Throughout my childhood, people always told me I would grow out of this voice. Boy! Were they wrong. As I got older, I started to accept it. I ignored people who made fun of me and embraced my voice as something unique. It didn't take long before I started dreaming of being a cartoon voice. Well, some dreams get tossed back to the back burner and are left to stew a while. Two years ago on New Year's Eve, I decided maybe it was time to go for a dream. Why didn't I try to become a cartoon voice? I had been a theatre major at San Diego City College performing in straight plays and musical theatre all over San Diego. So now it was time to find out what happens in a studio. I went to a local studio/teacher, Madeline Wild of Radio Magic and started studying. The great thing about the classes is that they take place in an actual recording studio with headset, mic, you name it! Soon after that I was ready to record my demo. She's All Cat! was recorded, edited, and produced at Radio Magic and can be heard at, only snafu is that's where their help ended. I was now on my own to find an agent, or a job, or anything! This is where I am now. But I thought, wait a minute! Why wait for an answer and not just go out there and make an opportunity for myself. I started One Green Safety Pin in the same style as One Red Paper Clip and I'm hoping for a dream come true. If you can help... please do! Tell anyone and everyone. If you like my voice and would like to help me bring life to an animated being, let's take this journey together!!
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." – Anatole France
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