Edward Mandell House profile picture

Edward Mandell House

I'm bringin sexy back...and they'd better gimme a refund for it!

About Me

That's right folks, it's me! the Colonel!!
No, not Colonel Sanders
and NO, definitely not Steve Cropper either!
Some people ask me "Hey, Edward, haven't you been dead for almost 70 years now? Why did you decide to post on Myspace of all places? Doesn't hell have its own separate internet?
Well it's a long story...I had, in fact, been burning in hell for nearly 70 agonizing years before I decided to escape last May Day. I was basically a piece of meat on a rotisserie over an open flame and my butt was really starting to hurt. Late one night when the imp demon guards weren't looking, I made a run for it although Hitler and John Lennon had advised me not to. I told them "Listen, you overrated hacks! I was an adviser to Woodrow Wilson and I created the CFR to advise everybody else in the American establishment, who would then go on to fund you guys. I don't need this crap from you right now, got it?
So anyway, thanks to some stealth maneuvering I was able to escape my torture chamber. After walking aimlessly through endless caverns drenched in blood and screaming, I stumbled across the "Information Super Highway" which took me to a place called Myspace, and I've been addicted ever since. It actually kinda reminds me of Hell, only with more overt sexuality. Yes I regret to inform you that Myspace is a road to hell (I got here from there so yeah) but with all of the nauseating photos in people's profiles are you really that surprised?
Well anyway, enough about recent history....since most of you probably have no idea who I am, but have an encyclopedic knowledge about supposed Jesu-Zionist- Reptillians, how about some biographical information?
I originally came from Holland with the name Huis, which finally fell into House. My forbearers were for some three hundred years English, and it was from England that his father ran away. My father became a banker of property and distinction. He came to Texas when it belonged to Mexico. He joined the revolution, fought under General Burleson, and helped make Texas a republic. For his services in this war he received a grant for land in Coryell County. He lived to see Texas come into the Union, secede, and return to the Union. I was inspired. I have been obsessed with revolutionary movements and mindsets ever since, as long as they are controlled by me of course.
I got my first real sight of politics when I was a boy in Cornell University. My great chum there was young Morton, a son of the Republican war governor of Indiana. The Hayes-Tilden contest over the Presidency was being decided. Morton and I used to run away from Ithaca to Washington during that absorbing fight. By reason of his father's position in the Democratic party, he could get in behind the scenes as few young men could; and he took me with him. I saw the whole amazing thing. I made up my mind then and there that only three or four men in this country counted, and that there was little chance of rising to be one of those three or four by the ordinary methods.
I inherited my father's plantation after he died (which is why I dropped out of Cornell) so me and my brothers (proud members of the Ku Klux Klan...my slave ship owning father Thomas was also in the Klan) would remain wealthy for the rest of our lives. At the same time, I felt an uncontrollable rage towards those lazy bourgeois who inherited everything and swore I'd make it my life mission to put an end to it. Soon America and the entire world would become victim to my "progressive" policies.
I got involved in Texan politics with that spirit of revolution burning in my heart. I was a campaign manager and adviser to Democratic Governor James Hogg and his successors. My real break in politics, however, came when I met my best friend Woodrow Wilson. I became his adviser and alter ego and lead him to Presidential victory. We were joined at the hip basically from then on and I basically got to run America from behind the curtain.
I distilled my political beliefs into an anonymous tract disguised as a novel and called it "Philip Dru: Administrator." I wrote the book in 1910 and in it I advocate overthrowing the capitalist American system and replacing it with a socialist dictatorship. It's available on Amazon.com and it's probably one of the best books ever written hands down. In it I decided that "socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx" is by far the best policy America could hope for. It's also about the wonders of centralized dictatorship and martial law. Fun fun fun (till my armies take your freedoms away!)
