Throughout New Jersey, there are many slammin' rock bands/solo artists/singer/songwritersthat have survived or have grown even during the Hip Hop and boy band era. Bands whopersevered through the muck of a saturated, spoon fed, pop-culture market. Some of them arequite popular, others need the exposure.
This website is a tribute to these bandswhos influences including Melodic, Power, Folk, AOR, Progressive, Acoustic, Classic, NuBreed, Pop, Alternative, Indie, Blues, Funk Metal or Glam that have stayed true to Rock NRoll.
Want to post an upcoming show
or need a bandmember?
Post on the JERZ ROXGroup
We will profile music artists weekly, so send us your info(ie. pics, description, songclips(which will be streamed)and a T-shirt if possible) and add us as your Myspace friend.JERZ ROX will be sending people to various shows for live reviews. The idea is being thrownaround to release a JERZ ROX CD with tracks from Jersey based bands, so we will keep youupdated on that project.We also support adds by NJ clubs, record companies, agencies,graphic artists and fans of New Jersey rock.
This website is for everyone to join!! Be sure to view our entire friends list and checkout all of the bands that Jersey produces, there are brand new artists and artists that youwill remember from back in the day.
There are DJs willing to play tracks from bandsand artists at various local bars and clubs, so send us your ttracks if you want you wantsome attention! You can send all CDs andpress kits to:
503 Marlboro Road
Old Bridge, NJ 08857
AllMP3 files can be emailed to:
Keep Rockin JERZ Style!