Hanging out with my kids, Robert 7 and Lily 5.Photographing stuff. Music. Drumming. Beer.test
Models wo want to work with me...and anyone who wants to pay me to take pictures. Some old rock stars who created the soudtrack to my life so far. Ufortunatly most of them are dead. Mostly I would like to meet my mates down the pub for a beer.
Anything that rocks. It's got to played with feeling.
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Some old classics like "Some like it hot". I like the Cohen brothers films...loads of stuff really. Anything py pixar...
I don't watch TV much. Everytime I put it on there's some reality-makeover-Holly Enders Street-big bruvva-search for a geek-celebrity pole dancing sort of thing on. What a load of bollocks......I like Dr Who though.
His Dark Materials. Biographies.
John Bonham. Keith Moon.