...... Graphic arts, classic cars, drinking, art, writing, music, movies, clubs, armageddon theories, religions, people, rational thought, unity, irrational and abstract thought, clocks, travelling, anti-racism, performing, playing guitar, joking around, making an ass out of myself and the list will go on...
........ Anyone who has a head on their shoulders instead of up their ass.
...... Hardcore, Metal, Death, Black, Industrial, Punk, Gothic, Death Rock, Electronic, Power Noize, Ambient, Blues, Jazz, Grindcore, Bluegrass, Classical, Country, Oldies, Classic Rock, Hip Hop. Rap, Old School R&B ect ect and by now you should see I am pretty much into everything under the sun...
........ Fight Club, The 5th Element, Punch Drunk Love. Donnie Darko, O' Brother Where Art Thou, Cannibal Holocaust, Zombie, Gummo, Meet The Feebles, Dolemite, The Mac, Shaft, A Christmas Story, Goonies, The Outsiders, Payback, Return Of The Rebels, Happy Gilmore, City Of Lost Children, I Spit On Your Grave, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, They, The Exorcist, Scarface, Boyz In The Hood, American Me, American Pie, Hollywood Knights ect ect...I love all sorts of movies from gore to sap to comedies to horror. It's all in there.
........ I went for over 10 years without cable bothering with the antenna was a waste for me. I found that most TV these days is dogshit but what I enjoy is pretty much following a trend of my endless thirst for knowledge. These days I am tuning into MythBusters, Dirty Jobs, Grey's Anatomy, CSI (the OG one, fuck those other bites), Bones, House, History's Lost & Found, Without A Trace, Cold Case, WWE crap (yeah yeah, it's funny as hell), Metalacolypse (Dr Roxxo b-b-baby) and pretty much anything on the Documentary Channel.
........ Robert Frost, Ray Bradbury and many more. I've fell out of reading over the years. Something I should get back into.
........ Anyone who works hard to make some sort of change in their life and strive for some sort of goal instead of just sitting there and whining about their situations.