I love animals I have A dog ( ZOE ) & A cat ( JOVI ). If I ever saw anyone hurting a animal I would kick there arse I dont now how or why any one can do such a thing.
Dolphins are amazing I jist love them.
I would also like to learn to scuba dive one day.
Horse riding is great fun, its been a couple of years since I have done it though.
Summer is my favorite time of year, I just hate being cold.
Travling is awsome I have been to many places & intend to visit more .There are so many more things I like but will leave it at that for now.
I'd like to meet:
I would like to meet people who either would like help with there weight problems ,either loosing or gaing weight we have what I believe are the best products on the market today all natural wich is a huge bonus.Our programs come in a few diffrnt sizes , so I can help you all , wether its prise range or youre indivduel need.
Dont forget its not just weight lose its wellbeing as well whether you are a sports person
Or just interested in helping yourself to feel better , we have so many products to help you no matter what it is you are after , eg energy, imune system,healthy heart,direstive fution,all youre vitamin needs & the list goes on & rember its all natural.
We also have a fantastic range of skin care ,wich I wont go into on here ,but if you are iterrested just ask me.
I am also looking for people who have a interest in the wellbeing industry, to come on board as we all know there is a epademic out there of over weight people or they just dont feel wright, So I need youre help so we can help as many people as possible ,so they can enjoy there life as they would like to.once again if this is you just let me know , but I cant stress enough you must have a interest in wellbeing & helping others.
If you would like to know more please just send me a email
or if you have a interst in the busness please feel free to go to my web page www.futuresucces4you.net.auBEFORE & AFTERMY HERBALIFE STORYMandy RichardsonHi my name is Mandy and I have been asked to tell my story. I am 45 years old, and up until May 2004, I had spent all my life suffering from poor health, when I was young it was just like one day I felt good and the next day I didn’t.I came across these products via an internet ad, they sounded great but I had tried so many different things, I wondered how these products could be any better. But I hadn’t tried these products before so I started on the products, basically because I was sick and tired of being sick and tired!I have suffered from depression since I was young, the doctors thought the best thing to do was to put me on medication to help with my depression, the medication helped the problem but it made my weight increase by more than thirty kilograms. Nine years ago I also developed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and as a result of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome I was constantly tired and couldn’t do much. I became depressed again, meaning more medication…I couldn’t work which meant I had no money to pay all my bills… and the cycle was going around and around.I didn’t know what too do!In May 2004 as I said, I came across the Cellular Nutrition Products… “YES I WAS VERY SCEPTICAL†But what else could I do? I had to try these products. My god, when I got on these products I couldn’t believe how I started to feel, within days my energy improved I slept more soundly and I just started to feel better. Month after month I got better and better. After I felt more confident I changed a few things around and I have now lost over 25 kilograms and 110 cms and the best thing is I’m off three of my5 depression medications and I have only a few kilograms to go, till I am at my goal weight.I can’t start to tell you how good I now feel, these products have given me a quality of life that I have never experienced before… I don’t even know where to start.Thank goodness for these products!
Ok a little about me,away from Herbalife , I love my music 70s & 80s manly , my favorite band is BON JOVi but there a lot more out there I like to , love rock there are also some great bands aroud thses days but not as many as there once was, also not as may places to go & see a good live band.
Its my Life 19/01/2008
If you look at the side & look up you can see me dancing LOL
Once again look at side if you see white its me LOL
Captain Crash
Living on a prayer
Whole lot of lovin
ok Tv I love all the Law & orders, csi without a trace, Lasvages wow there are few but will leave it that.
But my fav is sex & the city
I love self help books, I once never read but after seeing the wonderfull Jim Rohn well that changed my life & the way I think.
This is a pic of me & Jim Rohn, I know I look bad but I hade A huge week in the Gold Coast Lol .World Team confrence 2006
John Peterson & me enjoying the veiw
My Mum is the best I love her to death, Also Jovi ( my Cat)
Zoe ( my Dog ), Herbalife it has helpted me i so many ways.JIm Rohn, My friends you now who you are I love you all.
I cant forget John my soul mate & partner for life ,I love him so much, he is the best.