Hi, and welcome to my corner of MySpace! My name is Yngve and I'm a guitar player/ teacher born and bred in Norway. I live in Rouen, France with my wife (who's french) where I work as a guitar teacher at the district's largest private music school (see link, in French).
A little background info: I started playing when I was 12, and I've been playing ever since, a lot for certain periods, somewhat less other periods. I started taking lessons from day one, and I've done music studies in Norway and in France. I listen to lots of different stuff. I started out listening to rock and metal, but discovered blues, jazz and classical music pretty soon. Now I listen to anything I like, regardless of style.
I've been on and off in several bands during my guitar playing years - some pop, some rock, some metal, some prog, some top 40 and a little bit of jazz, blues and reagge. I've been giving guitar lessons for about 15 years now, full- and part time. I've also been giving quite a few bass lessons and I love to play the bass from time to time, even though Mr. Clarke, Sheehan, Hamm and Myung needn't fear anything.
The songs I've listed have all been made on a Boss BR 864 8 track recorder; all drums are the integrated drum machine, all bass is me playing either a real bass (4 or 5 string), a Gretch baryton guitar or in the worst case a Boss bass modeler with a standard guitar. Hope the songs are kinda enjoyable and that the sound isn't TOO bad... Feel free to comment, but bare in mind that it's not recorded in a professional studio and that it's basically just me having fun and making bricks out of straws...
Anyway; feel free if you want to drop a comment, discuss music and equipment, introduce me to your own music or invite me to a concert/ event. And if you live near Rouen and need a guitarist or a guitar teacher do not hezitate to contact me! If I'm not the only one, I'm certainly one of very, very few guitar teachers in Normandy who speaks English (not to mention Norwegian...).
Salut, je suis un guitariste/ prof. de guitare d’origine norvégienne, et j’habite à Rouen. Je travaille comme prof. de guitare dans l’École De Guitare De Rouen, www.apprendrelamusique.fr
J’ai commencé de prendre des cours de guitare quand j’avais 12 ans (et ça ce n’était pas hier, j’ai 34 ans), et j’ai donné des cours de guitare depuis 15 ans maintenant, plein temps et mi- temps. J’aime bien beaucoup des styles différents, et j’ai joué dans des groupes du rock, pop, métal, fusion, blues reagge et un tout petit peut du jazz.
Les chansons que j’ai affiché ici sont des bêtises que j’ai fait avec mon huit pistes Boss BR 864, donc ce n’est pas des enregistrements « professionnelles ». Mais n’hésite pas de me dire qu’est ce que t’en pense.
Sinon, si t’as besoin d’un guitariste/ prof. de guitare autour de Rouen, n’hésite pas de me contacter !
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