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God Eternal within us All

About Me

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MySpace Slideshow Upload Images Help! MySpace MySpace Editor Photo Collage Beginning about 4.5 billion years ago, the theory goes, a galactic cloud of interstellar gas and dust collapsed and ignited in a blaze of thermonuclear fusion to create our Sun. Swirling around that fireball were particles that gathered into spherical clumps, whose gravitational fields attracted smaller clumps, and so on, eventually creating the four terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) and the four gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune), with Pluto, that icy enigma, playing at the outskirts. All told, cosmologists say, it took 100 million years for the solar system to take shape... width="425" height="350" ..I am the outermost planet of the gas giants. I have an equatorial diameter of 49,500 kilometers (30,760 miles). If I were hollow, I could contain nearly 60 Earths. I orbit the Sun every 165 years. I also have eight moons. They are kind of like my children. Despina Galatea Larissa Proteus Thalassa Triton Naiad NereidI was discovered by **Johann Gottfried Galle on September 23, 1846.** (in my blog) Oh what a night that was. You have to love recognition, for not all is science, but mysticism holds far more truth.I am also the planet of deception and spiritual enlightenment, I rule the oppressed and abandoned. (In other words the misfits of society.) Of course on a higher level I also rule visionaries, and those who are glamorous and charismatic. For sometimes are they not the misfits themselves. I represent spirituality, mysticism, and ideals.Speaking personally, my house position and its aspects with other planets will describe spirituality, abstract thinking, illusion, disillusionment, and areas of your life where things aren't always what they seem. Ahh yes I rule derangement, guilt, persecution and describe the potential for experiences related to confinement, abandonment, and addiction or physical intolerance to drugs or alcohol.Ahhh and don't forget the powerful God. Neptune (Poseidon in Greek mythology), was god of the sea and earthquakes. I was depicted as a bearded man with long hair, holding a trident and accompanied by dolphins and fish. I was the one with the reputation for having a very bad temper. To show my rage I have induced storms and earthquakes. O I have split mountains and thrown them into the sea to make islands. And O I love the water. The constant flow, the incredible power, the peaceful surrender. Athletes ride on it, dreamers look to it, kids giggle as they run through streams of it. Ice, snow, sweat, ponds, pools, it doesn't all is drawn deep.

My Interests

You are 100% Pisces
How Pisces Are You? I am the ruler of Pisces being the higher octave of Venus, bring beauty to a higher, more spiritual level. I also hold rule over dreams, the subconscious mind, illusions , fantasies and all things magical and enchanting. I add to intuition (which is governed mainly by the Moon ) and is nothing if not compassionate. It is for this reason that I often require a selfless sacrifice for the good of someone else. I impart a giving spirit and instill you with the highly sensitive, I help you become sensitive to subtlety, and therefore increases the artistic side of the personality. I rule all communication, which is done with symbols or gesture, such as photography, film, ballet and other dance arts, music , painting and poetry. I also rule the sea and all other bodies of water (no matter how small), rain, ice and anything frozen, liquids of all kinds (including beverages and alcohol) and drugs, both the bad ones which make us suffer and the good ones which make us well. I urge you to excel and to exceed boundaries, rejecting any and all limitations . But since the Mist alters reality, there are times when I cloud issues and make it hard to decipher facts. I can make you deceive yourself (or be deceived by others), or just make you misunderstand or be misunderstood. I rule all that is glamorous and sparkling , but bare in mind that my visions are not very real. That's Saturn's business...see Saturn's job is to give you cold, hard truth. You need a planet to inspire us too.

I'd like to meet:

Travelers and theives...beggers and dreamers. Lovers and the broken hearted. More likely if you have found me I would like to meet you. Whether you are misfit or glamorous...or glamorously misfitted.

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Ok for those of you who are in fact more scientifically inclined I will quickly fill you in on some of my more obvious statistics.... Mass (kg) --1.024e+26 Mass (Earth = 1)-- 1.7135e+01 Equatorial radius (km) --24,746 Equatorial radius (Earth = 1)-- 3.8799e+00 Mean density (gm/cm^3) --1.64 Mean distance from the Sun (km)-- 4,504,300,000 Mean distance from the Sun (Earth = 1)-- 30.0611 Rotational period (hours)-- 16.11 Orbital period (years)--164.79 Mean orbital velocity (km/sec) --5.45 Orbital eccentricity --0.0097 Tilt of axis (degrees)-- 29.56 Orbital inclination (degrees)-- 1.774 Equatorial surface gravity (m/sec^2)-- 11.0 Equatorial escape velocity (km/sec)-- 23.50 Visual geometric albedo-- 0.41 Magnitude (Vo)-- 7.84 Mean cloud temperature --193 to -153°C Atmospheric pressure (bars) --1-3 Atmospheric composition : Hydrogen--85% Helium---13% Methane €“2%


The Interior of Neptune Our knowledge of the internal structure of Neptune is inferred from the planet's radius, mass, period of rotation, the shape of its gravitational field and the behavior of hydrogen, helium, and water at high pressure. This cut-away view shows Neptune composed of an outer envelope of molecular hydrogen, helium and methane roughly the mass of one to two Earths. Below this region Neptune appears to be composed of a mantle rich in water, methane, ammonia, and other elements. These elements are under high temperatures and pressures deep within the planet. The mantle is equivalent to 10 to 15 earth masses. Neptune's core is composed of rock and ice, and is likely no more than one Earth mass. (Copyright Calvin J. Hamilton)


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My Blog

Adams, John Couch (1819-1892)

English astronomer who mathematically deduced the existence of the planet Neptune 1845 from the effects of its gravitational pull on the motion of Uranus, although it was not found until 1846 by J G G...
Posted by Neptune on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 08:12:00 PST

Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph (1811-1877)

French astronomer who predicted the existence and position of the planet Neptune, discovered in 1846.The possibility that another planet might exist beyond Uranus, influencing its orbit, had already b...
Posted by Neptune on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 08:11:00 PST

Johann Gottfried Galle

1812-1910 German astronomer who located the planet Neptune 1846, close to the position predicted by French mathematician Urbain Leverrier.Galle was born in Saxony, Prussia, and educated at Berlin. He ...
Posted by Neptune on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 08:08:00 PST