Everything about Thrash metal, Death Metal, Black Metal, Doom Metal,except nu-metal and emo BM (is NOT metal at all).
Please, visit my store for brutal stuff I'm selling:
I'm here just to contact and meet people who share my interests. I'd also like to meet people with good sense of humor. I'm a little sarcastic but, most of all time, I'm a nice person.
1349 ,
Abigor ,
Ablaze MySorrow ,
Abominant ,
Absolute Zero ,
Acerbus ,
Acheron ,
Acrimony ,
Adagio ,
Aesma Daeva ,
After Forever ,
Agalloch ,
Agathodaimon ,
Agent Steel ,
Amon Amarth ,
Amorphis ,
Anal Blast ,
Anathema ,
Ancient ,
AncientCeremony ,
Angel Corpse ,
Antimatter ,
Arcturus ,
Asmegin ,
At the Gates ,
Ataraxia ,
AutumnTears ,
Avulsed ,
Bal Sagoth ,
Bane ,
Bastardsword ,
Bathory ,
Beheaded ,
Behemoth ,
Belphegor ,
Benevolence ,
Bethlehem ,
Bleeding Display ,
Blind Guardian ,
Blood Coven ,
Bloodgasm ,
Blutengel ,
Borknagar ,
Brodequin ,
Burzum ,
Butchery ,
Cadaverous ,
Candlemass ,
Cannibal Corpse ,
Carnal Grief ,
Castrum ,
Catamenia ,
Catastrophic ,
Celtic Frost ,
Children of Bodom ,
Ciborium ,
Cinerary ,
Ciribus ,
Coffin Texts ,
Communic ,
Coprofago ,
Corpsevomit ,
Cradle of Filth ,
Crest ofDarkness ,
Cruachan ,
Cryptopsy ,
Cynic ,
Daemonarch ,
Damien Thorne ,
Dargaard ,
Dark byDesign ,
Dark Disciple ,
DarkReality ,
Dark Sanctuary ,
Dark Seed ,
Dark Tranquillity ,
Darkthrone ,
Dead Jesus ,
Death ,
Decay Of Salvation ,
Defleshed ,
Demion ,
Deranged ,
Descendent ,
Destroyer 666 ,
Diabolic ,
Diabolous ,
Die Verbannten Kinder Evas ,
Dimmu Borgir ,
Disgorge ,
Disiplin ,
Dismembered Fetus ,
Dissection ,
Divine Empire ,
Divine Rapture ,
Dominion III ,
Dornenreich ,
Dragonlord ,
Dream Theater ,
Drudkh ,
Dwelling Madness ,
Dying Fetus ,
E.C.T. ,
Edge ofSanity ,
Einherjer ,
Eisregen ,
Elend ,
Emperor ,
Empyrium ,
Enforsaken ,
Engrave ,
Ensiferum ,
Enslaved ,
Epicedium ,
Estampie ,
Eternal Tears ofSorrow ,
Eulogy ,
Ever Eve ,
Evergrey ,
Evil Incarnate ,
Falkenbach ,
Fates Warning ,
Finntroll ,
Fleshgrind ,
Fleurety ,
Gardenian ,
Gates ofIshtar ,
Gehenna ,
God Dethroned ,
Gojira ,
Gorgasm ,
Gorgoroth ,
Gorlock ,
Graveworm ,
Haggard ,
Hate Eternal ,
Hate Forest ,
Hate ,
Hatescar ,
Hecate Enthroned ,
Hellwitch ,
Helrunar ,
Immortal Dominion ,
Immortal ,
In Flames ,
In My Rosary ,
In theWoods ,
Incantation ,
Infamy ,
Infected Mushroom ,
Infest And Corrupt ,
Infestum ,
Inflames ,
Infusion ,
IngurgitatingOblivion ,
Inhuman Hatred ,
Insanity ,
Internal Bleeding ,
Iron Maiden ,
Isengard ,
Judas Priest ,
Kabak ,
Kalmah ,
Katatonia ,
Korpiklaani ,
Lab 4 ,
Lacrimas Profundere ,
Lacrimosa ,
Lacuna Coil ,
Langsuir ,
Leukorrhea ,
Limbonic Art ,
Lumsk ,
Maladiction ,
Malamor ,
Maleficent ,
Malevolent Creation ,
Malignancy ,
Marduk ,
Mayhem ,
Meltdown ,
Mithotyn ,
Monstrosity ,
Moonspell ,
Morbid Angel ,
MorkGryning ,
My Dying Bride ,
Mystic Circle ,
Naglfar ,
Nargaroth ,
Necrophagia ,
Neurosis ,
Night inGales ,
Nightrage ,
Nightwish ,
Nile ,
NokturnalMortum ,
Norther ,
Novembre ,
Nun Slaughter ,
Obituary ,
Obscurity ,
Old Man's Child ,
Opeth ,
Ophthalamia ,
Orphanage ,
Orphaned Land ,
Otyg ,
Pains Invention ,
Paradise Lost ,
Pessimist ,
Philosopher ,
Prophecy ,
Purgatoria ,
Purge Cannister ,
Pyogenesis ,
Ragnarok ,
Rancor ,
Regurgitation ,
Requiem ,
Rob Dougan ,
Rotting Christ ,
Sadistic Intent ,
Samael ,
Satyricon ,
Scot Project ,
Secrets of the Moon ,
Sepsism ,
Setherial ,
Sickness ,
Siebenbürgen ,
Sinister ,
Six Feet Under ,
Skinless ,
Skyclad ,
Slaughter Of Souls ,
Soilwork ,
Solstice ofSuffering ,
Spastic Ink ,
Strapping Young Lad ,
Stratovarius ,
Subterranean Masquerade ,
Suffocation ,
Summoning ,
Symphony X ,
Tchildres ,
Tenhi ,
Testament ,
Thanatos ,
The 3rd and the Mortal ,
The Gathering ,
The Insomnia ,
The Sins of Thy Beloved ,
The Vision Bleak ,
Theatre of Tragedy ,
Therion ,
Throes of Dawn ,
Thy Majestie ,
ThySerpent ,
Thyrfing ,
Tiamat ,
Tiburon ,
Trail of Tears ,
Tristania ,
Tristitia ,
Trokar ,
Turisas ,
Ulver ,
Unsanctified ,
Vader ,
VÃ li ,
Victims of InternalDecay ,
Viiarcano ,
Villainthropy ,
Vintersorg ,
Viral Load ,
Visceral Bleeding ,
Vivisect ,
VociferationEthernity ,
Vomit Remnants ,
Vulpecula ,
Weltenbrand ,
Windir ,
Wintersun ,
Within Temptation ,
Without Face ,
Wormed ,
Wyrd ,
Xasthur ,
Zyklon .
List last modified on Apr. 24, 2007
Seinfeld, The Simpsons, History Channel, Animal Planet, National Geographic,Discovery Channel