Guillaume Soloacoustic profile picture

Guillaume Soloacoustic

Alrighty then! ...

About Me

Gigs to look forward to in your area:
This crazy french name of mine is pronounced "GIAM"
(Liam with a G, like "guitar")
I'm a French/Aussie performer with quirky songs about love (good,
bad, or weird), scary friends, filthy habits and the Aussie and outback culture.
And also sometimes some less funny stuff, just pretty...
But mainly silly really!
A more complete bio and more MP3s can be found on my website
This week's
special friend:

I met some members of LAMPLIGHT while hanging around a friend's house in Melbourne, they were practising vocal harmonies for another project, while I sat in the corner listening... There was only so much beer for all of us, so we shared and made it last longer... And now they've asked me to open for them at their Adelaide gig. Hurrah!

My Interests


Member Since: 7/27/2006
Band Website:"
Band Members: Download Shape Shifter for free

could easily be seen as a departure from my usual stuff...
I had a bunch of pretty songs hanging around
and felt they would be better off put together
instead of spread over several more comedy orientated releases.
There are still two comedy songs on the EP
(And boy! Are they silly!)
and the title track is a testimony to my love of pop music...

You see, I can never stick to just the one sound
when I perform live.
I like to try and keep the audience interested and surprised.
This EP is an illustration of this in a way.

Plus my sister Krystell told me she prefers my serious songs...
So there.


Here's a short interview
from Robet Dunstan
of Adelaide's leading street mag Rip It Up...
Influences: BUY GUILLAUME's CDs

I suggest you hurry, as I've just been on tour and I have sold the last of my personal copies. So these are the very last ones available (I won't reprint)...
Dated 19 April 2008

$15 (Less than 10 copies left!)

$10 (Less than 10 copies left!)

RACQ Man (2006)
$10 (Less than 5 copies left!)

Add More Sugar
To Taste (2006)

If you're in Adelaide, you can also go to
Big Star Records ...

Sounds Like: Don't be afraid to scroll down this section,
as it is jam packed with goodies...
And I regularly keep adding stuff. Hurrah!


So let's start with a real silly song...

La Niña
Recorded by Swifty on his mobile phone
at a small gig in South Australia in June 2007...


And here are two MP3s for your downloading pleasure...

Recorded live-to-air on Tuesday 14 August 2007
on ABC Hobart (Tasmania, Australia).

Dole Bludga - Live to air

Wanna Be Home - Live to air

The announcer is Joel Rheinberger
and the producer Peter Wels.
The sound guys were John and Justin.


In October 2007, I promoted my CD launch
with a 30 second ditty, on my favourite local radio

The CD Launch Song

I had previously recorded a 40 second song for them,
to encourage people to subscribe to the station...

Click here to listen to
The Three D Sticker Song


Woodford Folk Festival 07-08
Troubadour Stage Sunday 30th Dec 2007

Here's a low-res small portion of a live performance of 'Shape Shifter',
with Mal Webb doing some impromptu beatboxing.
Later he told me that as soon as I started the song, he thought "Hoo! 80s drums!"
and jumped on stage to add beats, like only he knows how... Fun!

This was quickly captured for posterity by Emma Luker (from The Fiddle Chicks)
on her mobile phone, from backstage...

Well, I suppose you had to be there... Hehe...


More Live to air songs...

These were recorded on
The Three D Lounge with Dale
on Tuesday 9th October 2007.

Together Again - Live to air

CD Launch Song (extended) - Live to air


Live-to-air on
Radio Adelaide
The Range - Friday Sessions

You can listen to a podcast edit of a live-to-air appearance
which was on Friday 16 May 2008.
And you can also download it if you prefer.

There are five live-to-air songs:
Shape Shifter
URFES (a Mal Webb cover)
My Afghani Heritage (a Soursob Bob cover)
I Never Know (a new song co-written with Nazz from King Daddy)
and a made up song for the "Ukelele challenge"
(very moving, that one...).

Click here why dontchya!

Record Label: Soloacoustic Productions
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

PHOTOS of Grace Emily Hotel 5 June 2008

Jason took beautiful pictures of the gig I did supporting James Cruickshank at The Grace last Thursday... Click on the photo to see them...Cheers,G....
Posted by Guillaume Soloacoustic on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 07:56:00 PST


I've just been invited to perform a short setlive on Radio Adelaidetomorrow (Friday 16 May 2008)at 4pm (Adelaide time)...YOU CAN LISTEN TO IT ONLINE06:30 am GMT04:00 pm Australia SA04:30 pm Australia ...
Posted by Guillaume Soloacoustic on Thu, 15 May 2008 10:55:00 PST

Funny posters...

I finished archiving all my old posters in my pics section... Some of them are quite funny...Enjoy!
Posted by Guillaume Soloacoustic on Tue, 13 May 2008 02:06:00 PST

March-April 2008 TOUR Blog

This tour was never going to be as intensive as the previous one, merely an excuse to visit friends and have a good time, by doing a few gigs along the way&The road trip from Adelaide to Canberra took...
Posted by Guillaume Soloacoustic on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 07:59:00 PST

The Big Lovin 08 - PICTURES!

Oh what a delightful evening we had!Thank you to all those who attended...Jason (the sound engineer extraordinaire) decided the gig would be a good oportunity to test his newly acquired camera, and to...
Posted by Guillaume Soloacoustic on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 11:06:00 PST

Red Centre Holidays...

Not much to say really.My little holiday up North is fun and relaxing...Here are a couple of pics...Kata Juta's "Valley Of The Winds"King's CanyonKing's Canyon's "Garden Of Eden" WaterholeI'm in Alice...
Posted by Guillaume Soloacoustic on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 07:21:00 PST

07 Tour Blog 5 (FINALE)

Adelaide CD LaunchI thought I'd close this series of 07 Tour Blogs with a recap of the Shape Shifter CD Launch, which took place at The Grace Emily Hotel on Saturday 13 October 2007.I ended my two mon...
Posted by Guillaume Soloacoustic on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 06:19:00 PST

07 Tour Blog 4

NOTE: I've been rather busy upon my return from touring, so this blog is awfully late (almost two months!). Still, I hope you enjoy it...----------------------------Newcastle, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbou...
Posted by Guillaume Soloacoustic on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 07:00:00 PST

07 Tour Blog 3

Canberra, SydneyOff the plane from Tasmania, I only dropped at Mahatt's in Melbourne for a couple of hours. A quick coffee and chat with Georgia and Lillybub, pack up and go...I made the decision of m...
Posted by Guillaume Soloacoustic on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 08:44:00 PST

07 Tour Blog 2

TasmaniaIt's hard to switch from living in my car with all my stuff, to just a couple of bags to go on a plane... Or so I realised as I checked in at the Melbourne Airport Jet Star desk for my flight ...
Posted by Guillaume Soloacoustic on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 03:11:00 PST