Check it out!!! I'm on the cover of Time! My controlled like minded assets Hitler and Stalin have also been featured on the cover of this magazine as well as the Ayatollah and a host of other mass murderers and dictators ( my kinda people). Henry Luce (Skull and Bones) owns the magazine and President of Yale Charles Seymour (Skull and Bones) was my personal biographer and historian. On a related note, pay no attention to Harriman being an ambassador to the Soviet Union and pay no attention to H.W. Bush as an ambassador to Red China. They are cold blooded racist patriarchal capitalist oppressors (wink wink) and the only way young radicals can tear them down is by embracing socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx, wearing their Che shirts proudly... the working class of the world must unite and storm the world's political buildings...you can call it a revolution OR a Beer Hall Putsch, the intended end result is the same.
Not to get off topic (I'm trying to be autobiographical here)...Ten months before the election which returned Wilson to the White House because he ‘kept us out of war,’ I went behind his back and negotiated a secret agreement with England and France on behalf of Wilson, which pledged the United States to intervene on behalf of the Allies. If an inkling of the conversation between myself and the leaders of England and France had reached the American people before the election, it might have caused incalculable reverberations in public opinion. Thank goodness American values have mutated to the extent that the vast majority of people support wars of global domination now the Illuminati (uhh..I mean the Reptillian Zionist Jews) agenda would move forward unopposed.
Now I had other powerful friends in high placeslike Jacob Schiff, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers but those guys never actually signed executive orders themselves. Here I was puppeteering an American President who I could impose my will upon!! I am the most underrated and unknown grey eminence in American history.
There were rumors circulating in hell that almost all 10 planks of Marx's Communist Manifesto had been implemented on Earth (just like I've advocated in writing) so I had to see this for myself. I am proud of Chavez, Fidel Castro, China and all the rest of the countries still struggling against patriarchal capitalism! You guys were an investment that's returning big time! The workers of the word will unite under the phony banner of liberation and solidarity to destroy the scourge that is the United States.
I was also involved in drafting the League Of Nations in 1919 (the precursor to the United Nations), I also drafted the Treaty of Versailles, was involved in the founding of the Federal Reserve and the IRS.
My greatest accomplishment, however, has to be (as Joseph Kraft's article in Harper's Magazine of July 1958 entitled "School For Statesmen" clearly states) the founding of the *(drum roll)*
Yay!!!! I admit with GLEE that this financier of all subversive groups is currently eroding national sovereignty near you! We will have one world socialism envisioned by Trotsky and Marx by hook and by crook...you would also be amazed at how easy it is to condition the masses to conform while at the same time duping them into thinking they are rebellious. IMAGINE THERE'S NO HEAVEN! I CAN'T GET NO..DUH NUH NUH... SATISFACTION!
The Round Table Group (CFR 1921) had four pet projects, a graduated income tax, a central bank, creation of a Central Intelligence Agency, and the League of Nations...of course any similarity between these planks and the planks from the second chapter of the Communist Manifesto are entirely coincidental! ;)
We must NEVER forget the tireless efforts of our valiant comrades so long as their struggle is alive and well in our hearts...VIVA LA REVOLUCION!
It's great that all of our useful idiots (as well as bought and paid for operatives) who deny the severity of Marxist subversion in the United States and on top of that the illuminati's existence are so aggressive in bludgeoning legitimate anti-government dissent...keep lashing out at red (lol) herrings like Reptillians and Fallen Angels From Planet Lucifer, we've got em all fooled!
"House, almost like a Marxist of his generation, sees political institutions as little more than the superstructure upon underlying realities of business power." - Godfrey Hodgson, pg 52.
For more information on me or like minded Marxist agendas in the United States, please consult (or better yet just ignore) the following websites
My Website On Wikipedia
Yale University's website about me
More Pics Of Me (mostly butt and boob shots)
Even More Pics From Yale
Washington Post: "He Is My Independent Self"
Imagined power: the secret life of Colonel House
Me in Time Magazine 1923
TIME.com: House Papers - Mar. 15, 1926
Our Present Critic
Read Philip Dru for free online
Buy My Book Philip Dru On Amazon.com
Council On Foreign Relations
North American Union Info
federalreserve.gov(ernment duh)
FBI Info On The CFR
My Comrade Max Shachtman
My Comrade Irving Kristol, the founder of American neoconservatism
The ideological precursor to Neoconservatism, The Fourth International

