
Band Website: hopewaits.com
Band Members: for the record:
hope waits on vocals, background vocs, & acoustic guitar
peter malick on electric, acoustic, steel, and dobro
butch on drums, percussion, background vocs on "fortune teller"
jeff turmes on upright & electric bass
phil parlapiano on piano & keyboard
steve marsh on clarinet
david woodford on sax
lee thornburg on trumpet
ducky carlyle: background vocs on "you crossed the line".

Influences: hungry children, a warm sun with a cool breeze, uncertainty, sanity, lucid dreams, a vunerable man, fears and strengths, rain on a tin roof, snow, what makes a human being strong, driving through the desert, a f-ing good movie, love, hot chocolate and cozy socks while reading: to kill a mockingbird, the bell jar, life of pi, the secret history, one day in the life of ivan denisovich, the little friend, written on the body, the alchemist, the stone gods, into the wild, me talk pretty one day or anything by david sedaris.
the following places, people, things, and eras of music: history, london, paris, the french riviera, vencencia, roma, tibet, ireland, belarus & russia, the st. john farm, southern gospel, old blues, old jazz, old country, catholic guilt, my mother and father, my 17 siblings, my insanely brilliant bambino, the old magnolia tree with that long branch I used to sleep in as a child that caused me to dream for days on end....... and the names of the musicians below ... have all put a big fat voodoo curse on me:
billie holiday, chet baker, ray charles, bob dylan, aretha franklin, nina simone, joni mitchell, tom waits, ryan adams, etta james, bonnie raitt, johnny cash, lucinda williams, hank williams sr., darrell scott, shawn colvin, fiona apple, rufus wainwright, t.j.d., shelby lynn, dayna kurtz, ani difranco, patty griffin, elliot smith, ray lamontagne, damien rice, ludwig von f-ing beethoven, and on, and on, and on ... oh, and this guy....
"I prefer to learn everything through music. If you want divinity, the music in every human being and their love for music is pretty much it. It’s the big indication of their spirituality and their ability to love and make love, or feel pain or joy, and really manifest it, really be real...you have an Eden immediately from the time you are born, but as you are conditioned by your caretakers and your surroundings, you may lose that original thing. Your task is to get back to it, to claim responsibility for your own perfection." -Jeff Buckley

Sounds Like: whatever your ears hear, my dear
Record Label: RadarProof
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

a new song for you

I was thinking...well, it was actually the brains behind the music that was thinking. what would you think of getting a hidden track for free, as an MP3 in your email? A song not released. A heart-thu...
Posted by Hope Waits on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 03:44:00 PST

The South is calling, you can hear her whispering, come hither, come near

Happy New Year!!! 2007 brought some amazing adventures my way. The biggest of events included the release of my first full-length CD, and a move to Los Angeles, CA. In addition, there were some wonder...
Posted by Hope Waits on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 10:18:00 PST

Venice Mag Article Inside.... Nashville Rocks My Socks Off

So, I really do hate blogging sometimes.... it feels like homework when I really just want to be quite..... I'm tired, yet restless, so I wanna talk about Nashville and seeing myself in Venice Magazin...
Posted by Hope Waits on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 12:54:00 PST

Nash-Vegas Baby....

Oh, how sweet the sound of southern comfort.... I can hardly focus on anything other than the thought of beautiful Tennessee mountains coming my way in just a few short days... I spent my whole life w...
Posted by Hope Waits on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 01:51:00 PST

CD Release Party / Sister Gets Engaged......

Well, Just a wonderful night all around last night. The band was amazing: Peter, Jeff, Kirk, Marco, and Eric...... Thank you guys so much! It was incredible. Thanks to everyone who came out to listen...
Posted by Hope Waits on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 11:36:00 PST


Ok Y'all,Looks like we are up and running for the CD on iTunes (Not quite yet) and Nimbit!!!! Thanks to the lovely Landry, you can steer your eyes to the right of the screen for the Nimbit downloads. ...
Posted by Hope Waits on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 11:54:00 PST

It’s a Damn Good Day, Hey Hey

The sun is shining in beautiful Old Hollywood today, the birds are singing (ahmm, pigeons), and the peace and quite I'm getting as I focuse on writing new music is just about all a girl could ask for ...
Posted by Hope Waits on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 11:10:00 PST

CD Pre-Release: Special Offer....

The date for the CD release has been pushed back slightly to September 18th.You can now order the CD early from www.hopewaits.com The early release price is a little higher, but then again, you don't ...
Posted by Hope Waits on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 06:33:00 PST

SXSW Film Festival Independent Film: Broke Sky

If you plan on being anywhere near Austin this weekend, you should definately check out all the great music..... and maybe a film or two;-)   Just got word that one of the films will have "Y...
Posted by Hope Waits on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 05:44:00 PST

Costume Jewlery, New CD

Well, well, well. I have some news. CD is finished. Not packaged yet, but the final mix is done. We're just waiting on the final master to be complete. Not sure if that's actually started yet, but I w...
Posted by Hope Waits on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 01:38:00 PST