Atle Helland Strom profile picture

Atle Helland Strom

I am here for Friends

About Me

I am a 30 year old drumer from Stavanger. Lived here all my life. Best place to be!!! I work in Stavanger Stillas Service AS and being a musican. I am a drummer who plays in several bands, mostly bluesbands. As you can see from my calender, i have some gigs now and then with different bands. I am also booking agent for the blues club in Stavanger.I play on a Drum Workshop kit, with the sizes: 22x18 basdrum, 12x9 tom and 16x12 floor tom (all in silver sparkle). My snare drum is a Gretsch, silver sparkle. I have a DW 5000 basdrumpedal. I have different cymbals such as Sabian, Ufip and Zildijan.Also check out our (Eric "Slim" Zahl & The South West Swingers) new website: www.ezmusic.noShould you or your band ever need a drummer, please contact me!See ya around! ;-)

My Interests

Music!!!! Mostly blues & rock n.. roll.

I'd like to meet:

I have met a lot of good people, and also played with them. Here are some of them: Reidar Larsen, Arne Skage, Kyrre Sætran, Oddvar Solheim, Svein Ole Fjelde, Thomas Matre, Arnt Ove Kvernenes, "Totto" Nilsen, Gunnar Engen, Roald Brekke, Øystein Undem, Eric "Slim" Zahl, John Lilja, Tore Bruvoll, Roy Rogers, Bent Patey, Frode Larsen, Brynjulf Blix, Morten Golten, Kurt Slevigen, Arne Rasmussen, Richard Gjems, Hans Marius Stormoen (R.I.P), George Kilby Jr, Pat Savage, Jonny Augland and Homesick Mac.


BB King, Reidar Larsen, Stray Cats, Brian Setzer, Mike Sanchez, Roy Rogers, Bluebirds, Sven Zetterberg, Dick Dale, Seatsniffers, Vidar Busk, Kurt Nilsen, Setptember When, Stavanger Ensamblet, Whitesnake, Him, Big bang, Morten Abel, Kaizers Orchestra and Dumdum boys


Lord of the rings, Spinal tap, Band of brothers, Das boot, blues brothers and any movie regarding the 2. world war


Little Britain, sport (mostly football), concerts, comedy and music documentaries.


Agatha Christie, Colin Dexter, Alister MacClean, Nemi, Tommy & Tigeren and Rex Rudi


Steve Gadd (best drummer ever!!!!!), Knut Køningsberg, Knut Hem, Per Eriksen, Martin Winstad, Peter Erskine

My Blog

New pictures!

Hello everybody! Check out my new pictures! Please leave a comment! See ya around! Atle
Posted by Atle Helland Strom on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 12:52:00 PST