My Interests

Marxism, Socialism, Collectivism, One World Government, Pan American Union, long walks on the beach, Disney On Ice, Subversion, perversion, conspiring, Fourth International, funding diversionary "subversive" groups who focus on alienating useless crap like Reptilians, Jesuits & Zionists! Oh my!, using euphemisms like "progressive" and "social justice" to mask my Marxist ideology, United Nations, EU, Owl of Minerva, Trilateral Commission, eating popcorn, drum circles, feeling a smug sense of superiority, laughing at how America is being brought to its knees by Marxist illegal immigrants, class warfare, ear infections, racial bickering, idol worship, elitism, namedropping, exploitation, puppet shows, lynchings, hanging out, Garbage Pail Kids, forcing Minnie to striptease for me, cotton picking, Skull and Bones, La Raza, Aztlan, asslawn streaking, mass murder, waterboarding, Beanie babies, kleptomania, crip walking, Pogs, Tomorrowland, bling blinging, butt pyramids with all seeing brown eyes, belly button lint, camping, putt putt golf, animal cruelty, revolutions, Eisenstein films, stamp collecting, drive by shootings, Splash Mountain, taking candy from babies, bitching about yankee imperialism and then rationalizing an invasion of millions of illegal immigrants, you know the usual stuff.

I'd like to meet:

like minded Marxists, Socialists, Collectivists, Feminists, Gay rights activists (subversives in general), Karl Marx, Malcolm X, Michael "Dr. Martin Luther" King, Uncle Remus, Che Guevara, Irving and Bill Kristol, Mikhail Gorbachev, Fallen Angels From Planet Lucifer, Rosa Parks, Reptillians, Tony Blair, Joseph McCarthy (so I can kick his patriotic, pro-American ass), J. Edgar Hoover (see McCarthy), George W. Bush (BEST PRESIDENT EVER!!), Rage Against the Machine (their message really resonates with the young radicals today so bravo!), Jimmy Page, the guys who forged the Elders of Zion on Marx's behalf (ensuring class warfare would continue amongst races and creeds), useful idiots, useless idiots, reactionaries, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion, people who blame the Zionists and space aliens instead of me (man you guys are perfect assets!) Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Michael Moore,outer space Adamic racists, Real Toms (the one we all know is fake), Rupert Murdoch, Donald Rumsfeld, Bob Avakian, C. Clark Kissinger, Allen Ginsberg, Pete Seeger, Angela Davis, nappy headed hos, Fredric Jameson, David Horowitz, Alfred Sherman, John Reid, Walton Newbold, Peter Mandelson, Denis Healey, Eric Hobsbawm,

Video Of The Day

Ron Paul at the GOP Presidential Debate


Mickey Mouse Club Theme Song
Songs Of The South
Rage Against The Machine (they're the Leni Riefenstahl of the American music industry bravo)
The Beatles (especially John Lennon)
The Coup
International Noise Conspiracy
The Last Emperor
Immortal Technique
Everything by Timbaland..musical genius for sure
Led Zeppelin IV
Red Army Choir
People suffering (music to my massive ears)


