ROCK N' ROLL UPDATE: Walt and Dave are playing together again with the rythem section of Clydesdale in a project called EASTERN ANCHORS , if you like what you hear here you will love the swirly noise of the Anchors so go be their friend now. CHECK-out VIDEOS FOR ALL OF OUR BANDS on youtube. Benny is still in oregon and ralph is in NY state somewhere with shaun from the ankles
A Viva La Hara! documentary and live dvd are on the slow boat but eventually will surface from our friends at thirdhandfilms and tiny little records . Photos from Wefest 2006 are over here . Thanks to all our awesome friends for supporting the band and putting up with our stage banter. We really enjoyed ourselves and you've all made it worth the while again. We are not doing any more shows because we've 'broken-up' again, although there was some drunken talk about doing a West Coast US tour, because Ben is moving to Portland and can hook it up; we would also consider Japan if somebody wanted to pay for that trip. So Just slip us some money. If you missed a show where we were giving out records for free you can download the fruits from the first return show at MAXWELLS or most of our catalog from It's the best band friendly deal on the internet.
READ THE AVISO' INTERVIEW: The Return of the Conspiracy on Jim Testa's Jersey Beat blog.
Abstract: Born in late 1995 Aviso' has been a driving force in the N.J. indie rock scene till their sudden disapearance in the winter of 2001. A re-examination of the music has brought the group out of it's slumber for a few shows and a live album. You should almost be able to feel the tension that will only make sense after that first drink hits your lips.
Download Video: Bradley Wake-up »
Adequacy: "Psst,I'll tell you a secret. Rock-n-roll isn't really dead. It never died. It just goes into hiding every now and then. I'm talking about straight-ahead, guitar-driven rock, the real stuff. There was a resurgence in the mid-90's in the underground scene, and I believe there is again a resurgence, with bands like //insert rock-band-name-of-the-moment-here// garnering a lot of press lately." [email protected]
Your Flesh: "Aviso'Hara proceed from the "emo/indie" vein, perhaps directly tapping Superchunk who defined that genre without being contained by it in the process. And neither are A.H. overmuch constrained by its orthodoxies. It's like they learned the formula by heart and having fully assimilated it, consciously assented to fucking around." - Howard Wuelfing
"If there's any justice in this world, this band will be huge. All the math
rock geeks who love Sonic Youth and Jawbox would worship the stage that
Aviso'Hara tear apart with their tweaked chords and barbed wire arpeggios.
Cascading volume, toppling you over with punchy drums and innocent college
charm, Our Lady of the Highway is the Flaming Lips in the making." -Timothy