The Frankfurt School Explained
5 Minute Vid

Lecture on the UN-Marxism-Theosophical Connection
20 Minute Vid

Rumsfeld Empowers Stalinist Korea with Nuclear Reactors
3 Minute Vid

US Operates under Communist Manifesto's 10 Planks
6 Minute Vid

Charlotte Iserbyt: Soviet Indoctrination In Our Schools
10 Minute Vid

EU - The New Soviet?
5 Minute Vid

The Ant Bully - Ant Hill Socialism
1 Minute Vid

Bill Kristol: Son of a...Trotskyite
3 Minute Vid

Hillary Clinton CFR Speech 10-31-06
60 Minute Vid

CFR: Bush Revolution in Foreign Policy
45 Minute Vid

The UN: Look Into The Future
30 Minute Vid

Communist States Of America
10 Minute Vid

World Can't Wait = Communist Front
9 Minute Vid


CNN - Dobbs vs. Pastor
10 Minute Vid

CSPAN: "One World Communist Government"
3 Minute Vid

CNN's Lou Dobbs On The North American Union
4 Minute Vid

Dennis Miller Interviews CFR Member Walter Russell Mead
3 Minute Vid

CNBC: the Amero Agenda
2 Minute Vid


"On The Jewish Question" By Karl Marx
"The Communist Manifesto" By Karl Marx
"Neo Conservatism: An Autobiography of an Idea" By Irving Kristol
"Between Two Ages" By Zbigniev Brzinzski
"Unlimited Access" By Gary Aldrich
"Philip Dru: Administrator" By Me


Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, Cecil Rhodes, John Ruskin, the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, J.P Morgan, Allen Dulles, Jacob Schiff, Max Shachtman, Albert Pike, Aleister Crowley, Rosa Luxemburg, Baphomet, Adam Weishaupt, Edward Bernays, Jacques Ellul, Count Dracula, Giuseppe Mazzini, Oscar Wilde, Charles Darwin, Lucifer, Helena Blavatsky, Nero, Vladimir Lenin, Paul and Max Warburg, Shapeshifting Lizard People, Alfred Milner, W.E.B. Du Bois, Paul Robeson, James Patrick Cannon, Joseph Lincoln Steffens, Sylvia Pankhurst, Cecil L'Estrange Malone, Carl Marzani, Abraham Leon

My Blog

Comrade Of The Month Club

On this day of international solidarity, I believe it is important to begin paying tribute to the comrades, living or dead, throughout history that truly made a difference. If only there were more mon...
Posted by Edward Mandell House on Tue, 01 May 2007 11:34:00 PST

Putin's near-autocratic power resembles the old Soviet Union

Putin's 'sovereign democracy' looks familiar Putin's near-autocratic power resembles the old Soviet Union to opponentsBy Jim MacedaCorrespondentUpdated: 8:17 p.m. ET March 30, 2007MOSCOW - Vladimir Pu...
Posted by Edward Mandell House on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 06:43:00 PST

Ron Paul Fell For It

Ron Paul appeared on the March 30 edition of "Real Time with Bill Maher"...he walked into a carefully laid bear trap and I knew he'd be attacked, I just didn't realize how bad it was going to be. What...
Posted by Edward Mandell House on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 02:01:00 PST

Hate Mail from an ARA Thug! :)

We both make spelling mistakes and rely too much on personal attacks, but it was fun while it lasted :) I regret comparing him to Hitler but everything else was well deserved. I made some correction...
Posted by Edward Mandell House on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 12:53:00 PST

G. Edward Griffin: Truth About Communism

Narrated By Ronald Reagan. ...
Posted by Edward Mandell House on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 04:48:00 PST

MLK Was A Communist

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, JrI couldn't agree more....Sometimes human beings do need to stand up for what's right, regardless of ...
Posted by Edward Mandell House on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 06:16:00 PST

she speaks the truth...AND she's hot! YOW!

Posted by Edward Mandell House on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 05:01:00 PST

People Waking Up All The Time (Video)

I just found this on youtube...listen to this disillusioned former Reublican supporter from Wyoming after learning the truth about Dick Cheney....
Posted by Edward Mandell House on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 08:47:00 PST

The Bloody History Of Communism (Video)

Posted by Edward Mandell House on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 06:13:00 PST

45 Communist Goals - With Commentary

I decided to repost this important document with my personal commentary included. I hope you can enjoy it while you wake up in the process. Marxist ideologues in American society have been working ov...
Posted by Edward Mandell House on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 07:51:00 PST